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Everything posted by grifty

  1. Please delete as not funny
  2. You cannot use that against Scott in this team. With players who are on the same wavelength as him, he would be getting far more assists. He should be taking every inswinging corner to get better at them, not James who 50/50 hits the first man. The only thing I can describe almost every player we have is footballing stupid. I cannot understand how a professional football player is not aware of their surroundings to know they are in acres of space and just head the ball aimlessly back up the pitch rather than either bring the ball down or head to a team mate. Andi, Zak and Rob are the worst culprits. There must be no shouts of time or man on from this team. Scott is the only player who will always try to get the ball down and pass into space.
  3. I agree and an energetic Conway isn't the worst player to bring on with 30 mins to go against a (hopefully) tiring Cos defence.
  4. According to Wikipedia he was nominated by Boris Johnson. Not quite sure why you weren't able to check that yourself?
  5. What? It's not doing their job, it's for being exceptional in their job for a variety of reasons - longevity, selflessness, achievements, etc. I'm not going to get one for turning up at my 9-5. But winning a European tournament for their nation, doing something for charity, contributing to an art sector in the way that Brian May/many actors have probably do deserve recognition from the royal family. You'll find that many of the people who receive Knighthoods, MBEs, OBEs, etc are extremely proud of receiving one. To base the honour system on "What would David Bowie do?" is frankly strange.
  6. Defensively solid, but terrible with the ball. So many aimless balls up towards Conway & Semenyo who were being marked by two 6'4" centre backs. There is very little footballing knowledge displayed by the players - not bringing the ball down when in space, not clearing the ball (when suitable) in the general area of one of the front men, lack of movement to open space in the midfield.
  7. Or maybe excellent man management which gave Pring the kick up the backside needed to provide the performances he has recently?
  8. There's actually only ever been like 5 NFL games postponed in the last 40 years. They literally play in almost all weather conditions.
  9. Some loud mouth Sales Manager on the phone all day today kept shouting in the office “going to be rooting for Wales today?” (He’s Welsh) to anyone he spoke too. At about 4.30 he had to ask what time kick off was cos he didn’t know. I hope we stuff them so I can give him the bolo tomorrow
  10. Wasn't as nice when they were booing the national anthem beforehand!
  11. grifty


    Shuttup ya w*nker ?
  12. Yeah sorry that’s what I meant, lingard, welbeck and sturridge all played well for England, but never really set the world alight at club level except those couple of seasons Sturridge had with Suarez
  13. He’s one of those players who for me never really did it a club level but always looked excellent for England, similar to Welbeck and Sturridge bar those couple of seasons at Liverpool where he was unplayable.
  14. I still can never believe people lump Max and Lewis in the same bracket as moaners. Lewis will question the teams decisions, but is always very complimentary of other drivers, teams and his teammates (Rosberg aside) whereas Max is very selfish, rude and sweary at his.
  15. grifty


    Yes this is the problem. Chris Martin is best with balls into his chest and below, where he can bring it down, hold off a defender and bring players into play who are running in and around him. We do this vary rarely and aim for Martin to win flick ons, which he does every so often but he’s not exactly tall. With Semenyo, he’s best with the ball into his feet, so he can hold the ball up, turn his man and use his power to shrug them off and progress the ball forward, however we aim for his chest and above and he’s not as good as Martin at this. It’s worrying that we can all see this, but the professional players we have can’t. I play football after work on a Monday and there is a guy who has only ever touched the ball with this left foot, and even we can learn to play it onto his left foot to make it easier for him. Jay Dasilva is the same, yet so many passes to him are behind him onto his right to slow him down.
  16. I’ve ‘cleverly’ pointed out I’m not that interested in watching the World Cup bar the England matches and any tasty looking fixture which she was pleased with. Little does she know I’ll be able to claim every game is tasty. “There’s a huge rivalry between South Korea and Senegal due to the 1874 war between them”.
  17. Our defensive frailties - we've actually only conceded 7 in 7 league games. And we are playing a right back an attacking midfielder and a left wing back as our three centre backs. Pring was dropped due to injury plus 3 occasions where at the end of a game he lost the ball resulting in an opposition goal rather than being smart and keeping possession. He's played in the last half a dozen league games. Massengo will not sign a new contract. Who should he come in for? Scott? Best player we have. Williams? Today showed what a tenacious midfielder he is and has seemingly got over his injury/fitness issues. James? He was excellent today and with the other two to carry his mobility, his calmness and passing are much improved. The way we played against Swansea, Sheff Utd and Watford deserved a win in all three games and I don't think anyone can really argue the performances deserved that. That would have given us and extra 7 points and we'd be sat either 6th or 7th going into Xmas. Our next 3 games are against 16th, 17th and 21st. Certainly winnable, although West From might be a different prospect.
  18. I don't think the first one was a pen, but the high foot one was.
  19. You really need to learn to check your facts before spouting off!
  20. Because you are trying to explain your opinion that Pearson is not doing good enough, which is currently a valid discussion point. Your point was partly based on how many goals we have scored and conceded in a 6 game period whereby you got both numbers wrong, conveniently in a way which made them both worse than they actually are. Perhaps if you had taken the very few seconds it would have taken to add up the 12 numbers to get the correct figures, you may have had more people be more amicable to your opinion. Instead, you've got very defensive in a number of posts where people have questioned your opinion (which they are allowed on a forum).
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