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Everything posted by Rich

  1. Oh yes and, we never relinquished our league status, it was only an administrative change of name. No new club, same ground, no new place in the league, never been out of it. Never left Bristol, never campaigned against Bristol, never blamed Bristol for our problems, never got help from Bristol and backed Bristol's bid for the World Cup (obviously) unlike a certain club who acted like spoilt brats and even had a solicitor trying to dig dirt against BCFC to stop our stadium. I've got loads more where that came from.
  2. So, Rovers got a ground, shafting the rugby club their other creditors and the players, the rugby club went bust after just 5 months and you like to think your club has morals.? Smiley face so that you're not offended by my offensive post.
  3. Fortunately, you saved that great act for the rugby club. Yes.
  4. So they didn't get away with anything, as they acted within the current laws. I remember at the time, City were withheld their TV money and had to put up £100k as a guarantee of fulfilling their fixtures. Move forward a year and Wolves were given their TV money up front to help them fulfill their fixtures and no deposit. Another club was also in trouble at the time, can't remember who but the change didn't happen just because of City and certainly not straight away.
  5. When the groundsman was seen watering the pitch in the corner, to make sure it was called off. They received a warning from the FA over that. Like the time at Trumpton when the game was called off due to a flooded corner of the pitch, when the watermain mysteriously burst just prior to our game, we were flying at the time and they had a couple of injuries. Just shows what a shithouse of a club they are.
  6. There's only one. The horse and sister.
  7. Not to mention black puddings and ferrets.
  8. And to show the local authorities that they needed a new stadium to cater for their large fan base.
  9. Of course it is, habitual liars.
  10. Was in St Ives last night, the usual happened. A gas head wore his best Tee shirt out for the highlight night of his holiday. They cannot fail to wear the clothes depicting their unique, best supported club in the world, clothes, you will always see one wearing his tramps uniform at any opportunity. They are so deluded that they believe their own bullshit. The only reason they managed close to 40k for one Wembley appearance, is because we did it one year and they wanted to prove they were as big as us. It was also deemed helpful for their planning application in the redevelopment of the rugby ground. So, the club promoted the match to help the stadium application, persuading everyone possible to attend that game. Mothers, fathers, Grandmothers, Grandfathers, brothers, sisters and wives (same woman), babies in arms and sperm samples. The pictures of them leaving in their coaches were like a tramps outing to Weymouth on a bank holiday, it wasn't anything like a group of football supporters. Why are they so "prowed" of one of the least successful football clubs in history?
  11. Haven't really followed this lately, so forgive me if I get this wrong. They're trying to get someone else on board by a share issue at a specific price. Will this reduce their share holding? Because, they said they couldn't put more money in while they held so many shares.
  12. Long may it continue. Nothing exposed, no pressure, no questions of management/board and anyone trying to, gets blown away with vitriolic rhetoric. It's always been the same, aided and abetted by the local media.
  13. Van Dyke aint too keen on that.
  14. Fair play to you Gerty. I get fed up to the back teeth of seeing weird looking Gasheads, in suits with trainers and pony tails. They're seen around the country and continent, in all sorts of odd places with their tatty, cheap looking ugly shirts on, chests pumped out, as if they're somehow proud of them and their achievements.
  15. Agree 100%. How could Richard Lane be offensive?
  16. Difficult to differentiate when the "stadium" was there, I agree. Sadly (I think not), there's another building on site where that other shit pit used to be, which leaves this other old shed alone in the car park. Rather like the girl who's been stood up by the old map on the centre, who looked beautiful through the bottom of a beer glass on Saturday night.
  17. Think you are correct. Used to be in the corner of the car park. Shitty two bit shed of a building, so must be.
  18. I'm offended by the Dick Lane sign.
  19. Don't believe you. You'll be saying that we're at war with Argentina next.
  20. Like when they handed over money to the last regime to build them a roof over the Filton avenue end. They assumed the club wouldn't increase the entrance fee due to improved facilities. hahahahahahaha
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