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Portland Bill

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Everything posted by Portland Bill

  1. Thanks mate, but I’m after the one with colours on and the bobble ? This one
  2. No mate, been looking for ages. Nothing. A football club not selling warm hats in the winter months, beggars belief.
  3. I’ve been after a City bobble hat for a year………… anyone have any idea who sells them ?
  4. Yes, but plenty of died of COVID “after” those 28 days. Thousands I imagine.
  5. It’s not hindsight when Italy ( 3 weeks in front of us at the time) were telling us to lockdown immediately to stop people dying. Wurzel Johnson ignored the Italian warning, and thousands died in the UK as a direct result of not locking down in time.
  6. I arrived two minutes late for a home game against Blackpool once, we scored in the second half. I was convinced we had won 1-0 and wondered why others were looking disappointed. Blackpool had scored in the first minute!!
  7. Everton have possibly the most loyal fanbase in the country, sell outs most weeks and fantastic away support. They also happen to be in the same City as one of the most successful clubs in Europe over the last 40 years, they themselves had a fantastic team in the mid 80’s, a team that were unable to show their true worth due to the European ban on English clubs. Yes, the ban that their neighbours initiated with the Heysel disaster. Why wouldn’t they feel bitter. After all, they have more support in their own City than their neighbours have!. The managers of that club have spent £500 million over the last few years, the fans do feel that their club should be doing better!. Imagine if we were in the same situation and Bristol Rovers were a highly successful club, ( I know, I know!!) how would we feel. I find it hard to see why anyone on here can’t work out why Everton fans are hugely peed off with their club.
  8. Tommy epitomised what us as fans want to see, a local lad who was a very good footballer, who gave his all for 90 minutes in every game.
  9. Yes, our mini bus had a few windows missing after that game, it was a draughty trip back to Somerset!
  10. I think it’s now a case of Lino’s and referees concentrating more on the on field players than the thrower when a throw in is taken. Ive noticed a lot of players now lifting their back foot at throw ins, yes it’s a foul throw when this happens, but it seems in the greater scheme of things this is being seen as a trivial offence, when more important things are happening on the pitch.
  11. Probably because we could when there was only about 6-7k of us turning up for home games. So we got used to easy parking. I agree, it’s a different scenario nowadays though.
  12. This is a proper football match, much better than all the sanitised rubbish normally seen n the tv!
  13. £10?? Thank f@@k I don’t go anymore!!
  14. Sad news, always gave his all for City, When he left us and went north, Burnley fans named him “Pender the defender”!
  15. If I wrote on this thread three years ago I would have stated my love for City, and why I had been going for 40 plus years. But three years ago I found myself falling out of love with the club. It was all down to watching Lee Johnson’s tactics and his after match interviews etc. I just thought, I can’t do this anymore, to me he gave me the impression that it was HIS club and he was the most important thing about MY club. So I started spending my Saturday afternoons going to watch Western and County league football, I’ve never looked back tbh. City will always be my club, but I wouldn’t travel to AG now even if given free tickets. The pro game has changed, it’s not how I like it, yes technically the players are streets ahead of the past, but I want entertainment as well, which is why I walked away three years ago, there was no thrills or spills, it was drab boring negative rubbish imo. I never envisaged I would stop watching City, but now I have zero regrets about what I did. Non league football fulfils all my requirements from a game of football. I will watch City live on the tv, watch highlights, but I still find it so drab. I still admire all of our fans that go week in week out, and travel the country being let down on a weekly basis ( done that for years!!). But I will never go back to those days myself. I wasn’t worried about losing more than we won, if I was I would have followed the likes of Liverpool, I just wanted the manager and players to feel as passionate as I did, and in previous years we had 100’s of players and certain managers who fitted that criteria. I personally see very few that care now, no brick walls will be broken by many of the current crop as they are soft and look like they couldn’t give a shite. Apologies if I sound negative on a thread that is about positives, I just felt I wanted to explain the other side ? A man with real passion, sadly lacking in the game nowadays.
  16. I stopped going 3 years ago after 44 years. I feel for those fans who still care passionately, as I did for a long long time. I now realise the years I wasted were that, wasted years. The odd good performance and the odd good cup result, is just not worth me wasting my emotions away for r anymore. For those still keeping the faith, well done, but like me, one day you will look back and think was it all worth it.
  17. I’ve consistently said it for a very long time. Obviously a talented footballer with the ball at his feet. But he lacks any desire as a defender to actually defend. I’ve never seen him show any real willingness to stop his man get the ball into our box, it’s simply incredible how easily he allows attacking opponents to do this.
  18. Sounds like us 3-4 seasons ago, we know how that ended. With them getting trounced twice in a few days, and conceding 8 goals in the process, it seems he’s being consistent!!
  19. I don’t watch a lot of City atm, so been pleasantly surprised how well Bakinson has played. He looks so composed on the ball. As a team we seem to lack any kind of fluency, it’s like we are making it up as we go.
  20. Ampadu is just 21 years old, has lots of International caps for Wales, has played in the Premier league, the German league, and now the Italian league, he is still a Chelsea player. I repeat, he is 21 years old…. not exactly someone who “hasn’t done shit”!!
  21. Paul Hardcastle 19 or will that have to be the next home game, I’ve lost count of what number we’re on now!
  22. Just remember, the season after next ( after WBA have been relegated from the money league) the same 3,4,5-0 defeat will happen to us again. Its a two year cycle, it’s who we are, and what we do as a football club!!
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