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Everything posted by lenred

  1. Depends. Who knows how he will leave it. Lots of variables to go yet. Taking it that he sells us fairly (which he will I think) then the infrastructure is better than he inherited but for me that’s about it (and I’ve gripes about how he’s done that also). Given the money he’s spent his tenure has been an abject failure on the pitch. Just my opinion.
  2. Yep we were in the lower tier, right next to their lot in the adjoining stand in August. Made the stoppage time winner even more enjoyable!!
  3. Beat me to it. It’s exactly what they want. Same with LJ…….those that challenge fall by the way side. But we all know those stories already…... really hope Manning betrays his nice person demeanour behind closed doors, as and when it’s needed.
  4. I’m surprised barely anyone that I’ve seen - here, on the news outlets, social media etc - is mentioning he scored the free kick against us in the semi as well (with the Parker ‘assist’). I remember him a lot more for that sad moment as a young nipper than I do the final! Fantastic player and so young. RIP Andreas.
  5. Seems very harsh on the outside and incredibly muddled thinking by the Board both in getting rid of Mowbray in the first place (apparently because he wanted to add some experience to their youthful squad and the board refused) and then appointing Beale as a result, but I guess if he isn’t working out and players and fans aren’t enjoying working with him then you could say it’s better to cut ties now as opposed to carrying on with something that isn’t working and doesn’t appear will in the short to medium term. A bit of a mess atm though and apparently their fans want Allardyce or Keane neither of whom I would suggest would be any better! Should’ve stuck with Mowbray (assuming his health gets better) in the first place.
  6. lenred

    Super Sunday

    Yep. Watching us atm is pretty dull at times but this is different level shiteness!
  7. lenred


    Absolutely. The only reason can be is that Twine isn’t ready. And that then begs the question why was he on the bench in the first place.
  8. It’s not ‘irrelevant’ to the point I was making.
  9. So why have the police asked it to be moved in the first place then?
  10. But the away game was 3pm with no issues at all save for the issues the police caused by lying about trains being available and then kettling us in. Police and club are a joke here.
  11. For others in the household but not for me unfortunately!
  12. Very much so. Absolutely outstanding once again - as good as he was against Forest. And that was very very good.
  13. Have had a few celebratory jars after the game as a hangover is always ok when it’s worth it on a school night. What an absolutely superb performance. Incredible. Knew it was there from the FA cup games but tonight it came to fruition. More more more of the same please. Up the ******* City. Onwards! PS please can we give James a new deal.
  14. Yep. This is what pisses me off. No issues as well apart from those caused by Heddlu at the station!
  15. But why? For what purpose? You’re making work for yourselves? Last time I asked I got told ‘thats just the way it is’. This isn’t just a public forum - people pay to use it - and so just a ‘tough tits’ attitude to it really doesn’t sit well. I’d love to know why it was done please?
  16. I’d rather have easy access to both and allow people to pick and choose but if it has to be one or the other then this is a City forum and it makes sense to have City items on the main page. I just don’t get the need for a change in the first place.
  17. Get the point but it’s all relative isn’t it? To me ex players and managers matter a lot more than some of the random items that remain on the main page. Seems plenty agree as well.
  18. Who decided? And why? It seems like you are making work for yourselves where it really isn’t needed and it’s to the detriment of the forum?
  19. It needs to be re merged - it just seems really pointless and petty to not do so now.
  20. I was in a pub on the Gloucester Road yesterday with my daughter to watch the Man City match and grab a pint and some food. A couple of screens were showing the West Brom game however and when Weimann came off practically the whole pub erupted with a very loud ‘Sheed head’. My daughter asked me what their weird noise said and when I told her later on she was like ‘what the - how sad are they’. She thought they were even sadder once I told her about Martin, Hunt and Jamie Mac
  21. It’s nothing to do with the stadium. Coventry fans very amply proving that atm against Millwall. Hell of a racket being made in their modern stadium with everyone joining in. People don’t sing at our place That’s the beginning and the end of it. People try in the south stand. I’m sure people try in the Dolman. People try in the S82 corner. But City fans don’t join in at home. No amount of moving seats or re acousting the stadium or moving away fans is going to change it. It’s a real shame but that’s the reality.
  22. Let’s be better than them though Dave. Those who know what you mean know but it’s not going to wash with the anti Pearson crew! I didn’t watch today, but I did watch us go toe to toe with Forest on Wednesday and be the better team and ultimately come away with **** all. To go away to Boro and get a win is superb however it happened. So let’s enjoy it! (I know you are btw)
  23. A superb win under any circumstances. Absolutely fantastic. Well in City.
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