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JP Hampton

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Everything posted by JP Hampton

  1. How can they call that a soft red. To give a yellow in that situation would have been completely ridiculous. Someone kicking up towards a players chest, that’s a red in my opinion.
  2. We all know how passionate and reactive Williams is, so he deserves a medal for not reacting when he got kicked
  3. Yes true, there were times when that throw could have been sent out sooner, although he’s probably under instructions to wait until we’ve got our shape back. There was a point where he did end chucking it sooner and I swear that was as a result of the fans urging him on. Great save and although there were a few wobbly moments, but I’m happy with Max and I doubt we’ll realistically get anything that’s better on our budget
  4. Yeah totally agree with your hypothesis. Just taking yesterday’s game alone what did he really think was going to happen, bringing Cornick McCrorie and King on that late into the game. Even Haaland would have struggled to effect any change at that point. It just felt like a complete waste of time. An action by someone who to me, seemed out of his depth. I’d genuinely love to know what his thinking was there?
  5. I don’t think you were the only one who was frustrated. Pring looked pretty frustrated hence him chucking the ball into the stands, when he was completely unmarked. My concern with Mehmeti is possibly, his so wanting to impress, that he forgets that he’s part of a team sometimes.
  6. My OH and I were little just saying this!!! It’s blatantly obvious what Ian’s doing here
  7. I think on that basis why discuss anything. Why not sit back and accept what is. The point in comparison is it’s interesting to some of us. It’s actually about looking at this young upcoming manager and comparing him to what an old and tested manager and discussing whether their reasoning holds up so far. Of course it was the board’s prerogative, just as it’s ours, to say what we think about it. And similarly to others, this doesn’t mean I’m anti LM. I’d love him to succeed as I would any manager/head coach.
  8. I think the point is whether there was any real need for change.
  9. Yes I think if anything can be said of Pearson, it’s that he played to his players strengths and it took him a while to discover what those were.
  10. I think you’re right and is the crux of the problem, trying to apply his set of principles and his game plan onto players rather than the other way round.
  11. But we may find they’re forced into this sort of situation whether their egos will allow it or not if things don’t improve. I doubt their egos wanted to allow NP to start making adjustments and call them out on the way they’d been running the club but something had to be done.
  12. And it’s interesting that the one game where we did employ this type of movement off the ball was Conways run into space and subsequent goal, from Williams’ assist in the FA cup game against WH. One of the most frustrating things about watching City is the inconsistency in our play. We show we can do better and then play like we did yesterday.
  13. Possibly, but they spent the money on the wrong manager.
  14. I think they want promotion they just haven’t realised it’s actually going to take a bit more than a wish to get us there. They’re not willing to put in any more real money to get us there.
  15. Brilliant Subs for PNE. We’ve been offering nothing second half.
  16. Just gave them way too much room to work that goal.
  17. Going back to Andi, WB must feel they’ll be able to get something out of Andi otherwise, why pay his wages when they could have held on to TGH and focused on him as one for their future and had less of a wage bill. Or have I read that wrong. Wouldn’t be surprised if he starts scoring goals for them now
  18. Yes I think you’re right. We were lucky and it was great to watch. Have we negotiated a better deal?
  19. Agree. It was his finishing which was always a pleasure to watch. Totally cool and calm and you just knew it was going in the net.
  20. A bit surprised it’s happening already. Hoping it’s a good move for Andi,have always been big fans, and he did score us some wonderful goals in his magical season. Thanks Andi.
  21. Exactly. Everyone’s different and responds in different ways. If we look after players and do what’s best for them, we’re always going to get the best out of them. I know all players know they can be sent out on loan, but some will need a period of adjustment and constancy after the huge changes that have taken place at the club recently. It won’t be right for everyone. Nothing wrong with that interview at all
  22. Yes think TGH is an essential part of the set up. Would be really disappointed if they don’t sign him.
  23. Yes and another reason people go under the radar is that very often women don’t or can’t face(and I’m respectful they have their own reasons and am not ) getting the police involved, so they’re free to act again.
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