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Everything posted by Rich

  1. The thing is, when Wael bought into that shower of shyte, he knew that if the South Glos Bowl fell through, he'd have a blank canvas for the rugby ground development.
  2. And Mr Ova A Cheever was their club historian.
  3. And the blonde is just about to slap GJ on the head, typical gashead hitting the opposition.
  4. It's a conspiracy against them, that's obvious to the whole sporting world. To have so many events, whether cancelled or not, going on near the time that they play is obviously something organised by SL in the background. It's what he does, the dirty tax evading she ted. He's got the council planning department in his pocket and he's doing all he can to ruin the new state of the art stadium, because, his team won't be able to compete with them once they are on an upward spiral.
  5. Hard but small crew. Just never had the numbers. As I remember it the two ends, Tote end and East end were, roughly: Rovers = some lads, a few scruffy greebo's, a few scruffy hippies and the rest young kids. Numbers up to 2,000. Always thought their crowd make up were more scruffy and down trodden than equivalent crowd at AG. City = lots of lads, 4 greebo's, a couple of hippy types and young lads. Numbers up to 4,000. All rough figures taken from Rovers crowds of 10/12k and City's crowds of 12/16k and, depending on who the opposition were. Bigger ground, bigger attendances, better football, more away support, equalled more trouble, which might have attracted others with little affiliation to the club that liked that little excitement.
  6. Common trait I believe. We had a 13/60, which did the same. Brilliant motor, I loved it. Walnut dash, leather seats, wood and wire steering wheel. And core plugs that would pop out at random times.
  7. At least you have honesty on your side. Any Ginger? especially with Irish and Scottish in you.
  8. Not good weather for gardening. I wonder if there has been a leak or two and someone needs to plug the hole in the garden? Strange situation really. Wally knows people want to buy him out. Fruit market owners know someone wants to buy the site. Both situations are not conducive to negotiating a reasonable price for either purchase. If this is a consortium, then it's because they've had to pool resources, so that info being made public won't help the cause. Any relocation of the tenants of the fruit market must be acceptable to them and people affected by where that site is. Any application for a stadium will obviously be met by opposition from local groups about traffic impact, environmental impact, noise, light, hooliganism. Any application for demolition and over development of the rugby ground site will be met with opposition, about over development, noise, dirt, extra vehicle movements. Personally I think it's a good place for a stadium, as Temple Meads was for an arena. Transport options are already in place for buses and trains and there's an almost direct link from the M32. Lots of hurdles to cross yet, not least keeping the cost down and having the funding, which the council will have to make sure of with any large venture/proposal. The council originally decided there would be no parking for an arena but, this proposal will be for nearly double the capacity of that plan and must prove it's able to cope with that capacity and it's impact on the surrounding areas which will be extensive when at capacity, if and when bigger teams go there, or there's a local derby verses FGR, Bath City, Manor Farm or the mighty Mango's.
  9. They only have debt to their owners, Al Quadi.
  10. How would you describe a person that drives a very small car, with a very small rear windscreen? Add to that, the person then obliterates the rear view by sticking a giant sticker (350mm diameter) dead centre of the rear window. I'll let you guess what that sticker was.
  11. Very reputable businessmen then, bound to work well with our current Mayor. I did hear that a Mr A Hitler might be a sleeping director.
  12. I did say she was a real property expert, not a developer.
  13. This is going to be Edward Ware, former director of Edward Ware homes, That went bankrupt and I believe was banned from being a director of a company for a time, as a result. Fortunately, he wasn't made to suffer too much financially, as his Mrs found £5m down the back of the sofa to carry on with her own property company, as she was a real property expert. It might also include Nick Higgs who is reportedly still owed a substantial sum from the original sale of BRFC to Dwayne Sports. I don't like the talks going on with BCC as they will bend over backwards to help that lot out. Just as they did when changing the planning committee on the day of the meeting to decide the application for the redevelopment of the rugby ground. Six councillors were removed from the committee who'd previously voiced their concerns about that application, to be replaced by other councillors friendly towards the application/club. BCC previously promoted the idea of using the fruit market site as a joint stadium for both clubs. As we have ours now, they'll say it's only fair that Rovers can compete on an even footing and bend a few rules, re access, travel arrangements, noise and light pollution, granting of long leases with peppercorn rent, on the adjoining council owned depot for hotel/housing developments which will go towards financing. There are many hurdles to cross here, none less than agreeing a figure with the Al Quadi family for their money back, plus interest/profit on their original property deal. Then actually getting money out of BRFC for rent on a £40-£60m build. Someone is going to take a hit in this plan. Probably the new stadium company formed to see the project through, that gets loans on the value of land, who will then go bankrupt, leaving BRFC to pick up a newly built stadium at a knock down price from the liquidator, with the financiers ultimately taking a hit and writing off £40m. some people are good with shares and when to acquire and sell them, and the club has history in forming new companies and obtaining property when someone goes to the wall. Seen it all before with that lot. Slippery as hell.
  14. Is that a complex for inferiors?
  15. I seem to have touched a nerve. So, which one is it then? You seem to be denying both. We're either a vile club or a club that went bankrupt, which according to you, didn't do us any harm. Where's the smiley face? ?
  16. Your statement was as follows: "Someone said that Rovers were a vile club who they hoped went bankrupt. I responded with 'It didn't do you any harm'". So that response statement must include both accusations. I know you wrongly referred to the bankrupt section but, your statement was all inclusive.?
  17. Got me on that one RR. I was completely forgetting that technicality. Bravo.
  18. Fruit market is actually north of the river. Sorry to be pedantic. The council were actively promoting having a joint stadium on the old fruit market site early naughties, so might be in favour of such a scheme. Having said that, Marvin ditched the use of Temple Island for something which would be more beneficial to the city of Bristol on that site, in favour of one outside Bristol. A recycling centre would be more beneficial to the city of Bristol on that site, so a stadium has no chance. Far too many hurdles to cross with those plans, this is the age of the keyboard warrior. The new block of flats planned for Totterdown bridge only just got passed, after much opposition from residents. Can you imagine their reaction to a bigger shit tip than currently exists?
  19. I've been corrected, Pathological liars. Much better term than habitual.
  20. Sorry for late reply, I've not been here. Only nerve it might have touched is the one which likes accuracy and truth. So, was it your reference likening us to be a vile club, or of us going bankrupt? Obviously there are elements in most clubs which are unsavoury but, our club has won numerous awards for it's work in the community over a number of years and is recognised officially (not just by the favourable local press) as a proper family friendly club. It has also not gone bankrupt as was proven by the creditors accepting a percentage of what was owed and only then, was a new company formed voluntarily and named at the time, BCFC 1982. Holding on to it's assets and status, close admittedly but not quite. So you seem to be calling us a vile club that went bankrupt, both are proven to be statements well far of reality. What was it Danny Baker called Rovers Supporters? Ah yes, Habitual liars.?
  21. Or the council hadn't have bought Eastville and sold it back cheaply. For it to be sold again to the Greyhound company.
  22. Anyway, care to talk to me about the rugby club ground purchase, or the re allocation of land at Filton in the same deal, or the share sales from NH to Balfour Beaty, or the gift of £1m shares to NH from GD, Or the awarding of contract to Cowlin's for the redevelopment of the rugby ground only for it to be cancelled once shares were sold, then the shares being paid for, or the changing of the planning committee on the day of the hearing which went in Rovers favour? Plenty to debate. You seem to have not been interested in those, only reinforcing your view of a bankruptcy which never actually happened.
  23. If it aint relevant why mention it? Anyway, the creditors accepted 20p in the pound for their debt, by accepting that deal the creditors were paid and the company did not go bankrupt. The company was wound up and a new company formed to take over the administrative role, BCFC 1982. The assets of the old company were transferred to the new company except for the registration of the like of Mick Harford and Jan Moller who were sold and the proceeds went to covering the debts of the old company.
  24. After the deal was done to stitch them up and Arthur Holmes had got his £2m back, but, the rugby club didn't receive anything, so were still losing money. He then filed for bankruptcy of the rugby club, that was after just five months. He was rewarded by the club (football not Rugby) for his services to "the club". In his obituary, written by Geoff Dunford, he used two thirds of it to explain the deal and their relationship, Strange!
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