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JP Hampton

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Everything posted by JP Hampton

  1. Yeah totally agree. You either have a policy that you act on or you don’t. As you say not much of a deterrent is it. You can’t be soft or ambiguous about these things. It’s a straightforward violation.
  2. I fully agree about what fans want but Dave does actually say that in the article. I think the point is though and why the article is important, is that LM does seem fascinated with the tactical aspects of the game. So for those like myself who are not particularly gifted like Dave, it’s really helpful having a very considered and balanced article like this, that pulls things out and dissects them a bit more closely. Excellent article, thanks Dave.
  3. I think this sort of gives some credence to LM having a perfect plan A, but has yet to see variable ways of playing, when the opponent doesn’t play the way “he’d planned them doing, the possibly missing plan B. Yep always something to think about
  4. Yeah just saw that. What a shame.
  5. This is a really interesting read Dave! Although it’s left me feeling somewhat confused. It gives every suggestion that the coach has answers to the problems that QPR faced us with, but he seems to be suggesting that the players weren’t able to translate what was taught, into play in the pitch?
  6. Aaaaaaah why did I even bother!! It’s not the podcast!!!!!! @BexhillRed and @Tim Monaghan please don’t make this about “opinions” and then be surprised when someone else has theirs! To believe that the answer lies in “well don’t listen then” is ridiculous. Ian makes up a part of the whole listening experience and anyone is quite within their rights to question anything that’s said.
  7. Look seeing as I started this thread, let me clear things up. @Cole Not Gas read my post properly. I am not suggesting anywhere that Ian or anyone else doesn’t have the right to an opinion. I think Ian can hold his own, it’s not his opinions about how we’ve played etc that smacks of double standards. Are you going to jump to the defence of everyone who gets highlighted on here who are similarly singled out? He’s on a public broadcast, it’s going to happen and I’m quite sure he’s well aware of it. And again I’ve said before I agree with much of what he says and he’ll always say what he thinks. That’s why it’s so obvious when he’s suddenly so ingratiating . It’s his attitude of openness and disregard of failures, that may arise under Manning, (particularly evidencing that’s it’s still Pearson’s team), that was hard to swallow. Again and I’ve said it before, I really enjoy the podcast, it’s balanced out by different characters and opinions.Great. @Curr Avon @headhunter @TomSutton and any other regular guests I enjoy the podcast in case others make out I’m slagging the podcast off as a whole. You only have to read the original post to see that’s not what I’ve said, despite some trying to suggest otherwise. Ian can say what he likes (this really wasn’t intended to be such a big deal) but by the same token so can others.
  8. He said yesterday “you talk about tactics but they (the team) didn’t even get the basics right”. There’s no self reflection there. As my OH said, maybe it’s the manager who didn’t get the basics right?
  9. I have never said he’s not entitled to his opinion or to say what he wants, ever. I’ve actually stated in the past on other threads that I agree with many and disagree with some, that’s not the issue, the podcast is a more interesting place with him on it. But phantom, for someone who is championing his right to his opinion, you certainly seem to have a problem with my having one. But this isn’t about an opinion per se, it’s about an attitude and view, which I find hard to swallow, so I posted to see if anyone else noticed. Just because others have had a say, does that mean I can’t? That’s not really how it works. Engaging with others actually gives one’s own view some perspective, sharing those views is what forums are for. I guess I must be mistaken in being sure I’ve heard him say, “I read on OTIB…….”
  10. “Another”? Because I’ve written it here and this is a perfectly good platform thanks. Do you really think he doesn’t read things here?
  11. It’s a tactic that’s been used across industries and companies for years. A good way of tempering reactions through media etc.
  12. Exactly, totally pointless otherwise. They’re made to inspire thought and commentary.
  13. Because it’s already balanced by Mark Dave and Tom who was on today. As said in the opening line it’s a good podcast and I wouldn’t do anything like as good a job, that doesn’t mean I can’t comment on an individual’s double standards. Even headhunter mentioned towards the end of the podcast, that Ian would already have his excuses for LM ready about the next game.
  14. Didn’t say it annoyed. Just pointing out the hypocrisy. Fair enough. I did.
  15. As always a good podcast. Echoing much of what fans have been saying on here, but what amazes me is how Ian is now able to be so reasonable about LM failings, having never been so with NP. It smacks of being so hypocritical having a go at fans who are moaning about yesterday. He cuts LM so much slack. He mentions allowing him preparation time, the calibre of the players he’s got and “looking in his rear view mirror” about yesterdays game, in other words putting it behind us (which is fair enough but let’s have that across the board). He actually said that he was fed up with fans, who were exalting LM after the wins against Boro’ and S’Hampton and are now saying after yesterday’s game makes him the worst manager. Said he can’t do tricks etc. Never heard him being so supportive of NP or allowing any of the very real challenges that NP faced as an excuse for not doing better. This change of face seems to have come about since his ITK status, maybe coincidence? Makes me laugh
  16. I think what is underlying his comment is “it’s not enough time to get them to play exactly as I want them to”, despite the fact he does have just what other managers do in terms of time and games(give it take cup games). I would imagine that’s why NP eventually just got them playing to their strengths and would presumably have worked more on a system once players returned etc. I know the teams higher up the table allow us to play a more open game, but the game against Southampton had a flow about it and it felt as though LM was actually allowing the same style of play, playing to player’s strengths, there didn’t seem to be the rigidity of games like yesterday’s.
  17. Yes this is it. Replacing like for like and expecting something different to happen. It won’t. It’s also become extremely predictable. And surely you start with your best team first and I don’t think we did. Why was Tanner dropped? If Twine was on the bench, play him. If he wasn’t fit enough and as has been suggested was merely coming on if we were winning for some game time, what’s the point, do we know if he played an under 21 game I don’t think so, so presumably he was fit enough.
  18. Sorry lost on me? Isn’t he a children’s author?
  19. You’re right. He was a “for now” player and that’s what he needs to be, albeit with some settling in time.
  20. Interesting. Well for his sake and ours, we will ideally work out how best to use him and/or if he’s ready for this level and do it quickly. I had no idea what to expect when he came on today, but as we were 1-0 down, I couldn’t see why he was chosen over tried and tested experienced players. I’m afraid he added nothing in his limited time on the pitch, but actually there weren’t many players that did, in all fairness.
  21. Don’t think I was suggesting it was Manning’s creation, but it’s certainly a problem that had all but resolved over the past games and was certainly not as prevalent a problem.
  22. And that situation seemed to get worse as the game went on The last 20 mins saw the ball being given away more often than not. I thought we’d actually moved on from those problems.
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