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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. Seems a natural at it. In contrast many years ago I watched one of those blooper programs on TV. A player and his captain were being interviewed post match. The player had scored a goal or 2 and was MoM, ready to receive his bottle of bubbly from his skipper, the usual thing. The interviewer gave him some praise. The player gave a PR answer, something like 'it's a team game, the gaffer made some changes at HT, the important thing is we got 3 points to push us up the table'. Cue much laughter from captain and TV guy - he had forgotten it was a cup game!! I have tried to find this clip on the web a few times and failed, hope to find it one day.
  2. Thanks. I will go with the latter!! I think it would serve a small purpose if it was your local amateur club that made it through to play a Prem team in the FA Cup. At the level we are at we should welcome the match but aspire to winning it. No time to be in awe of Man City in my mind. Anyway, maybe there will be no scarves so could be I am getting on my high horse only to climb straight off again!
  3. Can I just ask, I have seen these scarves but have never, ever actually understood what they are for. I don't get the point. If someone could enlighten me please, thanks. I won't assume that because you might know that you have ever bought one. Thanks.
  4. I had a few colleagues switch to electric a couple of years ago but recently they have been telling me that the maths have changed and electric is no longer the cheapest option. I don't have any details, sorry, but I suggest you look into it. Might depend on your home energy circumstances and whether you can charge for free anywhere. My colleagues were effectively forced into electric company cars by company policies which isn't the situation you are in.
  5. My ex brother in law is a Forest fan and says there is very little rivalry with County fans, there is an accepted hierarchy. That is what Rovers should do or at least park their ambitions and try to build a solid foundation for their club first (not intended as a camping joke but you can take it as one if you like).
  6. My wife tells people I took her up The Shard for her birthday last year, much to their amusement.
  7. That's a good way to look after the value of your property! Location, location, location.
  8. If I was to think of something I would want to stop me falling, a glass panel wouldn't be top of the list! I am sure it is all well thought through. Better than canvas.
  9. I was wondering if there is a tipping point for them where it would be better for our laughs and jokes to see them get a few draws to prolong Barton's stay for our benefit. Thinking about it though I would rather he go after a run of defeats. Even if it meant an unfortunate improvement in Rovers form, I don't like to see his so called 'ethos' in sport. It is bad for football. I don't like to see bullies in charge of anything. The downside of course is he will probably pop up at some other league club so maybe I have this all wrong and he should stay and take them back to non league?
  10. I am sure any criticisms of the team are taken in the right spirit.
  11. It is all in the preparation, they have to brush up on the teams beforehand.
  12. Smelling of roses? More like the horse manure that goes around the roots.
  13. Thanks, that makes a lot of sense. I suppose if I ever tried to become an online sensation I would be bothered that the one time I did it the platforms would make an example out of me. A bit like those times when people say 'don't worry, the traffic wardens never come around here'. Cheers.
  14. Hard to tell when he is satin his seat.
  15. Let me re phrase the question, I don't mean stop them on the day but look at taking down the content that they put online on a very regular basis. I dont mind the content myself, fairly harmless, but why have a rule unless you try to enforce it?
  16. So how do the rules work for the YouTube warriors who record themselves and large parts of the game? Why aren't they stopped from doing so?
  17. And that person is a moderator? You would expect a bit more sense. Even just a little bit.
  18. I know it's a hard game at times and keepers are often over protected but that was very dangerous, leading with the elbow close to the throat or face. What the still picture doesn't show is he jumps at the keeper to do this, the keeper is vulnerable whilst catching the ball. Nasty.
  19. City now 5th in the Championship form table (last 6 games). W3 D3.
  20. Distraction technique. The most important thing is that regardless of attendance we came home with 3 points, another 3 today and are currently on a well timed good run in league and FA Cup.
  21. Don't forget when looking at the tables, it's 'relegation threatened Bristol City' and 'promotion chasing Bristol Rovers'.
  22. Can we have a clock that shows how long it has been since the penalty clock got a mention?
  23. There are many schools and advice groups which recommend that children should be given basic 2G phones for calls and SMS only as this prevents online bullying issues and unsupervised access to bad material on the web. My own teenage son has such a phone, the charge lasts for days, no one wants to steal it, it is tiny enough for any pocket and if it gets broken it only costs £20 to replace. There are similar advantages of simplicity for the aged. Back to the match ticket issue, I assume that you can have a parent with multiple tickets on one smartphone.
  24. Is there a chance the ground could become a listed (or listing) building? Or does that only apply to permanent structures?
  25. Not sure about a 'resetting week'. Regretting week maybe. His words might impress the BP but it sounds a million miles from what they have delivered recently according to their own fans.
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