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Everything posted by REDOXO

  1. Agreed with your first paragraph, as discussed, previously. But to this point they haven’t done anything or got anywhere with Borough or WWFC. Money is flying out the door Quantuma is getting paid, while the debt sits gaining no interest for the suppliers, all knowing the best they will get is 25% of the total. As for any challenges on any grounds by anyone in any arena that takes time. The fact they can’t get anything done with WW or Borough just shows that the hot air is being pedaled as substance. Quantuma had one plan, try and brow beat Gibson Couhig and the EFL! Not sure that is working out for them
  2. That is certainly the way I saw/see it. The idea that Couhig and Gibson would even entertain a legal battle with Morris rather than Derby is insane I liked this comment from Quantuma Our job is to get the best deal for the creditors of the companies in administration. But they really haven’t have they. If I was a creditor of what ever category you like and defined as you wish I would be pretty unhappy. After months of going around and around and a claim that goes back to 2020 they have achieved nothing tangible for anyone Yes some will say it will all come together at once, but I can’t see it. Lord knows how/who will be funding this shit show until next August!?
  3. Never hold back. Say what you think fella
  4. Fammy gets his gong. Well done boy!
  5. Yeah. I do. The bloke is passionate, which is great, says what he thinks and often right/occasionally plain wrong. But that’s the point. Discussion. I had some time off from FBC because there were a couple of really depressing ones. But this weeks I listened until the RRR song at the end so it kept my attention!
  6. Ian expressed a view born out of frustration. We are all frustrated at times, but yesterday There were three main problems. 1 We don’t have a side capable of playing difficult conditions 2 We don’t have a side that can defend either from the front or can compete consistently in the air. 3 We are dreadful if we concede gutless almost and it is the entire team who look dreadful. Yesterday this led to a shameful sixty minutes of white flag waving by all of them. On another note, we are where we are is reference to the fact we haven’t got players that are available to play for 90 minutes or at all in some cases to change much. As for defending. We are dreadful throughout the team it’s not JUST our defenders. Blackpool went through our midfield like it didn’t exist so many times it was nauseating. Nevertheless the defense have to do the basics and not be soft. As for the managers position, he is trying to create something from a squad that is mediocre and play youth which is what he’s been employed to do. It’s clear there will be no capital investment in the team. SL will not cover anything except cash flow. So any talk of NP going is just that! Edit: The numbers game 352 451 442 any row of numbers adding up to ten you like. But we didn’t concede any goals from anything to do with the bingo calls iIt was basic stuff. Shanking balls, not winning in the air and letting a forward go inside on his left foot. Nothing to do with formation. Everything to with basic defending. Yesterday was compounded by the fact they were going through the middle of our midfield like it was manned by kids. Guess what it was. Massengo and Scott are kids that may get a foot in and look good going forward but yesterday were brushed aside at times. Whether we/anyone like it or not one of out kids will need to be sold at some point soon. Personally I would prefer it was Massengo, but we won’t get the choice.
  7. Yeah I bet. I’m normally six hours behind Brizz which has its advantages on occasion.
  8. Do keep up. OLeary is the new scapegoat! Odowda isn’t in the same league as Vyner for scapegoaters!


    Exactly. That is it in a nutshell Sport. They didn’t fancy it after the shanked clearance for the first goal. It really is that simple. Cold, wet, windy, big team! They went through us particularly our midfield like a knife through butter for sixty minutes But apparently OLeary is the problem!!! L M F A O We passed back and forth three yards at a time, won nothing , couldn’t find anyone and just looked like they were willing the ref to blow up for FT after half an hour all over the god damn pitch. The only one in credit after that is Williams who had the stones to keep going despite playing with cold pouting little boys! For a change it’s not Vyner fault mind you, it’s OLeary ‘s good lad!! Take one for the team son! We will see what Pearson does but I hope they deem Williams fit enough to start! On Wednesday. See you then maybe! On topic. Where was Cundy?
  10. We were ok for thirty minutes. Bit end to end but looking like we could get one. We concede after a shank and a return hump into our box our CB is out jumped by an enormous way for the second. The third half the team were asleep from OUR throw 100 yards away, a long hit ball left there player one on one with Pring who showed a left footer toward goal to roll in. Thus I’m not sure how O’Leary, who is not above criticism, can be a four. Our improved play has coincided with OLeary being in goal, however is it time for Bentley to have a run, yes maybe, but I think he is error prone despite being a good shot stopper and always was even with Brentford. Change is inevitable after that shit show of a last 60! Defeat is a part of life if your a City fan but this was not just defeat it was defeatism and spineless throughout the team! If Williams is deemed ready he will start and to be frank Wells must be in the running after that!
  11. REDOXO


    Back three back four. What does it matter. If you shank a clearance and it comes righ back into the area for a goal can’t defend a corner or show a left footer inside to roll the ball past your keeper you can have whatever row of numbers you like. it’s basic errors and bad defending having full backs won’t change that.
  12. Bentley has Covid so for the next two he won’t be around I guess
  13. If Vyner had put in any of their performances he would! Well done with your comment about HNM. You aren’t normally allowed a comment about him here that doesn’t contain the words millions or Premier League. What were you saying about protective custody!?
  14. No we don’t defend as a team. You are spot on with that. However Williams being in the middle consistently may alter that somewhat as he just always looks up for it. Captain material if he can start and stay fit!
  15. You watched the same game as me!! I just don’t get what some people were watching! It was gut crushingly pathetic for sixty minutes.
  16. I agree with your basic thrust, however today was not a case of things not working! This was a case of a poor clearance leading to a goal by an international player and within a minute center backs out jumped from a dead ball. The team not having the guts for a battle with a big team in crap conditions is what has got under my skin. They looked like they didn’t fancy it from the first goal. The third was inevitable, but to show a left footer inside to roll it past the goalkeeper summed it up. Williams was the only player that showed noticeable professional pride. As Pearson said the same players make the same mistakes every week and at some point will not be playing, and that is fair enough. That’s how it should work. But to look like 11 year olds that didn’t fancy it in bad conditions after going a goal down is a problem and it’s not bad form to point it out! Sometimes playing the conditions is needed in February in England as much as playing the opposition but you have to have the guts to do it even if you go a goal down!
  17. We were shocking from the moment they scored their first. What is it with us and shanked clearances and why Defensively are we always caught under the ball from crosses. Personally I think we have concentrated way to much on playing out from the back. While over looking dead balls. Perhaps we are taking the regulations regarding heading to seriously, but we can still practice jumping. :laugh:! However let’s be frank we were awful everywhere! Not a single one of them except the subs deserves more than 5 on Ole’s report! We pussy footed around passing three yards back n forth when we should have been concentrating on getting it forward! It was like we had a bunch of pathetic kids not fancying a robust team and crappy conditions! Shameful! They are professional players with a huge away following again that have travelled a hell of a long way to be insulted by pathetic gutlessness of the highest order!! Sorry if I sound angry, but I am! NTTDS said pathetic on the radio and yes it bloody was.
  18. Know it well. I was brought up in Guildford! I went to Plough Lane many times. I think I was there for their first game in the top flight Everton 1/1? Hauling huge traveling support regionally with all respect to Aldershot/Wimbledon is a different issue with Derby, despite what is right and wrong in principle!
  19. QPR stupidly got relegated! What a message. Break as many FFP rules you like as long as you get promoted and don’t get relegated!
  20. Exactly. The rules are don’t get caught and if you do get promoted. Not an open invitation for this bullshitery is it? Either way Derby did get caught and didn’t get promoted.
  21. Very entrepreneurial! Not so much!
  22. Your premise is wrong but A lot will depend on the order. If the EFL chuck this bloody club out first I’m not sure the football/non football creditors will come into play anyway. The thing will just be dealt with as a normal winding up! If Derby survive somehow that’s when local businesses have a problem. In order to get out of administration Derby will have to first negotiate a settlement with all party’s knowing in order to stay in the league they have to pay their football debt first as this is a rule of being a member. This is why the football debt must be paid first. It’s the rules of football, Derby signed up to it as all clubs did. Anyone can argue it’s not fair, particularly as the local suppliers were almost certainly not aware of this, so think of it as Football club suppliers now becoming informed! Derby/Quantuma thought they could hammer everyone with a we are a big club and personal attacks on The EFL Gibson and Couhig. That has now failed. So it’s down to three possible futures 1 Derby survive. (Some one chunks out a wedge load of dosh) This will take an agreement with all party’s some of which will likely take Pennie’s on the pound they keep their EFL registration and I never have to think about this thread again (If number one means a cram down, which is the courts imposing a Pennie’s on the pound settlement in this case it will probably lead to expulsion anyway, number two comes into play) 2 Derby survive emerge from administration but do not pay their football debt first. Derby are expelled from the EFL and need to find another league to play in 3 Derby gets wound up and Football debt becomes a non issue as the club is automatically expelled and normal bankruptcy moves forward leaving Mel Morris and his financiers owning the dirt Pride Park is built on until Gibson and Couhig Take legal action Hope that helps. I ran my own business successfully for years so get it how this plays out with local business people, but none of the options are good for anyone!
  23. I agree but those clubs were not hauling 1000s of away fans to all local games. This is the first big (I use the term advisedly) club to go under. As you use The Combined County’s as an example, how Would the equivalent of Hartley Wintney in Derbyshire cope with the angry DCFC following. It’s not feasible. The SFA put Rangers in The lowest pro division they could as at least there were some facilities. Can you imagine Rangers away at(enter random jock village here) Unfortunately there has to be pragmatism what ever happens. The West Nottinghamshire League is where they should go but don’t expect it. So I think finally DCFC will get recognized as a ‘big club’ (In appropriately small letters)
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