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JP Hampton

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Posts posted by JP Hampton

  1. 2 minutes ago, Natchfever said:
    2 minutes ago, Natchfever said:


    When you have an average bunch of players, togetherness goes a long way.

    And as I’ve said previously, I don’t remember seeing this, in fighting, even when we were losing games under NP?

  2. 2 hours ago, 1960maaan said:

    As James was quoted in your reply where you said if you were a player you'd keep your head down.  I thought you might have thought it was Matty James , at least I read it that way.

    I quoted your quote you mentioned James as in James Piercy. I didn’t write the name James. 
    Anyway clearly a misunderstanding. 

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  3.  Haven’t read everything as I’m off out but… It occurred to me that if LM recognises he doesn’t have the players to play the model he’s teaching, then something has to Change because that situation, is going to remain the same, for the rest of the season (with the odd player returning from injury, not withstanding).

     Now we’ll see how he actually performs as a coach, accepting the status quo and actually being forced to return to a style of play that he inherited ie. playing to players strengths, albeit with a longer term focus on developing current and new players in the summer, to the style of play he clearly wants his team to play.  

    • Like 1
  4. Just a few of things from me fwiw. Ian told us the way that purchasing players is handled. 
     Players are scouted and put to the manager, Ian suggested 5 players, so we’ll go with that. The manager/head coach then chooses which of those 5 he wants. 
      That actually tells us quite a lot. So what if none of those players are what the manager wants? Could this answer Ian’s claim that Pearson was offered players, but apparently didn’t want them?

     The common denominator here is, that it’s not actually the manager signing off on players of his, actual choosing, not in any real sense. The choices have been made for him, so he has no choice but to accept that. 
     We also know from the players that were signed under NP, that some of those choices then were League 1 players, would he really have signed those above some championship players? I can’t believe that for a second. 
     When the budget only allows for a certain level of player, your hands are very much tied. If NP really wanted Mehmeti why did her rarely play him?


     I think the other big take away is Ian often says “we know that’s true because BT said so”. It’s just a shame we don’t have anyone else’s “truth” than BT to compare it with.


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  5. 5 minutes ago, steveybadger said:

    Lost the players trust? Well that’s not what James thinks in the article:

    For all the conspiracy theories about lost dressing rooms and a disenchanted squad, as we understand that is abundantly not true.

    Hmmm. I think the management would be the last to know if I was a player and had lost confidence in them. I’d be keeping my head down and just hoping I could convince everyone everything was fine. 
      If and I repeat if players are getting frustrated and we can see some most definitely are, it’s only a matter of time before they look to someone to blame, especially if they get wind of the fact they themselves are being blamed. 

    • Confused 1
  6. 11 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    Just skimread the article, apparently Manning has made 3.27 changes per game on average.

    That's mad, individual tweaks sure, almost 30% of the team each week..no.

    Hopefully wrong but it feels like to a degree, he is throwing a lot of mud around and hoping something will stick. Isn't averse to shaking it up with substitutions either.

     Yes it certainly appears to be a weekly swap, of like for like players and the problem with that is, players don’t really get to own their positions.
     I know you want competition for places in games, but players don’t even seem to be rewarded, by previously playing well. 
       If you have a pretty good idea you’re going to be hooked after an hour no matter what, Conway and Wells particularly how is any real feeling of confidence to grow. 

      I think Piercy’s right. It was by no means the worst performance we’ve seen, but players looked stuck. It’s hard to see any other reason for player’s looking dull and uninspired, than their being restricted to play a system that offers nothing.
      As I’ve said in another thread. I think it’s very telling, the arguments between players, we’ve not seen that before, even during the low times during NPs tenure and it makes me wonder if fear of being singled out for blame, by a manager who looks to blame his players for defeats, is partly behind it.  
     To me players getting angry also means they care, which makes this whole situation for them and us all the more frustrating. 

    • Like 4
  7. “Get out there and employ a manager with cahuna’s, one with a CV that demands respect from his players

    Trouble is managers with cahunas don’t fare well at Bristol City, but I agree it’s exactly what we need right now. 

    We weren’t ready for this new model and we’re now paying for it. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Ben1980 said:

    I think it was lots of things- seeing the improvement in players like Pring and Vyner along with the young ones like Scott and Conway being brought through. There was hope that we were going somewhere. Camaraderie amongst the players and their obviously connection with the staff. The opposite of what is happening now. 

    Also the honesty from NP - the opposite of what we get from Lansdown and Tinnion. 

    The players obviously feel the same as the fans. Disconnected from the club. 


    Yeah who would have ever thought Vyner would improve like he did. 

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  9. 3 minutes ago, Ben1980 said:

    I’m a member rather than a season ticket holder so luckily am not tied in for the rest of the season. Didn’t go today as it played out as I thought it would. Barely missed a home game under Pearson- as others have said, I felt really connected with the club and the team. I really cared- a late equaliser/winner for the opposition would partially ruin my weekend. Used to look forward to Saturdays - used to even look forward to the press Conferences with NP.



    Yeah it was a strange thing with NP. Like you, we never missed games under NP. I think it was feeling confident. Not confident we’d win, but absolutely confident the person who was supposed to be in charge, was in charge. 

     A confidence in seeing players actually giving a sense of being a team and wanting to play, it was great to see. I think that’s what makes our situation now so disappointing, seeing players confidence drop and their desire to play, get less and less each game. 

    • Like 3
  10. 7 minutes ago, Top Robin said:

    Yes it was poor, but even amongst the numerous negatives there are aways some positives, and they are:

     - We were not outplayed and looked fairly solid in midfield and defensively 

    - We restricted them to a couple of chances (yes they scored from one)

    - They scored against the run of play

    - If we can improve things in the final third, we will be much better

    - we have some decent players waiting to come back who should really improve things.


    Well done for trying but in the words of my old teacher could try harder  😂

  11. 32 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

    Do you want to hear from Ian Gay? I know we all do. Apparently it was all down to the injuries and we don’t have a big enough squad and we shouldn’t sack Manning due to cost.

    Total belter.


    Wow, don’t remember him giving such allowances for NP!!

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  12. 32 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

    To be fair I think he was going to see us in the premier league.

    We won’t be hearing from any of them once again, until we’re safe (fingers crossed) and then they’ll tell us how lucky we are that they’re going to give LM lots of money in the summer. 

  13. 2 hours ago, BCFCGav said:

    No it’s not. With these owners the kitchen will always be on fire. What’s the point in changing the head chef? 

    They screwed up by sacking Pearson then appointed the wrong man. The next one will likely be wrong too. What’s the point in just restarting the cycle?

    Yes, even if they get a good one they don’t back him!

  14. My very real concern is that even if Manning went, which I highly doubt, who on earth would come here?

     After all that’s happened over this season, not least, the sacking of NP, honestly who?

  15. 12 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    I'm not really in general pro sacking managers after a few months but real concerns now.

    However if he goes will Jon Lansdown and Tinnion hit upon a better choice? They should go with him really.

    Yeah can’t see them getting rid of him. They’ll avoid communicating with fans and keep their heads down praying we get to the end of the season in the Championship. 

     They will give him money in the summer and come out of the woodwork, all positive about what we’re going to do in the new season. 

    • Like 3
  16. 1 hour ago, Harry said:

    I’ll tell you where I am. 

    Today was the worst performance under Manning so far. 

    I am someone who originally said on here that I didn’t think Manning’s style would suit our players. 
    However, once he was appointed I was happy to see what he could do. 

    I felt in the early games I did see some signs of progress. He did actually manage to get our players to start to keep the ball much better. Ok, a lot of it was quite slow possession, but that’s where the ‘fit’ comes in. Our players and his style do not fit. 
    So whilst they showed some signs of being able to keep the ball a bit better, it was never consistent enough nor anywhere near quick or slick enough. But the early signs were one of “ok, he can at least get them to pass it to each other which I didn’t think was possible”. 

    The other slight positives I saw in some of the early games was the ability for us to run in behind full backs, and into channels, where ‘sometimes’ someone had the ounce of ability to find the right pass. 
    I felt a little positive on some of those early games that he was a) managing to get us to keep the ball better and b) managing to get some decent movement up front. 

    But…… and it’s a big BUT. It’s REALLY REALLY tailed off. To the point where I am now majorly concerned. 

    Those early signs were enough for me to say “ok, let’s give him a bit of time and see what he can do”. 
    But the last 2 months have been pretty dreadful. 
    The only game where I felt really positive was after Watford away. I thought in that game we had found a formula. We were good both on the ball and off of it and we looked really well organised. 
    Ever since then I haven’t seen any positives. And things have been sliding backwards quite badly. 

    To the opening poster - whilst I can understand your points to a certain extent, I actually think the writing is on the wall now and I can’t personally put any faith in Manning any more. 

    There are a few things to note :

    1) We spent 2.5 years signing players who were ‘runners’ ‘counter attackers’ ‘workers’. We then approach and poach a manager (who didn’t apply for the role) who clearly has a CV which displays a totally different philosophy. 


    2) We have a good stadium and a good base to build from but we continually employ people who are not ‘best in class’. I am still highly critical of our recruitment set up. Even more so now - if we are targeting a manager with a clear body of work that doesn’t align in any way possible with the players we’ve spent 3 years signing. 
    If Mannings head has to roll then so does Tinnion’s head and Gilhespy’s head 

    3) Prior to this week I was still sitting in the camp that says “ok, let’s give him time” but the recent trend has been very much downward and today for me was a low. Very very poor in all aspects both on the pitch and tactically. 
    The press conference on Thursday was very telling for me. Manning openly admitted that this squad were not capable of playing his way. 
    Mainly, that is a huge fault of Tinnion. But for me Manning shouldn’t have said this and shouldn’t be looking to adapt. He really should stick to his principals. 
    I don’t think he should adapt to this group. He should double down on his beliefs. After all; that was why we poached him! 
    That for me showed a weak mentality. I’d prefer him to stick to his guns, but he wilted in front of my eyes. 
    And then with a performance like today, that was now the final straw for me. 

    Agree. You have to at least stick to your principles whatever they may be. How can we expect players or fans to believe in him as the way forward. 

    I have no proof of course but the way the players played today, reminds me of so many games, just before we’ve got rid of a manager. Something tells me he won’t be going anywhere though. 

  17. 30 minutes ago, LondonBristolian said:

    Said this elsewhere but, if the players can’t play the system then it is the wrong system, no matter how good it is in theory.

    Exactly right. 

  18. 6 minutes ago, petehinton said:

    Spent most the game just shouting at players for his own errors. 

    Anyone notice what his spat with Dickie was about at ft?

    That’s says a lot about the player’s mentality cos that seems to be happening more and more spats between players recently. 

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  19. 8 minutes ago, BCFCGav said:


    - These are not his players. They don’t suit his style. His one ‘big’ signing in his mould is injured (an ongoing issue here that long precedes LM). He will need the summer.



    And this is completely on the owners cos they were the players he was given and told were top end ready.

     Did people say “they’re not Pearson’s players? Genuine question. 

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