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Everything posted by cotswoldred2

  1. Reading through the posts and the usual suspects that are first to stick the boot in is pretty obvious we have a growing element of 'fans ' who think that a stray pass or goal conceded is the trigger to campaign again for Pearson's head. This is mid match or in this case 17 minutes in, utterly ridiculous and wanting it seems for the team to fail just to reinforce their tragic personalities. From what any sane person was to observe was that even before the goal we were playing well and on top. I dislike the term Troll, for it is used to silence someones sincere and honest views, but Savage and co. you have no excuses and no valid reason to constantly berate this club and now the genuine supporters, as you did tonight in calling the true reds 'clowns'. Makes you wonder what their true motivations are in logging on every matchday, they are not City related that's for sure.
  2. Retract this nonsense, we have all said and done stupid things when pissed.
  3. Yep Forest at home two goals in injury time after 1-0 up....still gives me the shudders.
  4. That last minute goal eh? If you could bottle that feeling and sell it....
  5. It gets to me just too much I am afraid...can't watch it live on the feeds or even commentary...I go through a routine of taking quick score updates going for walks , watching old films and worrying. I actually enjoy the summer breaks and International weeks when City don't play. This is a result of many years of supporting an underachieving outfit...the elation when we win is crazy as is the despair in a loss. I need counselling I admit, but I know there is no known cure I am afraid I have to put the blame firmly on my parents who were City and being born and living in the better part of Bristol in my informative years. How I envy those that watch City at the Gate who treat it as if it was a no more than a trip to the Cinema...for me it's as if my life depended on it.
  6. You see now Bas Savage that football is played on grass, not a games machine.? Have to say the moaning about City not pressing , away at the Den too is very naive, they handled most of the game with the ball in front of them, and got a brilliant win. A very professional away win.
  7. If ever there was a moment to kick on it would be now...now we have a good manager, coaching set up, training ground, stadium, and squad, just a few tweaks it could happen. I find him and his boy extremely frustrating.
  8. Compare us with all the clubs that have played in the Prem....need I elaborate?
  9. Two and a half years he has been here, probably the longest tenure in the Championship, he will need a couple more seasons to fulfil his targets, but not sure he will stay that long, he is a stubborn so and so if he has the mind to go he will and won't shift. His stewardship has seen this club put back onto sound footings, the future looks better, however selling your best players will not enhance his confidence. The problem is not Pearson it is of course SL's holding back, we needed to push on now, keep the likes of Scott if we were to get promoted. Many on here say it was ineveitable Scott would go, and it was given SL's attitude, and the way we are, still the laughing stock, however it is an indication of lack of real ambition. Typical City we have again been let down, hopefully we will get new owners that want it as bad as the fans do.
  10. Can't imagine he had a dream of playing for 'Muff ' and who wants to be a millionaire anyway...? Not all it's cracked up to be.?
  11. And this is probably his 'injury'...his head is not in the right place would be the stock reply from the coaches.
  12. Do you reeally think he wants the move there? I don't, what more unappealing club is there, apart from Luton, Shef U and yes Brentford.
  13. Put your pie charts and stats away Dave and study real football history. We are some away ahead of them ...just look at the size of the ground catchment tradition, I could go on but I guess you will prove me wrong with some irrelevant stat.
  14. No it doesn't....they are a smaller club than us, take off your bean counter glasses and look into the history books. ?. They were a poxy club when I lived in Bournemouth and they are still a poxy little club except they have a few quid, doesn't change a thing.
  15. Bournemouth!!!! Can't get my head around that....we are a bigger club than that little seaside outfit....if he goes just another backward step in our dreams. But then again why does that not surprise me, we have been conned again into thinking we are getting somewhere at last, typical BCFC. N.A.A.F.I (No Ambition and **** All Interest)
  16. 137 pages of knowing nothing...zero, zilch, and yet some are still queing up to add to the knowing nothing thread.?
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