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JP Hampton

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Everything posted by JP Hampton

  1. Inviting the opposition to us might have worked with Boro’ not sure about Southampton.
  2. Again being “pissed off” frustrated etc is pretty normal and I’m sure as a football fan you’ll have felt that way yourself, it doesn’t mean you up sticks and change allegiance.
  3. I still also stand by the fact you’ve been over sensitive about the “flack” Manning is getting. Most people recognise he has a difficult job to do as did NP, but I think questioning a Managers decision about subs or reverting to different formations is perfectly acceptable and expected if you’re a fan and want to see your team doing well. Suggesting people want to see Manning fail is a bit extreme, if they exist, they’d be in the absolute minority. Questions about the second half are perfectly reasonable, given the change in formation and taking a defensive style as opposed to an attacking one, which meant we were under threat for much of that second half and that doesn’t make for particularly easy watching, it’s frustrating and will always be met with the question “could it have been avoided by doing something different”.
  4. That makes sense now, sorry hadn’t read your previous post Silvio.
  5. I thought idliketorogermoore was suggesting that BS3 Red was gas?
  6. A lot, really? I’m really not seeing all this anti Manning stuff you’re seeing. Managers will always be criticised. It is ok to question the way managers play so why not Manning? That doesn’t equate to being anti Manning. As with many other things in life you can’t have an opinion out opposing view without being completely anti something. It’s not a problem. People have views that differ. No one wants City or Manning to do badly, just because they have a view about how they might play better etc. There’s no point to the forum if you can’t critique a game.
  7. So the manager recognised what worked the first half. I think from viewing the game, it was an attacking game and domination of the first half. Wasn’t expecting any change unless we needed to in response to Middlesborough’s changes. If Cornick was replaced due to injury? then fair enough if not any change, it really felt like “if it’s not broke, don’t fix it”. I guess you could take the first half as a glass half full, that we defended really well everything they came at us with, but as others have said attacking is always better than defending and we too often end games on a knife edge despite leading 2-0. I think what people want to know and see is that we can play like we did in the first half and maintain it. We won’t always be able to defend like that against better teams. Overall well played, they were clearly tired and I see something emerging but areas to work on for sure.
  8. Yeah reminds me of the sort of thing my 2yr old grandson does
  9. This is what concerns me. Can easily see how disillusioned he could become.
  10. I don’t think I suggested it was remarkable. My response to the original poster was supposed to be a general point about improvement, I could have responded to many comments about positive play, it just happened to be this one. Whilst I can’t be bothered to fact check to the extent you have, I think most would agree our shots and shots on target were most certainly an area that we needed to improve and was certainly something we needed to work on, it was discussed here and the various podcasts, so the general increase in these two stats over time, for me shows signs of improvement. It doesn’t mean that translates to all areas but it’s a step in the right direction.
  11. Yeah said much the same. Like chalk and cheese to watch.
  12. Well compared to previous league games. Millwall or Birmingham for example. You don’t see there’s improvement?
  13. I agree. Went from an attacking first half to defending (albeit very well) in the second. Tiredness definitely played it’s part but it seemed like the usual praying that the ref plays his whistle .
  14. Yeah I actually watched more of the game as opposed to the highlights. We were also going through the middle at times and not simply relying always on the predictable wings.
  15. Yeah. Also what would concern me is I can definitely imagine sin bin blue cards being used, when actually a yellow card should have been issued. It will be a grey area.
  16. I just don’t see what else could have happened. The ball was travelling downwards, but then somehow magically then moves forward into goal! It’s also the number of players who sign “hand ball” not just Max.
  17. I can see why people could hold that idea and each to his own, but actually if you take what you wrote (in bold) he’s had a lot of injuries so he can’t play, so can’t be judged through that time, suspension again can’t play, so that leaves us with not performing to an appropriate level. I think most if not every player who returns from injury takes a lot of time to get back to an “appropriate level” some never do. This is possibly one of his longest spells, he’s getting more game time, doing well and that increases confidence. Success breeds success. Not saying he’s not also playing for his contract,(why wouldn’t he) but I don’t put this recent run of play, simply down to that.
  18. Well that’s different to not “being bothered” about staying, it just seemed an odd thing to say unless one knows it for a fact.
  19. I don't think he is that bothered about staying here TBH and will have offers from other clubs up North. It’s this part of your comment I was referring to?
  20. You’re right my OH and I have just been waiting for him to get back to what we saw early on. You can’t ask for more passion either while we’re at it. What makes you think that?
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