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Supersonic Robin

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Everything posted by Supersonic Robin

  1. Every time we have a poor run of form someone says "I can't see us winning another match for *insert big number here* gameweeks", and every time we do.
  2. We are the biggest club in approximately the 7th biggest city in England. Despite that, we have never won a major trophy, never played in the Premier League, and have spent less than 10 years in the top flight of English football since our inception (and most of those years were pre-WW1). There are very few (if any) clubs with our size and potential who have achieved so little. Unfortunately, the last 25 years is an extension of that failure to achieve. Yes, we've improved our facilities and become slightly more established in the Championship during that time. However, we're deliberating whether taking 25 years to go from "Bottom third Championship Club" to "Midtable Championship Club" constitutes achievement - the fact we even have to think about it shows that something isn't right. Other clubs of a similar size/potential to us would (and do) laugh at some of the things we propose as successes.
  3. Bell has suffered from being caught up in the hype surrounding other young players. Fans were too generous to him before, and are being too harsh on him now. Bell came into the team at a time when we were amazed by the talent of Scott, Semenyo, and Conway (to a lesser extent). He was swept up in the hype surrounding this trio, and often tacked on to the end of the list as our 4th talented youngster. However, Bell has never quite looked to be at the same level as the other 3 (that's more of a compliment to them than a criticism of Bell). Over the last 12 months or so, I've often tried to calm our fans when they've become excited around Bell - especially with regard to his ability to produce for us this season. A few goals at the start of the season and expectations rose. Unfortunately, Bell's now failing to meet those increased expectations. I don't think there's been any major decline in his performances. I just don't think he's ever looked quite as good as some fans have claimed he is. The honeymoon period of having "one of our own" in the team is wearing off, the rose tinted glasses are being taken off, and it leaves Bell looking a bit underwhelming. Maybe he'll improve and go on to bigger things, maybe his future lies in a lower division - who knows. For the time being, we just have to accept that not every young player will be the next Scott or Semenyo, and that currently Bell isn't quite good enough to be in the starting XI of a team with top third aspirations.
  4. As frustrating as we can be, we're definitely not one of the 3 worst sides in the division. I don't think we have to have any concerns about relegation.
  5. Pring surely has to start ahead of Bell next week. Bell has been absolutely awful for weeks now.
  6. But given that JL used it as the justification for firing Pearson, we should keep mentioning it. Regardless of one's views on Pearson's sacking, it would be great for us to finally start holding the board accountable for their questionable footballing decisions.
  7. Even against the team in 21st? Not for me. Especially not if "top 6 is the expectation"
  8. Gotta remember that a portion of a fanbase seem to have it in for Mehmeti. As frustrating as he is, he's been no worse than players like Bell and Weimann in recent weeks (Weimann hasn't been too bad today in fairness).
  9. Mehmeti does need to improve his decision making, but in fairness he's looking our most dangerous and creative player right now
  10. Had little chance of getting anywhere near that in fairness
  11. We seem to have such a low threshold in terms of what it takes to make our fans worry about relegation
  12. Our lack of good options out wide is our biggest issue going forward.
  13. I'm amazed that some people genuinely criticise managers for things like "sounding too boring in interviews" and "not clapping the fans enough".
  14. Careful, lads. You're not allowed to be positive about Mehmeti or suggest he isn't playing any worse than our other wingers. No doubt you'll have a few crybabies in your reactions after such comments. Look, even the experts think he's rubbish...... https://www.skysports.com/watch/video/sports/football/competitions/league-one/12780551/21-under-21-anis-mehmeti-of-wycombe-wanderers
  15. Surely we can't expect to sign someone new every time a player has a few weeks of poor form? Conway is a good striker at this level, and will only get better. No need to panic.
  16. Very harsh analysis IMO. Been decent in the last few games and was probably the best of the subs today. In the last few games Mehmeti has offered much more than Bell on the left. The quality is clearly there. Let's hope Manning can get it out of him on a regular basis, because if he doesn't, another manager somewhere else probably will.
  17. Sure, he's missed a few chances in recent weeks, but most strikers go through these periods. He's still one of the most promising young strikers in the division. I don't think Conway would be the limiting factor in us climbing into the top third.
  18. Harsh on Conway, who has generally been very good since coming into the team approx 18 months ago. Even with him missing a few chances today, we looked much better with him on the pitch than Cornick IMO
  19. Real lack of strength in depth. We've looked much worse having made substitutions (Mehmeti has been decent in fariness)
  20. Vyner surely has to be under suspicion of match fixing now...... The more you watch it, the worse it gets
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