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Ian M

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Everything posted by Ian M

  1. Unless a friendly admin comes along and spares your future blushes ?
  2. Say we do miss out on promotion this season and have to sell a starlet for say £20m that saves our reporting period, with our wage bill reduced and presumably standing better without sales, during which pre-season do we lose our mega-losses and benefit from that £20m sale in the new reporting period?
  3. Fair play. The amount of times on that Foxes thread you find people correcting others when they call us "Bristol"
  4. Everyone remembers that defeat against Wolves in 17/18 precipitating the end of our season as you can see from the results that followed... But, they also did for us the next season too when beating us in the FA Cup (we had won 9 games in a row leading into this game)... We finished 4 points outside the play-offs. I bet LJ really dislikes Wolves.
  5. Last season we finished 17th, gotta do a lot better than improve if we are to meet the players’ objectives this season. As long as we beat Preston, I’d then be happy with 1 draw/1 defeat from the two aways though.
  6. Nothing to see here, he's repeating the interviewer's question of "January at least" imo.
  7. Players often don't welcome extended trips away but with spirit in the camp buoyed by our current form it could actually magnify it.
  8. Would have been tough to do with Tuesday/Saturday but could we potentially fly to Norwich around mid-day on Wednesday, check in to our hotel, stay there after the Norwich game then travel to Burnley on Thursday and train at a local club on Friday?
  9. If I am reading these charts right, it seems Vyner is quite the under-rated passer? Amongst the best in the division (amongst CBs)
  10. Much has been said about the "Management Team" (Nigel-Steve Walsh-Craig Shakespeare) at Leicester with many dreaming of Nigel re-uniting them here possibly but the stars have not aligned. Could we now have created a new Management Team that in future may hold a candle to that team at Leicester? We will know soon enough.
  11. I've been saying that for weeks. Even play-style similarities with wing-backs almost playing like wingers and centre-backs playing like wing-backs
  12. I believe he can be in the dressing room before the game but from kick off is not allowed to communicate with the team until FT. Remember that story of Jose Mourinho being smuggled into the dressing room in a laundry basket ?
  13. It hasn’t hurt but we finished last season well without him.
  14. We have led in every game. The two we didn't "open the scoring" in, Sunderland and Blackpool, we led at some point before the 90.
  15. English record is 50some League games without one. I hope we don't get that record.
  16. Does this score an 11? ???
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