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Everything posted by milo1111

  1. That’s how I’ve been viewing it as well. Only thing we do know is that no one has made a satisfactory bid yet. No one knows for sure whether city see the 25m as the guaranteed cash price or whether it’s slightly less with add ons bringing it up
  2. I think they are being unfairly treated. Since when has scaffolding required planning permission?? It’s a disgrace!!
  3. I’m not sure they really care about domestic fans that much. Do you think the consortiums and state owned clubs in the prem would care if there was a chance to jump to a Saudi backed league and the revenue streams were even greater. As long as the international tv rights were there they’d not give a t0$$
  4. I won’t watch it either. Did anyone even watch the golf though? I don’t think they did but they still bought themselves a seat at the table. IMO they arent doing it for profit. Not directly anyway. It’s about profile and attention through disruption of the status quo.
  5. I can see the re-emergence of the super league idea- with the 4 Saudi PIF teams spearheading it this time.
  6. He’s right though. How can JH say he supports gay rights then disappear to Saudi. It’s total hypocrisy
  7. Conversely, when a child is getting knocked about in a rugby scrum of mass disorganisation. Then gets to meet barely any of their heroes ….. what does that do to their dreams and the potential longevity of their support?
  8. I absolutely despise Swiss Tony for his involvement in the playing side but on the marketing/ commercial side I think we have gone backwards since he left. it really pains me to say that as well.
  9. You’re probably right. and if I hadn’t wasted half a days leave to be able to attend and if my lad wasn’t gutted I’d probably be less annoyed.
  10. I think the poster probably meant out of term time
  11. Basically one long queue then people just broke through barriers to players. . . Maybe with permission of stewards I couldn’t see. Then just utter farce , essentially a bun fight with no organisation and no one trying to take control.
  12. Let’s hope our team is better organised than this mess. What a complete farce. Pathetic organisation.
  13. It would drastically close the gap though. I don’t think they give the EFL that much do they??
  14. It would be hilarious if this came to fruition. I would be laughing my head off. As the premier league has treated the EFL like dog sheet to see them in financial turmoil would be so sweet.
  15. Lovely words Fordy. Remember his posts. RIP.
  16. True , but I expect it’s like that on most clubs forums. After all, the internet / social media is awash with knee jerk rubbish period!!
  17. Would be good for most English clubs IMO. Would drain some money from the premier league and remove the reckless spending lower down . It just wouldn’t be worth the gamble any more for the chancers who look run efl clubs into the ground in the faint hope that they make it and win the lottery
  18. It’s just a job to him and I’ve no problem with that. I think lots of us assumed because he’s from the area and came up through the ranks here, that he was one of us and would love to come back. but he isn’t one of us, and he’s no different to any other player lining up against us this season imo. he’s just a rich kid who happened to be good at football.
  19. I suppose it’s summer so the pitch won’t be heavy. Although looking at the weather lately that’s not a given ?
  20. It’s not though really is it. They only grant them the extra leeway as it would be a total embarrassment if a team qualified for the so called best sporting competition in the world but then weren’t allowed to take that opportunity. it would harm the brand. it’s not about meritocratic advancement. It’s the organisation that dishes out parachute payments ffs.
  21. I think we will keep him for now then if that’s the best offer that comes in
  22. That’s the sort of thing selfless thing Mark Ashton would of done when he was here ?
  23. Some good points . The palmer deal was an utter joke though as Johnson had barely used him when he was on loan. He clearly had reservations about him so for Ashton to go ahead and pay 4m (iirc) for him and over 20k a week in wages really beggars belief.
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