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Everything posted by REDOXO

  1. Many many many pages ago I did mention this in conversation. Club worth nothing ground worth dirt. If I were a purchaser it would be the thing of story books and not out of the question. But who would take a new Derby. My mates are Aldershot fans and I went to places like Witney, Basingstoke and Wokingham with between 1500 and 4000. Can you imagine Derby County in the West Botinghamshire division three. The lowest even a reformed club could go is Conference North just because of logistics.
  2. Every day I think this is more likely. Derby County/Morris/Quantuma have challenged the EFL who most would say haven’t done a great deal wrong. Morris flouted the rules of the league roared on by Derby fans, while building a hopeless amount of debt and buying the stadium. Gibson and to be fair Lansdown spoke publicly about it a while back. Gibson went after Morris, Couhig is doing what he is bound to fo under his fiduciary duty and Quantuma get paid for misleading people that bought their and Morris bullshit!
  3. There are multiple facets to this now. But it seems that Derby supporters think there could be a case for the High Court to ponder over the league enforcing their rules that Derby signed up to because they place a higher standard on DCFC to maintain their place in the EFL than the cram down they really want to stay in existence. (So to answer your question directly Quantuma, who are the administrators of the club would have to do it, further getting paid for taking Derby fans up yet another blind alley) Even getting in to the HC on any sort of useful timeframe would be a feat of in itself.
  4. Yes someone should, however it still overlooks Derby County agreed to the rules as part of membership to the EFL. Thus it’s a stretch to think they will get much change from the High Court. However if they do perhaps someone should think about a proper UK constitution with a clause that says private member clubs may not have membership rules that have a higher standard of UK bankruptcy rules than HMRC. Cram down attempts not withstanding! :laugh:! I do attend to agree with the chap up the thread. The EFL have had enough. Kill or Cure time and most football supporters outside of Derbyshire don’t care anymore.
  5. Yes it would. I would suggest that the High Court will not interfere in EFL/club agreements in favor of Derby. Can you imagine the mayhem that could ensue? It will mean Derby will have to find another league to play in mind you.
  6. Of course you are, so to speak, ‘spot on’ with your assessment. He has the best managers job in football right now, he simply can not lose personally, short of getting caught in a house of Ill repute with a septuagenerian! Not like that might happen. Yes. I was shocked when I read that Rooney was asking where the money was going. The disconnect between some football players and how they are actually getting paid/anyone is getting paid is horrifying!
  7. He has a choice! Good for him!
  8. Yes. Mr Rooney is playing that exact card. Bless him. I would do the same. It plays well. If I were the clubs that shelled out money to keep this express train to Armageddon going for another month I wouldn’t forget that the granny shagger made them look bad publicly despite a loan back to the club by one of them! Supply and demand economics is a bastard when you need the money, but there it is. The only problem is the **** wits will keep harping on about what a conspiracy it is!
  9. Top lad! Gonna play for England!!
  10. And the conspiracy goes on. FFS
  11. To get as far away from his old man as possible.
  12. I wonder after getting stuffed 6/0 these Covid vaccine comments tipped the balance against the worlds greatest coach! He’ll be on Talk Sport soon as a pundit soon
  13. At least I don’t feel City are the biggest joke in The EFL anymore. Top six touching distance of top two. And he’s fired! Nuts! Thats messed up my Saturday evening checking to see if Sunderland had lost. I’ll just have to go back to not giving a toss about the third division rubbish!
  14. A point I repeatedly try to make. Trusting Mel Morris to do anything that has been stated on his behalf is like waiting for the robber to bring your wife’s handbag back intact. 2-2 Derby.
  15. Again this is a bit nuts. It was mentioned earlier compression would/ could lead to expulsion from the league. The rules have not changed. The bullshit is fluid. However compressing two claims that have not been defined. Good luck!
  16. They are now. That’s how they got the HMRC debt. The football club paid the players but forgot to pay the tax on those wages.
  17. I guess we are going to see. However you like many believe what you are being told. MM said. Give me a break! MM has sold you all out and down the river. You honestly think HMRC will write off 75% of the debt permanently. How many of Derby County’s creditors are expected to take Penny’s on the pound while Morris walks away. My god there was a whip round for blood St Johns The person that wants to believe what they are told is you! The EFL has a stated position Wycombe do Middlesbrough (and have done for 18 months) do, Derby/Quantuma prefer to do their pleading/negotiating through local Politicians Lord knows what Quantuma have been doing for months but it wasn’t resolving the issues. What they have resorted to in the last few weeks is to mud slinging which has entrenched the positions and led to this, they haven’t got a case diatribe, when there clearly is one that needs to be heard at least, which is why we are where we are where we are even by any myopic standard. Yet it’s all set and Gibson is bastard. Clearly by your rationale the bidders don’t want to take on unforeseen debt so defacto they think there is a case. Now it’s up to the prospective buyers to negotiate settlement with Boro and Wycombe as it’s clear Quantuma are not capable and even then I have severe reservations as then there are no further excuses.
  18. I think with out going to much through the report, the players ratings I reckon are pretty fair. I would have probably have given Odowda a six, but otherwise accurate. Despite the last minute disaster I think most of us knew that something like it was coming from the moment of a Weimann nightmare miss. A real balls up for a bloke who has been excellent for some time. Just a bad day at the office for him My personal opinion is we are going to give someone a right drubbing soon.
  19. Brilliant post! We’re not famous never were. We’re not famous never were! We’rrreee shit agggggghhh! Explains it perfectly!
  20. Sunderland needed a manager Johnson was on the short list, they interviewed him. He got the job and took it. It was not as if it happened any other way unless you know something different. Im not sure what credit there is. He managed clubs not owned by SL or assisted by GJ before he got here did he not? I do agree Sunderland demands success…and yet specialize in failure! The bloke has his opportunity to put Bristol City behind him and make a name for himself! Good luck to him!
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