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Everything posted by lenred

  1. That was absolutely diabolical today. But then Watford was fantastic. Birmingham poor performance, but a point on the road is always welcome. Swings and roundabouts I guess but that was worrying for me today. This notion that we are playing front foot football - I’m just not seeing it. He really needs to up it during his ‘time on the grass’ that he seems to be so fond of telling us all about in interview because that felt like a real regression today. Hopefully just a blip.
  2. Looking for a freebie then and being ******* rude about it. Only ‘helmet’ here is you.
  3. So someone tries to help you and you tell them to get ‘back in their box’? Genius.
  4. Will be interesting what they do as they clearly said they believe we have the squad to compete as it is. We shall soon find out I guess!
  5. Great story cheers for sharing
  6. Ahhhhh the old ‘go and support someone else’ answer. Genius.
  7. So you’re measuring us against Bury and Notts County? Such ambition.
  8. Very sad news. RIP fellow Red and condolences to all your family and friends.
  9. Think they’ll start to fall away now. Shame
  10. I’m not trawling through your history. You can do it yourself. But it’s genuinely hilarious you making out that your posts are any more convivial than most others’ on here.
  11. Would’ve loved to have done that. It’s bloody expensive though! I’ve just rebooked flights but from Brum as opposed to Bristol. Annoying but what can you do. Am going to try and get compo to cover the train from them as well.
  12. We’ve had ours cancelled later on that month as well. *******. They’ve pulled the route I guess.
  13. Found that very interesting tbh. I’ll come and join you in the kitchen
  14. Wholeheartedly agree with this point. It’s embarrassing that we continuously celebrate these matches year after year. It’s the definition of tinpot. Will ‘Boro be putting posts on their socials in 6 years time about a cup run. Will they ****.
  15. What a shame. I’ve just sent you a courteous reply but didn’t see this salty response as I wouldn’t have bothered! How on earth am I being ‘defensive’? I’m giving you my experience? The club are evidently happy. No one is breaking any rules. Until the club change the rules then it is what it is. We do not have access to the data so photos taken at random points with nothing to back them up are pretty meaningless either way. I’m sure if I could be bothered I could find photos of a packed SS. It means nothing.
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