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Everything posted by lenred

  1. I don’t have any. My daughter shows no interest.
  2. Can’t see anywhere where a football team could sit together unless I’m missing something though? Unless you look directly to the right of you on the Williams? For context I sit with 14 people I am mates with and their kids (3 kids). Out of that 14, 6 were not there Saturday due to parties (both adult and kids) and child care. Not sure if our crew were just adversely affected but seemed quieter all around Saturday. All anecdotal of course! Anyway let’s not derail it anymore. It’ll never be able to be proven or otherwise.
  3. For such a good team in their build up they had nothing that made me truly worried. Most relaxed I’ve been for a long while, sitting on a 1/0 scoreline. Was quite an odd feeling!
  4. When in the game was this taken? Also not the best game to use. Sunday lunchtime kick off. Kids at their football. People not able to attend. Etc. If you can show me a Saturday 3pm kick off at 25 or 65 mins that looks the same then fair enough.
  5. Where are you seeing this. Because that 100% isn’t the case around where I sit in the SS on match days and the adjoining blocks.
  6. They’d better be spent well if the purse strings are loosened. The very worst that could happen is that we panic buy mediocrity, over pay (as you generally have to in January window) and are then lumbered with dross for 3 years, meaning we then have to go through another rebuilding phase. I really really hope the club aren’t that stupid again but I won’t hold my breath with the clowns we currently have in charge. Not massively au fait with Mannings track record on spending (yes I know we have a recruitment team but he will have a major say) other than his purchases last year seemed quite diverse. Let’s hope he is diligent as his oft compared equivalent SOD was on transfers!
  7. Massive concern of mine also with the current set up. Really really hope they don’t go down this route. We need to think long term. This squad are more than good enough for mid table (I would’ve been disappointed with anything less than 10th this year) and there is no need to spunk a load of cash on nonsense.
  8. But but but but but but he wasn’t ‘on the grass’ 20 hours a day! And therefore was a dinosaur!
  9. It’s a really good point amongst the madness. If Manning does go who the heck do we get next! Hopefully he turns it around and we don’t need to get to that stage any time soon but the whole set up is such a shit show of incompetence that whenever that time does come you’ll bet it’ll be another nightmare. They just need to go. They are completely and utterly clueless.
  10. Yep. I’ve said elsewhere that I’m constantly amazed at the lack of understanding about the position we were in from some posters on here. And it’s more than it should be. It’s beyond comprehension. Support Manning or don’t support Manning tbh it’s got f all to do with it, but it’s a fact that Pearson took over a complete and utter shit show on and off the pitch.
  11. Can’t agree with you there MMR. But fair play to you.
  12. Nice play from TGH you’d think he might start!! Come on city!
  13. Fair enough. Red button not working for me at present.
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