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Everything posted by Rich

  1. Didn't think I'd have to wait that long.
  2. Getting to look like a poor mans Eastville with every new additional stand. Soon they'll be planting flowers behind the goals and allowing dogs to run around the pitch. Wait for it.
  3. I think you're making an assumption that the views expressed on this forum are indicative of the whole support base. I wouldn't make the mistake of assuming every Rovers supporter was a gullible, self patronising, lying, thug and best supporter in the world type of great guy, just from what I've read on Gaschat.
  4. How do you know it hasn't mad a difference? By allowing criticism, rather than shouting down the critics, makes everyone question their own actions and improve their efforts up to a point, unless they're completely deluded. That questioning applies pressure to avoid more criticism, you aint going to succeed having a jolly nice time with nobody willing to crack the whip. As supporters, we've always applied the same principles at AG for as far back as I can remember (1966/7), but just as important, we've also praised when it's been deserved, which is a darn sight more than your self love supporters have had the opportunity to do. Luckily I chose Red when I had an option, because they were the bigger better club with better team, better facilities, larger fan base and, the ground although not great, was a lot better than the shit tip that Eastville was. Things Haven't changed too much I suppose, apart from the facilities, oh yes, and the fan base, oh yes and the team. And you lot still blindly allow yourselves to be shafted by your owners, carry on, carry on..
  5. When you say loophole, you do mean acting within the law, don't you? Somewhat like acting within the law to acquire a piece of real estate worth £6m, (GDs words) for £2m and £10k.
  6. DC reckons his small 16 man/woman squad will be more than a match for the other teams in their league, in fact, he said it looks to be a piece of cake.
  7. He wouldn't be seen dead in a dump like Horfield.
  8. Let me be their manager, please, please. I promise to do my best but, these things take time. I've heard the owner is a very nice man and I'd have a top six budget.
  9. The Dunford's managed to purchase the Hambrook training ground from the insurance proceeds if memory serves me correctly. They then sold it and bought the Beeches and rented the facilities to Rovers.
  10. We're not bothering with it this year, it gets in the way of league form and messes up the season.
  11. No worry, shit happens as you get older.
  12. I didn't get into Raquel's until 73, it was in need of a clean by then.
  13. When he answered (if that's the correct terminology) the question about whether it was finances holding back the training ground, he replied that it was a combination of things, budget (set by himself), what the club wanted, what the club needed. Basically, the budget is too low to produce a training ground, but the family money is safe, as it could always go for housing.
  14. Like a Rabbit in the headlights. The nervous little laughs shouldn't inspire any confidence, that this man (however nice) knows anything at all about how to progress the club. At this point in the questioning, he should be saying things along the lines of, we've spoken to three different groups about stadium partnerships and it's all positive but, I cannot name those groups. The stadium sites are all within 10 miles of our heartland. On the training ground, we have been in discussion with the local authority about the plans and are working with them to provide the best facilities possible, which are acceptable to the authority and an application will follow shortly. Instead, it's a nervous laugh and a waffle about reassuring people, which doesn't actually reassure anyone. It would appear that he's trying to plod along with little financial resources at his disposal, other than the odd sale of a player and season ticket sales, because his family have told him, no more investment from us, find it from elsewhere. And he's hoping for a night in shining armour to turn up and rescue him from his personal commitment. Long may this waffling continue.
  15. He's un sackable. They could not afford the compensation package, they're hoping someone comes to get him and pay them compensation, then they'll appoint Marcus Stewart on the same money and a short contract. The trouble is, with the reduced quality available to him, he's struggling to produce good enough performances to attract another club.
  16. Mine isn't but, it smells much bigger.
  17. You should come and take me out sometime, for a game of snooker and a finger behind the bike sheds.
  18. You still bringing property prices down in my area?
  19. I am only responding to his responses which are in the present. People are trying to give examples why they refer to Rovers as scum, he replies with what appear to be justifications. Does a timescale matter? And, some of them might be dead but, there are plenty of people alive who remember the events of those times vividly, I'm one of them. To dismiss them as being "a long time ago" is like dismissing the history of the club. It happened but let's forgive eh, because it was a long time ago? NO, never forget, the club appear no different than they've always been. Trying to get something for nothing and not caring who they trample over to get it.
  20. I wouldn't stay in the same Hotel as Miah.
  21. So, trying to steal someone's ground isn't serious? You normally have reasonable morals but, stealing grounds isn't serious and thinking SHIT isn't worse than scum, would seem to indicate your morals have slipped.
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