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Everything posted by lenred

  1. Ffs. He’s not ‘useless’ is he? He’s made a mistake.
  2. Why rotate him though compared to others? He’s been up there with our best players. He’s young, presumably very fit. Just no need. If he’s carrying a heavy knock fair enough. Otherwise….
  3. Might get a relegation fight to liven things up yet!
  4. 20/1 on Sky bet (18/1 to get relegated. Can’t even get a price for auto).
  5. Ive already seen some bits and pieces around those who wanted NP to stay and those who wanted him to go. Just words nothing else but feelings are there. Sure I read on here that it’s actually come to blows already somewhere? Can see it getting very toxic if it starts to go south after the next few games. Hopefully it doesn’t come to that and we get some results!
  6. How would he not be involved? I think I must be missing something here
  7. Seriously? You wouldn’t expect our technical director to be involved?
  8. I said exactly the same yesterday. It’s been very noticeable. Hopefully just an unhappy circumstance!
  9. But there were a myriad of reasons why it was so poor at times. And NP and his team and RG worked their proverbials off to get us where we are now. Just be honest about the respective positions. That’s all I’m suggesting.
  10. This is complete revisionism tbh. Where we were when Pearson took over and where we were when Manning took over are completely incomparable. That’s not ‘sulking over Pearson’ it’s just how it is.
  11. Very happy to see ‘probing’. And most people are. It’s the lack of probing that’s bugging me so far………
  12. I stood and waited and didn’t see him come around with the players like he did against Boro. Fair play if he did. My mincers are even worse than I thought! Was more a generic comment though anyway for now, but apologies if I missed it.
  13. He’s seeing us in the Prem apparently!
  14. It bugs me when a manager is out there giving it the big one when you win but then just scuttle off when we lose. Either come out after every game, win, lost or draw, or don’t come out at all.
  15. You’re making yourself look like a complete and utter nause with comments like this. And you had the nerve to call someone out earlier saying you come on here for ‘grown up conversation’ (or something like that). Take your own advice.
  16. ‘Be back when we get to the Premier League’. Good god. The delusion really is real with that lot isn’t it.
  17. lenred


    I can’t see a lot of positives listed there tbh. Norwich were terrible - good players or not - they were there for the taking. Knight was good though - I agree. Probably the only one today unfortunately. Thank you for replying.
  18. lenred


    Can I ask what positive signs you saw today. Genuinely? Because I saw a team that couldn’t beat one of the worst teams I’ve seen down the Gate for a long long time. They looked like they were scared of their own shadows they were so devoid of confidence, yet we still let them win. It was very very poor imho and I didn’t see anything from us to make me feel any better so anything you can provide would be gratefully received! This is not meant as a slagging of Manning btw. He still gets time from me. But that was terrible today imo.
  19. I’m hoping some French or Portuguese have tickets for the game and want to do a swap! We’re based in Frankfurt so will head up to Gelsenkirchen possibly even without tickets (if we win the group!)
  20. Even as a ‘Pearson Lover’ I expected and demanded there be improvement this year - for me it really was the year to turn those hard couple of years of graft into fruition so 10th or above was my realistic goal I’m sure (maybe you can check for me @Marina's Rolls Royce next time your looking through my posts for me ) On that basis I’ll be pretty cheesed off with anything less but anything above 14th would be progress I guess.
  21. Yes. Top 6 no? Completely agree with your second para but that is what we were told. That’s the reason they got rid of Nige. Personally I’m pretty sure I said I’d be happy and expect 10th as a minimum this season before it started when lots were getting dizzy about top 6. That still stands. But that’s not good enough for our esteemed leadership it seems.
  22. No it wasn’t. Get to **** telling me what I’m writing and what I’m not.
  23. That’s not true though is it? He’s been given the platform to perform here - and top 6 is expected this season and with these players. Maybe he will do it. Too early to tell so far. But you cannot give him the same target as NP. We’ve been categorically told that’s not the case.
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