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Back of the Dolman

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Everything posted by Back of the Dolman

  1. I watched him play recently for the under 18s and didn’t seem to be an issue with his attitude on the pitch.
  2. Thought that was Henry Kasvosve but I may be wrong.
  3. Yeboah will play for the under 18s on Wednesday against Burnley in the FA Youth Cup
  4. Looks like no Chris Wood for Forest with a hamstring injury. however Awonyi is back and scored on his return.
  5. But it’s still a tie in the same round. If you’re going to say teams should be able to recruit new players to feature in a replay then why bother having the rule that players are cup tied if they’ve already appeared for another team in the competition. because it will be a different game so that shouldn’t matter by your reckoning
  6. Played alongside Nicky Morgan to, I’ve not seen many players over the years who could control a ball like Morgan. He had a fantastic touch
  7. Imagine if we played Forest and they lost important players through injuries and then had a couple of players sent off. Would it be fair if they were then able to go and buy new players in time for the replay ?
  8. Got his name on the wall for scoring 50 goals hasn’t he ?
  9. It’s not unfair it’s the rules. same for both teams as Forest have signed players since the first tie and they won’t be playing either.
  10. When fit Sykes is one of the first names on the team sheet for me.
  11. Got a bit of time to kill so I’ve got soccer Saturday on to keep abreast of the scores. Is it just me that thinks it but Paul Merson is hard work to listen to
  12. They’d probably charge you and the person they sold it to !
  13. But in my mind that’s not the end of the world if it’s not something you do every game. I think there are though some people who will always buy a seat in a cheaper area with the intention of sitting elsewhere. That is aided by the layout of the ground
  14. If they sold it just for the games you can’t make and you benefited with maybe a share of the fee the club sell it for then n your current situation where you’ve had to miss a few games through no fault of your own then you could at least get something back
  15. Looked to me as if he did something to his right knee making a tackle on the touchline in the first half. certainly saw signs of him showing discomfort in the second half
  16. If that’s the case then surely that doesn’t bode well for his future here. Looked a decent footballer to me but hard to tell with the limited appearances he’s had
  17. I’m glad I scrolled through the thread before just posting this exact point ! Don’t get me wrong in that one game his dead ball quality was better than we’ve seen all season and he looked suited to dropping into pockets to pick up the ball and try to make this system work. But if there’s no option to buy and is unlikely to be here next season then all we’re doing is increasing his value for Burnley or keeping him sharp for them next season if they come down and choose to use him. I get if he drove us to the play offs it may be worth it but have the club shown that desire do we think ? We’ve supposedly built for the future this window which the nature of the deal means Twine won’t be around for.
  18. I saw what you meant last night but the one time that stands out for me the most was when he’d chased the keeper down who was able to play out to a defender easily and nobody else had pressed forward with Conway so his work was pointless. i saw that as frustration and not petulance on that occasion
  19. I’m not saying he didn’t play it but if you read or listen to his interviews he has himself stated that Right back is his preferred position. Didn’t particularly see him wanting to argue/fight with people but if that was indeed true then at least somebody showed some fight last night
  20. Yes Knight was one of the players I think is being used inappropriately in this formation and I also think Dickie looks less comfortable playing on the left of a three as he does in a two
  21. This is the exact comment I’ve made previously about this subject. Last night a security woman was asking people to sit down and not stand at the back before the game had even started ! And then it was only one or two people spread out across the length of the stand. Game starts and the back fills up and no sign of the security then.
  22. I’d argue that Bell looked more of a threat coming off the left than on the right. Both Mehmeti and Bell will look to cut in from the left onto their right foot and who has had the most success doing that ? Definitely Bell. He also has the pace to get down the line and at least make an effort to cross which Mehmeti doesn’t. For me Bell is a better option than Mehmeti on the left.
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