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JP Hampton

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Everything posted by JP Hampton

  1. I get why you’re saying this, and agree with you but I’d also have to agree with @Sheltons Army response too. I don’t really believe they thought or cared if we had a top six team, their main objective was to get NP out. Whatever reason they used for getting rid of him, they knew from previous experience that eventually they’d be able to side step this notion of a top six team or top end team, fans would soon forget (even thought they haven’t,yet). I think they hoped to work on the premise that they’d get enough fans on board, with the idea that NP wasn’t going to take us up. I think they underestimated what a good proportion of fans could see that NP was actually getting the best out of that team, given the players he had and as you say LM isn’t working that way. He’s not working on the team he has, but the team he wants. Now LM has come in I believe they knew exactly what he was going to bring to the club, the changes that would be needed and I believe they will be willing to spend, they clearly just didn’t want it to be spent with NP in charge.
  2. So at what point or what would need to happen, for the lone striker idea to be parked. I’m not convinced Tommy’s the right person up front, in fact would anyone be doing better if the problem is service? I believe he’s got a lot of skill and obviously things could change with more service but at the moment it’s the same formation and same scenario. Tommy’s on for an hour then replaced by Wells with the same issues.
  3. What do you mean? I’m agreeing! Was just saying yes and pointing out the fact that my post agrees with you.
  4. I don’t think you’re understanding what I’m saying. I’ve never said, don’t hold the bosses to account, but I’m just talking about harking back, because in the words of NP “we are where we are”. If you actually read my original post I did say exactly what you’ve said here about being able to be supportive of the team whilst being able to be critical of managers etc
  5. So what are you going to go about it then. We are either patient and watch or we give up and stop it support and I’m not doing that. I’ve said it before I’ll support LM and any manager, until I feel he’s not the best thing for the team and at present I can’t in all honesty say that and to be fair neither can you.
  6. The answers to your questions are, because we have no choice.
  7. I couldn’t agree more, we shouldn’t be and agree it’s perfectly clear that the comments/reasons/excuses around sacking and appointing were complete nonsense, but starting again (it seems to me) is what appears to be happening.
  8. I get the impression all these comments about “wanting the club to fail or being anti Manning” is simply the modern way of arguing, it’s called shutting down the argument. Rather than discussing things properly, just throw out a few generalisations. In this conversation, given it’s discussing LMs lack of roaring success, where it would be easy to do so, I don’t think I’ve read anyone saying their anti Manning, yes a few anti JL and BT, but certainly not anti club as Cole not Gas alluded to. Honestly it does get a bit old, when mentioning NP in any positive light, automatically means you’re anti Manning. It is actually possible to have slightly nuanced opinions about NP and LM without the need to be anti either. We all knew we weren’t a top six side, so stepping back now and basically accepting that we’re starting again, seems the only sane path to take. As many new managers do, he’s come in and wants to sweep clean, rather than necessarily building on what we already were. It’s going to be a long road….again.
  9. JP Hampton


    Yep he’s pulled off some brilliant saves in the last few games, but it’s true to say some fans are too quick to only see the errors. Goal keepers are always going to come under a lot of stick, cos any mistakes on their part and it changes everything, but let’s have a balanced view of things.
  10. Run out of Will be very interesting to see how things progress.
  11. Amazing isn’t it! So fans can goad opposition players, boo them at every corner, laugh at them when they get injured, call them every name under the sun etc etc and players are expected to develop a thick skin and ignore it week after week after week, but the moment fans are goaded by a player, then it’s perfectly acceptable for fans to react in any way they choose. Sorry no excuses for that behaviour.
  12. I wonder how many of the unsuccessful passes, were actually down to other player errors, simply not reading the game and not seeing what Twine was seeing was possible and therefore not making the run in time. Either way as you say a good debut and definite potential.
  13. Exactly. Our boys will soon wake up and realise what Twine is capable of.
  14. Think it’s actually a bit of both. What it did show yesterday is that we seem to finally have someone, who is giving some service to our forwards, hence the 16 shots etc. i think it’s more a case of our players adapting to Twine though.
  15. Yes I agree, I believe this isn’t just about Twine settling in to his role but actually others getting used to his style of play. I can see him causing an up shift in some of our players once, they’ve got used to factoring him into our play. I think some of those shots and those on target will have come from Twine, given it’s an area we’ve not been strong on.
  16. Actually thought that was probably Knight’s worse game. Thought maybe Williams looked a bit tired today too. I think set pieces will start to earn us some points, if seeing what Twine can do,is anything to go by.
  17. Not about the game today as such, but did anyone else think Tinnion looked a bit sheepish coming out of the tunnel. All the other players and ex manager were clapping from the get go. Tinnion comes out with his hands in his pockets and looked definitely like he wasn’t sure about the reception he’d get. once it didn’t seem too bad he started clapping I thought it was a pretty solid performance. I’m happy that players are all starting to really want to win. Think with Twine our players will need to learn what to do with his set pieces, cos he can certainly pass a ball.
  18. Good watch. Seems like a happy boy.
  19. That’s fair enough and generating reaction is what the Podcast should be about. Although I’d say that you can do that without resorting to those behaviours. I do think most of his detractors have actually said that they still enjoy him on the podcast, but for some (not me) the arrogance, belligerence and all the other adjectives you use, simply outweigh any value he may add to the conversation.
  20. I’ve noticed whenever @headhunter asks Ian’s opinion there’s always a slight pause before Ian answers and rightly or wrongly it just makes me feel that it’s done for dramatic effect. Like we’re all waiting just to hear what Ian says. I do enjoy him being on the podcast and it wouldn’t be the same without him, but I’ve said it before, it’s really his arrogance that gets me. It’s not about having a difference of opinion either, that’s fine, but you really would think Ian had actually managed teams at this level when he says “ what I’d do….” I don’t think the fact that @headhunter seems to refer to Ian as if he’s the fountain of all knowledge helps either. I agree Mark keeps the programme light and friendly and he always manages to have a giggle at something along the way Allowing people to finish what they’re saying instead of this talking over each other would be better from a listening point of view too.
  21. Yes. Went to school with lots of Polish kids, (many of whom, as has been said, lived in the St Andrews Zealand Rd Bishopston areas) in the 60s and 70s most of them were Catholic and their parents had come over either during it slightly after WW2. Never met one I didn’t like.
  22. This is the other annoying thing.Bristol City were absolute gash last night.If it was some inspired performance by a lower league team that really rattled the superior opponents,I could accept it, but they were ****ing awful. Take out their comedy goal,they wouldn't have scored as long as I have a hole in my arse.It is worrying that we couldn't even compete against that. Oh dear. How infantile. I didn’t notice any WHU fans laughing at our goal strangely enough.
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