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Everything posted by Wedontplayinblue

  1. Blagdon, out of interest what type of topics were already discussed? What are you or the supporters trust classing as a desire for change and what might they entail? For something to be done and dusted in 18 months seems slightly ambitious?
  2. You need to tap in / out even if the barriers are open, as you didn’t tap back out it charged for the full day of a railcard.
  3. Are you sure? it’s no different to “safe standing” at Ashton gate, all we have is scaffolding rails put in place.
  4. People watching on iptv never have issues, the people who steal all the ifollows to restream are getting the same source, the RobinsTV you are getting is the same one they are getting, yet multiple people on here do, do you not think it’s your own set up rather than a robins tv issue? Do the basics first, reboot your internet router, reboot your tv, tablet, phone, pc, whatever you are using to watch it. Before people go “I’ve got no issues with iPlayer Netflix blah blah this is crap blah blah” it’s a completely different kettle of fish.
  5. Nothing alleged about it, read the thread about the display S82 lads did for a city fan with a terminal illness, he still continued to troll finding it funny, I imagine under the influence of drink. Still find it pretty disgusting now.
  6. There is a post somewhere on here by the person that makes them, they are unofficial but approved by the club
  7. I wouldn’t be surprised , last year they forced people to the ground before it was even open .
  8. Absolutely no chance of being given a pub, the same as last year. You might be lucky if you break away from the loose escort and find a very random pub that will let you in.
  9. Thanks Joe, put much better than I have put and hopefully gets what I meant across better.
  10. As if the powers at be cared that much, they could do something active and positive for the situation, the amount of money in football is insane and a minutes silence doesn’t help anyone. Like the other poster just said, a QR code to donate for aid etc. Clubs donating 50p for every pie sold to Aid Charities etc . To me it just seems virtue signalling.
  11. If nobody is expecting it to achieve anything, then why do it?
  12. Missing the point super, what did 22,000 people being silent at Ashton gate achieve? What positive impact did it have on the current situation? No one has been able to answer that question so far. To myself, the moments silence hasn’t helped anyone in that current conflict at all. To me it just steams virtue signalling “the public expression of opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or social conscience or the moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue.”
  13. He is the best manager we have ever had though, career wise, you won’t find anyone who has been better?
  14. I think some above may have missed the point in what I was trying to say, What benefit to anyone was the moments silence today? What did it actually achieve? Couldn’t the powers at be of done something that could have helped both sides, if they genuinely wanted to help? To me it very much screamed virtue signalling. At what point do you start/stop these moments of silence, the teacher in France recently, the two swedes in Belgium, the multiple ongoing conflicts in Africa? It all seems very pick and choosey on what should be deemed an issue and what shouldn’t, when really everyone is as important as each other.
  15. I wasn’t aware of that, but I just think they could have done something that would have had a much more positive impact than a moment silence.
  16. Without trying to upset anyone with their personal views, what are peoples views on todays moments silence? I’m personally struggling to see what positive impact it had on the situation, there seems to be more and more moments of silence/applause for situations that the club are not affected by, or have any impact over. In the past it would had been for when a legend had passed away, a chairman etc. It’s absolutely dreadful what is happening on both sides of the conflict, Wouldn’t for example a bucket collection for aid for both sides, of been better? There were a few shouts today when it happened also, which wouldn’t help when people can have such strong differing views on the conflict.
  17. Where’s any comments about the lansdown trying to influence selection?
  18. How the club haven’t extended it yet is beyond me, Lansdown has been happy with many managers before to keep handing out extensions. Completely baffling how he thinks they would be able to find anyone better at the moment.
  19. Rich, you have it wrong sorry, Find me any new builds where you as the general public can buy affordable houses, you won’t, as they all go to HA/Councils etc.
  20. New estates need to have social housing/council houses/housing Associations, however you want to use the term. They use affordable housing as a term to get around saying it’s social housing, as let’s be honest, there isn’t many people who would be that keen on spending £500k on a new build to find next door are paying about £400 a month rent for a house. It’s also clear that it’s social housing/council houses/ housing Associations as you can’t actually buy any of these “affordable homes” can you.
  21. I saw a video of the coach, surely it can’t be cost effective to run a 52 seater coach with around 8 people on? Wasn’t the last coach run at a loss too?
  22. As she’s English, so that’s why I imagine she doesn’t say she’s British. Put it this way, when Scotland becomes independent, NI is integrated back into Ireland and then wales decide to leave too, does everyone then born in England magically become English as there isn’t a union or Britain anymore? But then technically Northern Ireland isn’t part of Britain but of the United Kingdom, so should unionists in NI not feel British as they arnt? Youre just changing the parameters to suit yourself. Being English isn’t the same as being welsh, like you said the cultures historically are different, the same with being Scottish but are all bought under the union of being British, you are just making this up as you go along now. You still haven’t explained what being English is, or how someone for example with immigrant parents but born in London magically become English?
  23. Dig my way out of what? Not really sure what I’ve said for myself to have to dig myself out of, The brexit means brexit meaning was along the same lines as a brexit tackle. It’s pretty obvious nige wouldn’t allow players to be gung ho but does want a hard working no nonsense player which is what I meant under the same terms as brexit means brexit / brexit tackles. Not really hard to understand.
  24. English, being born within the country boundaries of England as set out by internationally recognised boundaries.
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