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Everything posted by REDOXO

  1. Me too! However as MFC have pointed out if Derby County had not obfuscated we would all know what category of creditor Middlesbrough and Wycombe Wanderers fell in. The EFL and it’s board are hardly likely to allow Derby to get away with deliberate stonewalling to their own advantage again. That would put the tin hat on it for every other member of the league!
  2. I should say I have experience in business sales as clearly you do. The two main issues here as I see it here are the ground. Is that somehow part of the sale/offer/s for the Football Club and the huge debt. To acquire the FC without the ground but debt of alleged 50m plus two major claims against the club would be lunacy in my view. If Mel continues to take no responsibility then I just don’t see how they survive. You would need to ask That question on the Derby Forum!
  3. Apparently not by Derby fans who are way to busy calling MPs and blaming the EFL Middlesbrough and Wycombe Wanderers for the fallout from this little s*** **** actions! The one thing that would get all supporters behind Derby County supporters was if their fans groups looked into what can be done to make Morris man up to his responsibilities instead of crying it’s not fair! NO IT BLOODY WAS NOT!
  4. Yes. I would suggest it’s been discussed by SL and Mr Gibson.
  5. Yes you are correct. However the sale revenue raised in this case is likely to be nominal. Most money spent will be in paying off debt. Mel Morris in no way will indemnify Derby against the claims of Boro and WWFC out of his own pocket thus an impasse is reached with the sale agreement with all party’s The administrators have blown this big time. They want it both ways. Either the claim is valid and must be taken into consideration or it’s spurious and should not. They can’t scream both things simultaneously. Also In this case if the Boro action had been dealt with by Derby in the proper timeframe we would nor be here now. Particularly if Middlesbrough had lost as that would almost certainly put off Wycombe. Clock is ticking louder each day and if I were Gibson or Wycombe I would not back down. As the wise man said “there ain’t nothing more sophisticated than leverage”
  6. In summary Yes Mel Morris did think he could drive a horse and cart through the rules (many many many of them) and avoid the consequences for as long as it took for a Derby County promotion. In order for Derby to remain in the EFL they must comply with the rules showing sustainability to the end of the season and the rules regarding claims against them regardless of what they need to comply with to emerge from insolvency! In theory Derby could emerge with new ownership but be expelled from the EFL for non compliance of their rules. The issues are separate but not unrelated. Derby County could have made a claim against QPR and tested FFP although the circumstances were different, they did not. As stated earlier the issues surrounding Derby it’s accounts it’s buy back of ground it’s non payment of tax etc etc etc go back years. The issue is Mel Morris. Your club is likely to be paying for him for years and patience is now obviously very thin in some areas.
  7. Nice to read something sensible. On this page there is a lot of useful stuff that some less enlightened supporters of Derby County could use reading, along with the Derbyshire live journo who appears to not quite grasp the HMRC and EFL issues. (I’m not convinced about Quantama either). Good luck with your club! However My advice to supporters, creditors MPs etc is to get a lot less vocal about the rules of the EFL as applied to Derby for the future, as they are not new or targeting the club and start a campaign to get Mel Boy to stand up for his moral obligations toward the club the league and the sport! I posted the thoughts of a Wycombe fan up this page which sums up the thoughts of their club and board and the situation Good Luck Again!
  8. Just read this on the WWFC FORUM. I thought it was very sensible and well written from their perspective Having spent half my career in insolvency related work I can tell you the following a) no-one held a gun to MM's or DAFC's head and forced them to spend more than they could afford, this was a choice with obvious consequences if they failed to get to the promised land of the Premier League b) Having failed to gain promotion the over spending chickens came home to roost which led to a conscious decision to change the amortisation method, take a loan from MDS, revalue the stadium & then sell it to MM. These were all ways to try to deliberatelu muddy the waters and avoid breaching the Profitability & Sustainability rules, c) No one forced DCFC to not file their accounts with the EFL on time, it was their choice to file them late in an attempt (successful) to ensure points deductions were applied after the season thus staving off relegation for another season d) It is likely HMRC could not chase (or sue) for some or all of the owing tax earlier due to the various Covid tax holidays and deferrals on offer over the last 18-20 months e) HMRC are highly unlikely to be prepared to reduce their demand as they are not prepared to create a very expensive precedent amongst football clubs and others f) our claim in the administration is perfectly reasonable and given they have not thrown it out; it appears the administrators accept it has some degree of foundation and legitimacy (this may or may not be at the behest of the EFL depends on which paper and which conspiracy theory you read) g) WWFC/RC and the administrators will no doubt negotiate a settlement which I am guessing will likely be in region of £1.5-3m h) The self admitted actions of others caused a clearly definable loss to WWFC. It is therefore absolutely right, reasonable and responsible for the directors of WWFC to protect the companies fiduciary interests as the directors of any other business would do. i) It is rumoured that Ashley is already haggling with Gibson to get him to "reel his neck in" over the 'Boro claim - Ashley & Gibson go back a long way so this may well succeed. j) NO ONE is suing DCFC at this point in time P.S. I collaborated with/helped Raymond Snoddy at the FT when he uncovered & unravelled the spiders web of companies Maxwell had and used to defraud pretty much everyone but especially Mirror Group pensioners
  9. Yeah. Fire sale being the Operative term. 8m for a club on the brink. We sold Tom Richie to Sunderland and Gerry Gow to Man City for a fraction of their value 41 years ago. The best Derby can hope for is a bidding war on a player whose value decreases every minute closer we get to Jan 2nd without a takeover deal.
  10. God yes! Dame Mildred of Preston.
  11. Yes I do understand that despite my diatribe. But the ‘vocal element’ seems to be far and away a majority, at least to me!
  12. Yes. Highly unlikely! The best they might get is a payment plan to pay what’s owed over an extended period!
  13. This does sum it up perfectly. Their bloody victim mentality is so galling it makes me mad. These half wits cheered this horrible individual at every turn as he tried to weasel out of every rule and obligation to the league the supporters of his own club (and others) and the players. And now it’s all the EFL, Gibson and Wycombe Wanderers fault. One of these bloody lunatics even got invited onto one of the many City podcasts there are. I’ll have more sympathy with the plight of the supporters when they finally come to terms with who is responsible, who supported him, and that yes that some clubs (if not all) do have a legitimate gripe for the out and out cheating of the rules of the league and the Inland Revenue. (not to mention not paying their suppliers including St Johns Ambulance for the love of god!)
  14. Benitez Gone. WW may have his escape route!
  15. We hope not don’t we. I guess how our players develop and what we can trade will be the mark of that!
  16. They looked like they couldn’t defend a high ball. But also they were struggling to defend runners from deep. That was as much as the midfield as the defense.
  17. Certainly they have had external insurance in the past. But perhaps clubs self insure now and it’s contractual per the players contract. The PFA will have insurance and of course the player himself will carry career termination insurance! Also clubs will insure their assets , but that does not mean the player is a beneficiary of course which is what I suspect Coppello is referring to Who knows the actual construct but one thing for sure it won’t be left to a agh well mate your done!
  18. Bakers future will ultimately be a question for the player the club and the insurers. Who knows what hoops there are there one way or another. I’m pretty confident Pearson knows where are defensive frailties are, however our financial frailties are a matter of public record and to fix issues with money is how Johnson Ashton and the Lansdowns got us here. The exact reason Pearson was brought in was to build the club on limited funds using the academy over a three year period. That’s why he has a three year contract. The fact of the matter is we can all see what we need but even if we had the cash to get that player it’s a crap shoot as to if he will be the right one. For every Webster LJ had five Engvals (minimum) Right now we are left in a place where we build from within. Maybe move a couple and perhaps get someone, but don’t hold your breath and to be frank I like the fact we are playing these kids as that will stand us in good stead in future. This season is a non starter as a top six competitor. Keeping well clear of the bottom 3 is what is important.
  19. I am very firmly behind Pearson. He’s building a team from our academy because he has too. He has a three year mandate and as long as we stay up and keep blooding our boys then post (we hope) Covid that puts us well in advance of many other clubs. Many of whom don’t even have academy’s. However if I were to put that to one side I would agree for anyone saying get rid of him, unless they are a genius coach and motivator yourself willing to work for free then best shut the **** up!
  20. Good for them. The players are really putting it in and we all have to appreciate that, but we all know that unless there is some kind of confirmed financing soon anyone who is any good will have to be sold and if that money is not actually in the pipeline the players are losing value by the minute. Mel Morris holds the key. If he picks up some of the debt personally, without prejudice, maybe they have a chance, but I don’t see it. He looks to me like he would rather watch them die than spend a penny from his own fortune. Makes you happy we have SL no matter whatever anyone says or thinks!
  21. REDOXO


    Semenyo is our Jamie Vardy. I’ve been saying for a while it is very clear that Pearson has a way he wants to replicate, but has had to go about it this season so far without key players due to injuries. James was a miss today, Williams coming back will help. Baker would help too, but we are building a side from our academy with a few seasoned pros, the idea is to just keep clear of a relegation scrap and hope this is the start of the Semenyo era. Hopefully he’s a late bloomer in front of goal like the lad at Everton
  22. The Shear arrogance and blame shifting culture of all concerned with this bloody football club is as galling as it gets! Their continual chase to recapture a perceived glorious past has constantly put them in financial problems over many years. However Mel Boy is the greatest of them all. Not declaring his accounts to the FA/EFL, Constant bickering and fighting over the rules, Not paying tax on players wages over an extended period, selling the ground to the owner to the Football Club but never actually realizing the cash, the list is effing endless! Yet whining **** **** blame every one from the board of the EFL to @Mr Popodopolous for there god and sympathy forsaken plight! For the benefit of any Derby Fans reading this. Mel Morris Is To Blame! And No We All Pay Our Effing Taxes Derby County needs to also. If Derby Fans want to do something useful that other supporters can get behind perhaps think about any possible legal action that may be taken against Mel Bloody Morris!
  23. The audio coverage is an utter joke. I did ask if the forum could pin something so everyone knows where to complain when the balls it up. Which they do almost every week!
  24. Gibbo always knew he holds Derby and Mel Boy by the balls. Wycombe bloke now knows too. Any other club want to make a claim.
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