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Everything posted by Rich

  1. You have to say that, because of the ramshackle piecemeal developments around the ground, it's starting to look like their old spiritual home. If I remember correctly, Eastville had six different roof structures, similar to the old rugby ground of today. Not many clubs could boast having so many different structures. Makes them quite unique really.
  2. Wael is quoted as saying that for every £100 they spend £97 is on wages. Now how are we reading this? Is it for every £100 spent they pay out £97 on wages, so the £100 is not takings, it's spend. So the wages could be within the limits, if their takings are £140 for every £97 wages. Or is it as people have taken, that it's takings of £100 and wages out of that of £97?
  3. This sort of thing happens on a daily basis around Bristol. They call it art and have festivals to celebrate it. They should be grateful that it's given them a way into the media, where people can feel sorry for them. Every wall and public toilet had something sprayed on it in the 70's and 80's, City rule, KWBB, Briz rule, east end boot boys, even the odd Tote end and they were odd. I don't suppose we've got the toilet walls to spray up any more, due to cutbacks, so the rugby ground is the closest thing.
  4. Correct. And they truly believe they were the saviours of the rugby club.
  5. "collecter"? City was ere? Agreed, the spelling isn't too bad but, the punctuation and grammar are what one would expect.
  6. Dissatisfied Gas head. Sprays a protest against the owners highlighting problems, makes it look like City fans. Message gets into local media, owners get stick, City fans get the blame. In their eyes, jobs a goodun.
  7. You are correct, I'm getting my years mixed up as I assumed that site had updated. Not bad average is it? especially if they all turned up. Anyway, I was trying to point out how the EP twisted the figures to show that shower of shyte in a better light.
  8. I took that as their first season back at level 2, as it stated 1990. If you take the latest average, it states ours as 20,953 from the year 2018, so obviously that's this last season 18/19. So theirs at 6,209 would have been 90/91, their first year promoted. http://european-football-statistics.co.uk/attnclub/league/brir.htm
  9. Godsiff used to cover us but got promoted to sports editor so Latham to over our coverage. This might be a little hazy but, I think there was a falling out between Godsiff and BCFC, over what I cannot say, possibly our negative coverage by the post. Anyway, Godsiff took great delight a little while after, making comparisons between "ragbag Rovers" and the wealthier Bristol City. Please note, we're usually referred by local media as Bristol City, they as the more friendly "Gas", or "The Rovers". He pointed out that we'd paid £275,00 for Bob Taylor and Rovers were managing on free transfers and cast offs. Obviously they went up as champions (Spit) and we were second, even with our massive financial backing. He forgot to mention that their squad was valued at about £4m that season, if I remember correctly. They had a few players that moved on for quite big sums, none other than Nigel Martin (£2m). This was about the same time as the EP did another comparison between the two clubs, this time using attendances to point out the narrowing of the gap but, using all attendances not just home attendances. This meant that although our average home attendance was 11,500, theirs was 6,200, when the average for the whole season inc away games, where the attendances were much larger than theirs, it appeared that they were closing the gap. And people say there's no bias in the local press.
  10. I agree about their property values, I was referring to the light. I suppose it could be a question of swings and roundabouts regarding their view, no doubt it's improved it. But, it will do nothing to stop the sound of flapping canvas or the smell of piss from their aging supporter base.
  11. Then they'd be awarded a penalty and the keeper sent off. All in the first five minutes.
  12. Looks like it is, and they have an historic right to that light. It might be further away than it looks though and the angle of light is very important to consider as well. Very complicated laws to interpret just from a picture.
  13. The only PP is for the retrospective application for the erection/replacement of their new stands, which they forgot to apply for last year. Not sure if PP is required for the TV screen, I would guess that it is, so no current application is visible on the council Planning site. Surely they'd have learned from the last time?
  14. Hope they've got planning permission for that. Very close to those houses.
  15. I've laughed many times but, this time it was a deep rooted belly laugh that actually hurt and brought a few happy tears with it. I will cherish that moment for ever.
  16. I have to admit, it took until today to have a real belly laugh about that statistic. I was chatting to a lad over a cup of tea, who happens to support Rovers. He's under no illusions and refers to them as crap and going nowhere. It just came out about how long they were in the relegation places that season and I cracked up. He took it well, fair play, I'd have lamped him if it'd been the other way round. He then went on to tell me about a lad he knows that goes regularly, who had the audacity to shout about the team playing rubbish. He was pushed, sworn at and thumped several times from behind. That's why they are where they are, long may it continue.
  17. When you call yourself Gas And you talk out your Ass That's the Rovers. Sorry if that's been posted before, it is really obvious though.
  18. The editorial hierarchy of the Post would never allow that to happen. They'd print a story alluding to them being stolen by a group of thuggish football supporters travelling back from their weekend game in Birmingham. Backed up by pictures of City supporters at AVFC, just after the article full stop.
  19. Close by. Wael's between Araq and Ahardplace.
  20. That's the family club you're referring to mind. Of course, there are lots of families from hell, throughout their traditional catchment areas. Whereas, those families from hell in our traditional catchment areas, also support Rovers.
  21. Perhaps Bodin or Miah would comment.
  22. I wouldn't want him at my club, they might.
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