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Everything posted by 38MC

  1. Tbf @Shauntaylor85 that’s quite a few different topics/polls/discussion points tonight. If you beat the drum too much you can lose the audience. Manning is incompetent, the decision to relieve nigel was equally incompetent, but we aren’t going to rewind the clock. Nigel is (wrongly) gone, but he’s gone for good. The next step is for Manning and Tinnion to sling their hook too, and for the Lansdown’s to (finally) eat some humble pie and realise the medicine they need is not the medicine they want to swallow… but it’s the only way Steve is getting his exit plan. Appoint an experienced manager, and experienced CEO, and trust them from afar.
  2. Agree, didn’t see any need to change from Pearson and when I saw him I thought another young gun to be chewed up and spat out by this incompetent regime. It’s unfortunate as Manning probably could and should have stayed at Oxford and done his due diligence on us as a club and said ‘nah, I’ll go the same way as McInnes’. The Lansdown’s romanticise about being an easy on the eye, good footballing side with a media friendly young manager, and being everyone’s favourite second team - we basically want to be Barnsley under Danny Wilson… but it ain’t going to happen with the interference from them. They don’t realise that they are the reason their ideals won’t work, because they won’t let them get on with it, they won’t back the right horse at the right time, and they dangerously think they understand the football business when in 20 years they have demonstrated they are so bloody wet behind the ears that they are better off writing cheques from afar. Then and only then they might actually achieve what they want. But whilst they take a side step and let Keith Burt for example take the reins it all goes well, but they want to jump right back in once we are in the championship. Their ego is the problem. Pay the money Steve, get someone in who can properly act as CEO, stay in the background. Then you have a chance of promotion to the PL in your lifetime and a good shot at exit. Whilst you have your son running things with charlatans like Mark Ashton who’ll piss your money away, or Brian Tinnion, you’ve got no chance.
  3. That’s why I think he’s signed his own death warrant. It’s impossible to have faith in him now. Had he interviewed well you could see those at the top giving him time, but he’s absolutely crashed the car and written it off the past 2 post match and the pre match pressed. He seems a man out of depth, out of ideas and, frankly stressed to high heaven
  4. Seems we are in the minority but I too think he’s walking the green mile. You never know how things play out in football, but I think 2 losses or even a loss and a draw would see him gone - unless they were strong performances. There are obvious reasons why you’d start questioning his position but the part for me that in my head says ‘he’s gone’ is the post match presser today and last week. He’s supposed to be an ‘on-the-grass’ coach. Well last week he trained the team perfectly and they were shite, and this week he claimed the team were coached to defend a corner of the type Cardiff scored from. so not only is he not living up to his front foot football, not only is he chucking players under the bus, he’s now admitting what he coaches can’t be put into practice by the squad - so you’re calling yourself out as a poor ‘on-the-grass’ coach then aren’t you? his last two post match and this weeks pre match he’s basically talked himself into the only conclusion that he’s just not very competent. Whilst I think that sort of ‘appraisal’ of his words would be beyond JL and BT’s leadership, I think SL will see it.
  5. Agree with everything you say, except I stand by it is a huge part of a managers job to man-manage - eg motivate.
  6. I think that’s too simplistic. Money doesn’t motivate when you can wipe your arse with £20’s… and these guys are and do have motivation - they’re part of the 0.001% to make it to this level. Having a weak, poor, leader is very demotivating regardless of what you earn
  7. Isn’t it a managers job to find a way to motivate the players for 90’ week in week out?
  8. Even if another appearance triggered an entitlement to a new contract I’m pretty damned sure Matty James would say ‘don’t worry guys, I’ll go and be a free agent, get a signing on fee and get the hell away from this car crash that you’ve created for yourselves’
  9. That’s my fear. But for SL his fingerprints aren’t over Manning - they are for getting rid of nige - but his ego will assume that’s under the carpet now, and he’d just love to put himself in the spotlight as the leader we all know he is incapable of being.
  10. I honestly don’t think he’s got much time left. I reckon that dressing room was a pretty toxic place post-match, and SL loves to interfere. I expect after losing to Cardiff he will be speaking directly with one or two players, who I doubt have much positive to say. Can see him ‘riding in to sort this out’ like post-Holden if we got tonked on Tuesday or v Swansea.
  11. I see; yeah I’m with you on that history. Unfortunately I think we’re already creeping into the danger spot with Manning. I’d rather cut losses and get someone in and inspire the players. Otherwise I can see a lot speaking to their agents to engineer a way out of here, few wanting to come here if the slide continues, and too big a rebuild job being needed to fit into the style of play he will not deviate from.
  12. Think that was verbal diarrhoea; didn’t come out as he meant to. I think he was saying if you aren’t going to score at least keep it tight at the back and walk away with a point. Pretty banal thing to say though isn’t it - probably why Tinnion wanted him, a very basic concept which his limited intellect can understand
  13. So you want us to give him too much time? The writing is on the wall. He’s lost the fans, lost the dressing room, out of ideas, blaming other people and absolving himself of any responsibility, and has not shown in his previous roles an ability to stop the rot. Hes had 20 games, the rest of the season and 10 into next would be a full seasons worth of games - in excess of an average tenure of a championship manager.
  14. There’s really not much to like about him or his personality traits.
  15. He even said in the post match interview the goal came from a set piece tactic they coached them to be ready for. That went …king well didn’t it
  16. 38MC


    Very tongue in cheek mate - reacting to Manning saying 1 poor performance in 20 pre match. i can count the good games on one hand; and my favourite game is pinfinger.
  17. Lose to Swansea and he’ll have to go
  18. 38MC


    Is that 2 poor performances in 21? Absolute clown
  19. Surely Netflix can find some celeb to front private equity and buy the lot; imagine the documentary
  20. And I don’t think much can be read into how quickly they could appoint his successor. Everyone knew they weren’t renewing his contract, of course they would have already been at quite advanced stages with some candidates.
  21. They sacked Joey unfortunately
  22. I think he gets a very rough ride from fans. He's a lot better than given credit for. All goalkeepers make mistakes and these tend to lead to goals. His tend to come in quick succession but ultimately over the course of the season I don't think he has more than his peers. In terms of his distribution it's clear he is asked to find players in the wider areas and this is always going to have a lower % of success. But he's following the process and I do think his distribution has improved and will continue to improve. He's also soon going to come into his prime. I've seen it said here that he's perfectly good enough for a mid table championship team, I agree with that as a baseline but think he wouldn't look out of place in a promotion chasing side, and I don't think the championship is his ceiling.
  23. I actually like the sound that; penalties probably a bit crap though no offence But some sort of bonus point system favouring attacking play I don’t think would be awful.
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