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Portland Bill

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Everything posted by Portland Bill

  1. I was only saying recently that we never score from our long throws............................
  2. Bradford’s League form took a massive dip that season, they slipped to 7th, but they did manage to go up in the play offs. Just saying!
  3. I think the whole team was knackered, that’s why using only one sub in Manchester was a strange decision imo. Coaches are very clever in this league, they are now well aware of how we play, and will set up to stop us in the first instance. We need a physical presence up top in some of these games, because Bobby Reid for all his skill and energy just can’t cope with the physical side and still create. The sooner our injured forwards get fit the better. The players have been fantastic, but the same ones can’t be expected to do it every game.
  4. It happens to a team every season, a good cup run seems to effect league form. Plus, if you were the Norwich manager you would stick a physical presence up against Bobby Reid, we are in need of getting our injured players back very quickly.
  5. Had a bad feeling about today, it’s always hard when your second game in a very quick turnaround is away from home, especially at somewhere like Villa.
  6. I put a fiver at 12/1 for Flint to score in the 90 minutes, so I thought £65 win. Just checked the bet, “Flint to score with a header”gutted!!
  7. Big credit to the referee, great advantages played for both our goals.
  8. Should have shown him inside Bob. I think everyone could see that Clarke was more than happy to hit one with his right.
  9. Just allow him to put the ball on his stronger right side and shoot, shite defending.
  10. Im sat at home watching Brum v Cardiff, Cardiff are top- it shows what a poorer league this is this season, as they are dire.
  11. Rather ironic that their shirt sponsor is a travel company
  12. These Rovers fans never cease to amaze me, 2,000' of them disguised as red seats behind the goal they are defending. Got to give them credit for that!.
  13. The 'pal' is a she! She knows nothing about football ( as has been shown over the last 12 months on the main forum) and clearly the same re boxing!.
  14. Every Championship scout will by now have our game plan sussed, just as they did last season. It's now up to our coaching staff to come up with a variety of ways of playing. The big question is are they capable of doing this.................
  15. Yes, because both of those teams have very experienced managers who know what they are doing......................
  16. I heard........... there was real concern of today's game selling out, that apparently 5,000 of them were above the mem watching!
  17. The last time I took any interest in them was when they told us they had a new multi zillion billion pound new owner. Your not seriously telling me that they got their facts wrong are you...........................
  18. What the kiwi press think of Luatua's move to Bristol. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/rugby/news/article.cfm?c_id=80&objectid=11840304
  19. If LJ stays as our manager, then Blackburn can't lose every game........................
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