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JP Hampton

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Everything posted by JP Hampton

  1. I think we were actually 5th at one point but only overnight
  2. Yes 5th and I believe 5 points off the players offs on leaving, that’s why he had to go
  3. Yes NP actually said he wanted to see a more tough killer instinct, that the team needed to fight. Whether people agree or not about whether NP or Manning are better managers/head coach, we definitely saw a team who were gradually pulling together, it took time, but I think today it dawned on me, that we’d gone backwards in this respect. A total lack of unity. Who was even the captain today? Some saying Williams didn’t play well, (everyone had an off day), but imagine if he feels he’s the only one busting a gut as he has been, for the past few games. People saying Conway not trying. If he’s getting no service it’s got to be incredibly frustrating when you’re a striker not scoring goals.
  4. Definitely back him. We’re not going to gain anything at this point by sacking hi, in fact in terms of the players it could be a very bad decision.
  5. So I apologise as I misread the bit about “the 2 years of good work “ But still confused as to why you think “he”did that. Do you not think the board take any responsibility for how things ended. And I don’t believe he ruined anything around the team spirit at all. While we’re at it you do know he was ill right? That might just account for why he couldn’t always be present. Strange reaction
  6. This is my genuine concern. A lot of very good man and club management by NP(even if you didn’t rate his football ) all for nothing.
  7. Wow! It’s almost as though you were there! Genuine question to your comment in Bold. When everything that was said was suggesting the complete opposite. As fans we actually saw the team spirit improve. I did anyway and many I know did too. We heard how he was, with staff, including back room staff. We heard players comments about him. So I’m genuinely interested to know how you think the opposite is true? And in terms of Radio Bristol etc he answered the questions he was asked what we heard was his frustration and after what he put up with it’s no wonder!
  8. Yes, I do have sympathy with him. You can’t blame him for taking the opportunity. I’m not sure he can’t turn it around but how long that would take is the question. Dare I say, the players do look like they’ve lost some of that killer instinct, that they were finally getting at the end of NPs time here.
  9. And what reason was that? So what happened at Leicester hmmm did he achieve anything there at all. I’m not denying he was a hard nut, but I think he’s a straight talker something many nowadays are afraid of. I know which character I prefer.
  10. I blame the board they’ve done LM a huge disservice by “bigging up” his potential and his being just what we needed. If LM stayed put he would possibly have evolved into a good manager once he’d gained some real experience.
  11. No, he wasn’t playing ball, called them out for some of their faults at running the club and was a definite alpha male, a strong personality. They didn’t communicate with him, that’s why he was “kicking off “!
  12. It is often comments about players performance very little about his own part in it.
  13. Just very honest. He was saying what he’d be doing in a given situation and what they clearly weren’t.
  14. I think it says a lot when one of their own team mates finds it hard in commentary to say anything positive. Naismith could see exactly what was happening and the lack of fight.
  15. All I can say is it’s slightly better than the QPR performance
  16. Yeah, I think you’ll find W-S-M will be doing the same thing.
  17. Yes reading the actual newspaper article sheds more light on the subject.
  18. I really don’t understand why if someone doesn’t see a manager’s worth it means they want them to fail! Would anybody spend money and their precious leisure time to follow a team in this way, doesn’t make any sense. It is ok not to like some managers without suggesting you’d want them to fail and ultimately your team. It’s all seems a bit silly to me.
  19. Great info. Particularly liked this: Sheffield’s trees outnumber the resident humans: the city has more than two million trees, which means there are more trees than humans. This is more than trees per humans than any other city in Europe. Where are all these trees living? You’ll find many of them in and around the city’s 240 parks, woodlands, and gardens. And: Sheffield runs on recycled energy: the city uses a district energy system, which turns domestic waste into thermal energy, which is then used to produce electricity and hot water! It takes over 225,000 tons of garbage a year to produce 19 megawatts of electricity and 60 megawatts of thermal energy. The hot water produced by this system flows through 25 miles of underground pipes to points all around the city. Not exactly football related but if they can why aren’t we?
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