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Everything posted by REDOXO

  1. Maybe. You could speculate all day. My personal thought is your comments are not mutually exclusive. He almost certainly did think he was ready. Particularly if people were convincing him of the same. I don’t know you so it’s impossible for me to say one way or another what I think you would do. But what I would say is sometimes you just have to take a chance, whether you think your ready or not, as turning an opportunity down can mark you as much as failure and at least you have the experience on your CV.
  2. Where is Joe Burnell when Zac Vyner needs him!
  3. Yes. He might think that now. But let’s be honest your view was the appointment was bizarre and you are right. Most when offered a promotion on significantly more money are going to give it a go and I don’t blame Holden for that.
  4. Yes he should. It’s none of anyones effing business what Illnesses his players have and it’s not up to him to make it public on their behalf. If I were the goalkeeper I’d smack him in the mouth. Sunderland FC are bound to have an HR advisor who is not looking forward to Monday! For the record. I know to my own cost that Covid related heart problems are becoming an increasing cause for concern.
  5. We were awful of that there is no doubt. However somehow Holden inherited a physio department that were unable to deal with the massive injury crisis and in many peoples view culpable. Hilden was a bizarre appointment but the only luck he had was bad, coupled with a bloated disinterested squad. The blame for Holden does not lay with Holden but with the knob wit decisions that were made up to and throughout his tenure.
  6. Love the enthusiasm. Also love the predictable responses. But for a tenner I mate have a punt!
  7. At one time the sports reporter at radio 5 referred to Bristol City as the best supported team in British media! I have wondered if that’s a factor for the sometimes obviously one sided reports.
  8. Yes. Exactly. Decision making sometimes is not the best. Weimann I think was effected by missing that sitter but he has been excellent all season. HNM played well of that there is no doubt. Between Pearson and Fleming he is really coming along. The poor passes and miss hits are almost out of his game, Cardiff not withstanding and today he got the well deserved assist we wanted. Was that his first assist for a goal? HNM aside we are a different team from three/two/one year/3 months ago. With lots of players (and supporters) buying into building from within! The nuts criticism of Pearson has dissipated and finally we have a team that is decent on the eye and not scared. Long may it continue!!
  9. Nice to have a home game occasionally Sport! Saw it the same way from my billet in the frozen north (and it is) FFP could mean a big bid we can’t turn down for someone, we will see. Some of the PNE comments about Massengo were good to see. If there was a scout there, which is racing certainty, he’s added a bit of value.
  10. Have You been a city supporter long. It’s a thing! We drew that game because we missed chance after chance AND we showed lousy game management at the death. I know people will say we will learn etc etc etc but if we haven’t by now with all the points we have thrown away we are not getting some points across somewhere. However I have every confidence NP will make that crystal clear this week. However we were excellent for large portions of the game. Think back to the effing dross served up by a bloated club for the last three seasons and that….No comparison is there???? Nigel Pearson is turning some kids a few old pros in to a team that not only do we enjoy watching but if we can keep a few maybe in a position to challenge sooner than we hoped. Our biggest issue is to who we will have to sell to stay within FFP regs, unless the League make changes to cover the extraordinary circumstances!
  11. https://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/derby-county-administration-mp-update-6571795 An area MP making a few things clear 1 Derby has massive debts 2 The possible Wycombe/Middlesbrough proportion of the final total amount of debt is not that big 3 The EFL are not in a position to proceed with their duty until there is a preferred bidder which there is not 4 Mel Morris and the ground ownership is an issue It has been mentioned that three bidders have met the asking price by Derby supporters, this is clearly not the case as the combined debt is the asking price plus how that plays into stadium ownership. It seems there have been three bids, to the best of my knowledge of between 25 and 30m. As this is just the extent of the HMRC debt an arrangement will have to have been made to clear the total debt. Just forgiving 20 m in tax debt at HMRC is really not an option. MM taking a personal substantial hit is pretty much the only thing that can save the club at this point..I simply cannot see anyone buying the name of Derby County for bucket loads of money and then being in hock to a stadium owner who is viewed by the EFL at least as DODGY!
  12. Agh. You would have to have read it to know that! I was relying on Big Tone for his ever reliable summary.
  13. All that writing and research and that’s all anyone will remember!
  14. Unlike his daughter who is sweetness and light. Does a lot for youngsters I’m led to believe.
  15. It’s at times like this I really regret blocking Robbored.
  16. The Beast is on the USA version of the show. It’s prime time and real money btw!
  17. Yes as you allude our injury list is so much shorter than under Johnson and Holden!
  18. I’m not sure if we are not talking in cross purposes slightly but, I have no idea how long a CCC would take to get through the courts and what point a favorable judgement could be sought to clearly avoid payment to HMRC at any reasonable level in view of the web of deception and double dealing, and out right cheating, by Derby County vis a vis Mel Morris. Also to what extent would a CCC judgement be allowable under EFL rules and will that effect their golden share. That will have to be tested! I did say once on the Derby forum once that the corporate veil is pierced once administrators are called in. The administrators have not been particularly open in anything that is going on, simply because they are screwed at every turn and it’s not in their Derby County, Mel Morris or possible bidders interests to really let anyone know the extent of the Shit baggery That’s led the supporters to be pleading with anyone who will listen. But what we do know is Quantuma are not very good, Derby only have enough money for a month and no one has put forward a bid that covers enough bases to make it viable as of yet.
  19. An attempt at Cross class cram down is interesting thought but in order to cram down debt it would have to be defined! That raises the heat on Derby to settle with Boro and Wycombe and the moment they do they will try and wriggle out of it unless verbiage is put in the agreement. Either way for now it’s a bit of a red herring.
  20. If any new loans are not secured by an individual/a group/ or company then the only thing that makes sense is MSD is involved with one or all of the bids. They forgive the debt to them by Morris own the ground and have a stake in the club. Morris himself could be the problem if that’s the case and the whole Wycombe Boro thing is the red herring Gibson says it is.
  21. Surely MSD will not be providing unsecured loans, particularly at this stage? The only thing Derby have is a name and a few players, thus who is underwriting any new debt?
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