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Everything posted by REDOXO

  1. To be frank Im not sure Lee knew what he wanted! Wells soon ended up on the bench for the 6m! But yeah we agree to lament the fact Johnson was showered with wedge. Wilbo made a comment that SC regrets he never got the benefit of funds that LJ did!
  2. Exactly. It’s very city. So who is the whipping boy! Martin puts in a shift. It maybe an unexciting one but that’s what he is told to do. Yes they may well have been, but he still scored 44 goals in 143 appearances for them very close to 1 in 3 if I am reading his stats right!? At Rangers his second stint was 1 in 2. So I guess lies damned lies and statistics, which I assume is why Lansdown Ashton and LJ punted six million on him. If only Pearson or Cotterill had that sort of money to burn.
  3. I think you both have points and it’s pretty obvious Pearson agrees somewhat as he doesn’t get a game unless he’s coming off the bench. As I said somewhere yesterday Wells would be worth less than the zero he’s already worth injured so best place for him until January. I am slightly concerned about ‘our style’ as we are very predictable (less so since Semenyo returned but still predictable) so the word style gives me the feeling teams work us out quickly. Yes I have thought many times that Wells regrets coming here. However he was LJs signing and I can’t imagine LJ sold him anything that would have made him imagine we would be floundering around with a team that can’t pass out to eventually pass back to the keeper to hump up to a big man, while in a relegation battle! I wonder if Sunderland are interested? :laugh:!


    I thought he played well too. We just seemed to lack the ability to get him in, but the improvement is huge!
  5. Oh yes I can. Have you been giving out abuse Rich? And I rest my case Your Honour! Or have I just been wooshed! :laugh:!
  6. Yes. It’s a societal issue. Keyboard warriors are everywhere (:laugh:) and this is an extension of that, I can goad you and you can’t do anything mindset.
  7. It wasn’t meant to say either. But for the record I wouldn’t change the manager. Well we will agree to disagree about the farce that was 13 players out of contract multimillion pound overspend on players fees and wages. The fact that we have valueless assets on huge wages, that needs to be paired back while having limited ability to spend as we can’t generate any money. Thus in order to make us sustainable we have to blood youngsters and prey we can off load some high earners! I don’t like the fact Wells never gets a chance to start but as was pointed out on another thread that’s probably because he has less than zero value if he’s injured. DeSilva came here and was out for ages with shin splints and has never regained any semblance of his former self. Williams is theoretically our best player that has been crocked since his arrival or before This club staggers from farce to farce and has done since SL so spectacularly failed to back Steve Cotterill when we were promoted then threw money at Lee Johnson via Mark Ashton who jumped ship as Pearson was arriving thus leaving him to carry the can for the continuing comedy. Hardly anyone else at the club say s a bloody word and our chairman sits with his hand on his Dick on yacht somewhere off the coast of a Caribbean island So yes from where I am sitting Pearson inherited a shit show of mega proportions that was years in the making and continues to give. As I said Sir Alf would struggle right now but what we hope is we can keep enough of it going to make a mid table finish and have Half dozen players with previously only league one/two/u23 experience a part of a cohesive squad for next season without spending any money that could give us FFP issues.
  8. Yes. Exactly. I tweeted to Twentyman the best bit of the match was the comedy refereeing. Totally inept. My god we have all forgotten abou the Peno. Vyner didn’t touch him. At that point the tone was set. Terrible terrible officiating, but there it is. What else do we expect!
  9. Oh stop it. You and your facts getting in the way. However we were awful for a long period in the middle to go all hung ho at the end to try and salvage a point I guess statistics only convey a partial message after all Just for giggles how many shots did we have after we were three down?
  10. Exactly what I saw. To be fair Pearson said pretty much that. So at least that’s three of us!
  11. Yes the playing side does come down to that when all said and done. For my own tuppence I have always held SL in high regard for what he’s physically built in S Bristol. But LJ and Ashton are on him. The profligacy of the two men with SLs money is what we are all paying for now. The silver lining is we are seeing our own lads come through, whether supporters like it or not it will take time to build from here!
  12. Spot on! It is effing tough though isn’t it!
  13. Clearly he thinks Simpson is rubbish. Baker is coming back from a head injury and Atkinson and Tanner are gaining experience but aren’t the finished article yet. The utter farce this bloke inherited is a stain on the club and the individuals in management/BoD/ownership who got us there . But there it is. Maybe you are right perhaps Pearson isn’t very good, but my perspective is Sir Alf would struggle with turning what’s available right now into a decent team
  14. I was told QPR are monitoring, but who knows really. However you may well be right. Not worth anything , but worth less with a knock!!
  15. I agree almost completely. We need to see some progress and many would say that we see that with Benny and Scott. But just stay up!
  16. Yes I agree. I just don’t get why Pearson won’t use Wells except for when we need a goal or two with eight minutes left. He was complaining about how thin we are post match. But he doesn’t maximize his options. My unpopular view is that we will ship goals when ever Massengo is playing a view I am told does have statistical support. So if Bakinson is not good enough then we are buggered until Williams is fit for more than one game. 2025 I’m told for that!
  17. If you’re talking about the Robin’s tv commentary then I thoroughly agree. I always try and cinq the radio Brizz commentary. Owers is quality. Just tells it how he sees it and is the first one out of his chair if we score. Robins tv is an operation in sycophantic nonsense that tries to tell you what you are watching! My personal thought would be to have a supporter in there to say what’s really going on. That will never happen, meanwhile I would rather listen to the radio even if it’s a few seconds either way. Never forget the volume button. I don’t watch pre or post match either. I don’t need the propaganda and I have to see that effing balloon again! Agh!
  18. No I meant the bringing in of a nutritionist talking about crisps and chocolate and Tomlin telling the team how good they all were. It’s on the Wilbo interview it was hilarious! Tomlin was taking the piss and LJ had no idea how to handle it was/is the sub-text! Wilbo even said I wouldn’t say anything here that I wouldn’t say to Tomo’s face. There is loads more particularly Wilbo approaching LJ about mobile phone use at training! you should go find it it’s one of the best if not the best podcast interview of one of our best professionals! How did you get so angry?
  19. Mmm I just took the good coach comments as the build up to the big BUT. Which inevitably came. The Wilbo interview went through the same stuff in more detail. The whole situation with Tomlin was hilarious!
  20. I agree. I am increasingly disagreeing with Ole, but still appreciate the effort and perspective. He played well. And has done increasingly as he has been unshackled s little to attack defenders. 5 is simply not reflective of the performance Yeah. I was a bit taken by the literally not turn up. Someone literally did as I watched it. For my tuppence. We did well in a lot of areas. Semenyo got a goal although Pearson was steaming about Semenyo not taking on that shot first time in the first half. Comedy defending for both goals. HNM does his usual and lose the ball in a bad area. Our full back is under pressure as our mop locked hero didn’t make a full effort to get back and the guy took a chance with a good hit Second goal. WTF I’ve seen better defending at at U9s level. Also leaving Pearson steaming. HOWEVER. We now have an attacking threat and if we cut out many of the errors we could worry the top half in the coming weeks!
  21. Woulda coulda shoulda. We were buggered because the idiots that ran the club after Harry died were just that. Nothing to do with getting a draw at Coventry.
  22. REDOXO

    KP 45

    Palmer did well with Afobi. The rest of the time he doesn’t do enough to warrant a place in our u18s. it’s up to him. He has a contract. The club will give him away to get the wage off, but no one will pay him what he’s on and a loan club won’t want to pay anything like his full salary. Another Johnson Joke signing. I would be sheathing if I were paying, but the bloke who does only has himself to blame!
  23. I have liked Hull in a opposing club sort of way since they sang loyal supporters at our motley gaggle who went up there to watch us get relegated a few years ago. However I hope we ******* stuff them tomorrow!
  24. Some great memories on this thread. I’m wracking my brains regarding the original question. Not wishing to hijack the thread it put me in mind of nutty celebrations at HOME. The younger ones will remember Christian Roberts a player that never got the credit he deserved. Of course the end of the Portsmouth game in 76 I also give you Chris Garlands second against Liverpool. Louis Donowa against the gas Korey Smith v Man U
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