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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. When as a couch potato TV spectator it is good to have something with a bit of character about it so that you recognise the ground the moment you see the action. What is Craven Cottage like? It looks quirky and has the history but might be horrible to be inside?
  2. Happy for an upgrade to the Atyeo stand provided the name remains and Ashton Gate as a name never changes. The idea of having something called, for example The Acme Tool Supplies Stand in the Acme Building Society Arena sends shudders in places you don't want to know about.
  3. It used to bother me that London Weekend Television (I think they were called) were biased to their local teams but looking back Brian Moore seemed to balance that out with his commentary.
  4. If you continually sack managers I assume that the pay out to the outgoing managers is going to make FFP a lot harder for the club?
  5. Too long ago to remember exactly but I would have been 12 by then so Dad probably had me stood in front of the stanchion, not a great view but safer. There was no trouble at all where we were, apart from the urine running down the terrace from the Liverpool fan just behind us who was trapped in the crowd and couldn't get to the toilets. I loved to see the ground full but that day was probably a bit too much.
  6. It was definitely sardines in the open end, probably the biggest crowd I was ever in at AG, around a thousand more than to see v Leeds in the previous round. 38k I think? That Liverpool goal was all luck for them, a couple of rebounds that fell at their feet then pundit Malcolm Allison says it was intentional!! Total cr4p. Should have won it, with Merrick fit that could have been the difference. Thanks for the link.
  7. ...and once they're gone, they're gone!
  8. Having serious pace up front always gives me hope. You know that all it takes is one good ball over the top from your own half to create what could be the winning goal against anyone.
  9. My wife thinks that Gerrard Lampard is one person.
  10. Don't forget we are due about 25 penalties !! Could make the difference. Realistically though, I would be happy just to be on the top half and not have the stress of falling into trouble. We can relax and enjoy the football then.
  11. Yep, the average fan might not have heard but he is exactly what top coaches look out for. Agree with the original post though, the skill and balance on that touchline seemed to defy physics and deserved a separate mention, not editing out!
  12. Momentum....... Form tables, last 6 games:- City 9th Rovers 18th
  13. Rovers 10 points from safety on a bad run.....
  14. I thought they were watching the rugby anyway?
  15. A well thought out post, thanks. I think financially or contractually you are probably right. The reason they are held in such regard is obviously the emotional attachment. I was a boy back then and they were my heroes, still are. The bad times were painful and it was no surprise the crowds fell away. It happens partly because a minority of people were only there to see the big teams visit but I can honestly say that like most we went to see City play and win. The pain of continuous defeat was what I remember. I read on here that some of you occasionally bump into the likes of Geoff Merrick. I used to hang over the railings at the front of the enclosure in wonder at his left foot pass or leap height, or Tainton's vision to find Whitehead out wide or a Gerry Gow crunching tackle that would make my Dad roar. Those are the memories that stick rather than the upset and confusion of what went on with the contracts.
  16. I don't remember Clive Whitehead being a left back! He was right wing when I watched him? About the contracts - surely the answer was to write into them salaries based on whichever division we were in at any time. Does that happen today?
  17. Agent Balcombe. We will call him 005 after his first game. Licensed to spill.
  18. We need a counter petition to keep him. I thought he did very well obviously. Was very unlucky, bad defending in front of him etc etc. Edit - it is a vote between 2 keepers. I would give them 30 minutes each, then leave the goal open for 30 and see which period of time concedes the most goals.
  19. There is a 4 point gap between a large group of clubs who are mid table and a group below looking over their shoulders at trouble. Depending on results that gap could look quite a bit bigger Saturday night. A win would be really handy and keep us in touch with mid table and cement a run of form. It feels like an important game (yeh I know they all are).
  20. I wouldn't write them off just yet as we now know they have an ethos. Or was it a thermos?
  21. The agent said they were going to Boca Juniors. Easy mistake to make, right?
  22. Being a professional athlete he might have gone to bed early then woken up to the news. Not the best start to a day. Wonder what he did to deserve this.
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