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Ian M

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Everything posted by Ian M

  1. During the 1 in 90 spell, the only cup games were a 1-0 loss against Fulham and this year’s League Cup games.
  2. What I want to see in this thread is confirmation that Brereton-Diaz is bought by someone. Please and Thank You.
  3. Plus listen to his interview last night, he's very aware the he "owes this club some performances". I wouldn't be averse to seeing him receive a contract extention.
  4. Better than the £5m Forest offered. Suitors need to carry on with doubling the previous offer and we might get somewhere.
  5. I think James' performances are a bit deceptive. He doesn't tend to do anything flashy so doesn't catch the eye so much but I tried to watch him a bit closer last night and he was often either in a good position to cut passing lanes or involved in the press that saw us overturning possession. He may not be pacey and chasing people down left, right and centre but I think he makes up for that by almost ghosting into good positions defensively. In possession I think he just keeps us ticking over.
  6. Ian M

    Sam Bell

    If they have arranged one, it makes sense to ratify that deal as late as possible in case we do lose Semenyo today. Bell would then be our 5th choice striker.
  7. Whilst I agree with those who say if he was Vyner he'd be torn to shreds for passes like that, that's because Vyner doesn't bring the amount of positives that Kal does to the team. (And this is said by someone who is very happy with Vyner's contribution to our team this season )
  8. There was that double press in the second half that was really great viewing. First we pressed and won the ball, unfortunately (just as at Blackpool - which I believe was the reason for the equaliser!) the attempted through ball bounced off the heals of our attacker and we lost possession, only to immediately press again and win the ball back Two chances for a counter snuffed. At Blackpool we did win the ball back too but then did our unforced error to gift them the third goal. Had we not got the pass wrong/been unlucky with the ball catching the heals, we aren't even in position for Nais to put that pass to Vyner.
  9. Not just that but I have used the excellent Transfermarkt website and found that Luton only used him as the centre of the 3 for about half his games at CB last year. He was shunted around the team at LB, DCM, LCB & RCB for the other games. If he was the sort whose confidence looked affected after a mistake, I might have more of a concern but it clearly isn't and I believe that the more we play him consistently in that central position the better his decision making will become.
  10. I think a small contributing factor is also the switch to Wells/Conway up front who combined do more effective pressing than Martin/Semenyo did in the final 10 games (this isn't a slant on Antoine who I believe would have pressed as much, he just hasn't been available). Combine that with us keeping possession better as a whole team and that gives the opponents less ball to shoot with. Plus we've now been using this system for getting on for half a season and players are becoming more an more familiar with their roles within it (and the ability/preferences of their teammates).
  11. He's always at his pissiest when we win ? .... Despite their position, we are only the second team this season to stop Huddersfield scoring, the other being Burnley.
  12. I said in the Summer, if he stays, this will be his Ollie Watkins season. We either go up off the back of that or he joins a top half Prem team as a starter.
  13. The point about "at 30 he's unlikely to improve if he hasn't already", you have to maybe give some weight to the number of positions he has played in his career? Of his 380 senior appearances, 71 have been at CB. I do think there is some credit in those who believe he can improve with experience in the position and relationships with his defensive partners. That said, we are on our longest unbeaten run under Nigel and have just secured our first run of 3 clean sheets at home since 2015 and the first time we have won 3 in a row at home to nil since 2010. So, the argument that the good outweigh's the bad must have some merit.
  14. But Antoine would do well to avoid David's example. Now a fully paid up member of the tin foil hat brigade and stories about pyramid schemes ?
  15. Humans can't yet move fast enough to stop that shot from Antoine
  16. We have 14 out-of-contract players in the Summer. I think Nige will be given the budget to bring 2 or 3 in.
  17. BB8 Bristol City vs Huddersfield Town - ALL SPORTS DAILY
  18. I have edited the title to rid us of the word "Update". I don't want any updates. I want the Summer Transfer window to meander to a close with no activity of any note.
  19. Dave, in your £2.5m shortfall projection, did you account for increased attendances? So far we are 2k up on last season and if we could maintain that by challenging higher up the table with attractive, attacking football, it could be good for £1m extra revenue through ticket sales then add a bit for matchday spend, replica shirts etc. We also went out of both Cup competitions at the first attempt so could bring a little extra through that too. A little saving here, a little allowance there and a sprinkling of additional revenue and we could get very close to meeting our target?
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