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Posts posted by REDOXO

  1. This was not a bad interview. Easily best post GT

    BT will be taking a look on here and might not be thrilled, however he had the balls to go on the show and tell  us we have an apprentice head coach

    The utter garbage that was stated around Mr Pearson is now seen to be what it was, garbage, supporters overwhelmingly were genuinely shocked that we could throw it all down the toilet in the manner we did, for this! 

    The message overall was about looking forward…Not suprisingly as its renewal time!

    I am delighted with the FA Youth Cup semi, but our turgid style and results are effecting attendances and my sense of humor!


    • Like 12
  2. 1 minute ago, The Original OTIB said:

    Have to hope that the journo goes beyond the banal, such as, "can you understand the fans frustration?".

    I have little faith in Radio Drivel Journo’s.

    However they were forced recently to get a little more “journalistic” 

    So hopefully I won’t have to listen to the same Radio Bristol reporter/club apologist that I did on Saturday giving his opinion for an age! 

    I get it. If you are too rough you run the risk of not getting stories and cooperation of the club. But guess what you’re not! Don’t let the club use you or our radio station as another  unofficial platform, we have that already!

    • Like 3
  3. 7 minutes ago, The Original OTIB said:

    Coincidence that it follows a win?

    I’ll take what I can get. I suspect it’s about trying to placate supporters a little before season ticket sales are announced. 

    Follow the Money!

    I would love to know when this was arranged!

    • Robin 1
  4. 8 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    Interesting choice in mentioning Blackburn - sold their talented young CM - Adam Wharton on Feb 1st.


    Why the relevance of Wharton?  Because I saw him as being the most-Alex Scott type young player in the championship.

    and they didn’t replace him, even let Travis go out on loan too.

    You might argue they sabotaged their season!  JDT sacked 8 days later.  Although I quite like Eustace.

    Is that why TRAVIS is on here. OTIB has a shit loan policy! 

    • Haha 1
  5. 6 hours ago, Cole Not Gas said:

    I assume this post is from a fan not the marketing/ticketing department; either way the answer is the same. Was a ST for 20 years, and renewed again when Pearson appointed. It hasnt been good to watch since Covid struck and this season has been a hard watch, home and away. Cost of travel and passing inside our own half would stop me renewing and the TV influence of changing K.O times makes it worse.

    I will support the club financially who are losing so much money, just as i did in 1982, when we also needed money from true supporters. My mate next to me yesterday said he will always renew until we get foreign owners and that's a fair point too. Those not renewing are not helping this financial mess and the owners/football authorities will still see the attendance figures as being good even if we are losing £millions per month. If we support the club less financially surely it means we will see lower cost-players and the downward spiral then starts?

    I’m a fan and season ticket holder ( I buy two in fact one adult and one junior) that lives overseas. I also have an RTV subscription plus various shirts hats and coats etc. 

    I started the thread because i kept seeing so many disenchanted comments particularly after a win. 

    The issues seem to range 

    Age (I guess that comes to all)

    Style of Football (Boring)

    The inability to challenge (We were four points off of sixth)

    The dismissal of Pearson (Bizarre)

    The untried coach at this level (Is not a great communicator and has an inability to show empathy with the fans/players…Mood Hoover)

    EFL Live Coverage (no knowledge of how often games will be on and when. Many can’t get to non Saturday games)

    Personal antipathy toward the club hierarchy and decision making 

    Confusion with the clubs communication underscored with thir dismissals of club execs, coach’s et al and employment of an inexperienced chief coach and Director of Football

    An inability to compete anywhere near the top despite assurances around appointments 

    Misgivings around future ownership and the chances of success on the field

    The feeling of being used as a mere revenue stream

    Im sure other

    Im not sure that I agree with all of it, however a thread entitled Season Tickets will catch someone’s eye and now they have most of the issues in one place. 

    • Like 9
    • Robin 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, Tim Monaghan said:

    Well observed. Sticky gold star heading its way to young OXO cube. I don’t think you really understood ironic twist though, so C+. 

    Anyway, are you okay? Did you enjoy the game? Good 3 points wasn’t it. Let’s have a chat about football instead of little passive aggressive digs and cute little emoji wars behind our little fake names and avatars, its becoming a little tiring. 🥱 (little emoji for you there, as I can see you like to also send visual guides to illustrate your words). 


    Young Oxo. Fantastic. Thanks fella!

    You read your own posts I guess Tim?  

    I am ok. Thanks for asking. I hope you are well too? 

    However. The game was awful as we were largely. 

    The three points are welcome of course and takes the pressure off and I think that there is a deep exhale. Six points before we go to Stoke would be good 

    Passive aggressive 😂 I’ll brush over that. 

    Did you not play for Bath City? Or am I imagining that? I know a few people that have been there over the years? That bloody pitch! Sigh. 

  7. Just now, Tim Monaghan said:

    And that’s the issue with most people on here, it’s almost as if it’s not about Bristol City anymore, it’s about being right and wrong. 

    The drama of the “I told you so”. 

    Frankly, I couldn’t give two hoots about being right or wrong. Honestly couldn’t care less. 

    And yet you posted! 😂 

    You couldn’t make this up!

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, aa_bcfc said:

    You’re missing the point. 
    He is literally the only bloke who is keeping the club afloat. There is no one else waiting in the wings waiting to pay £20 or 30 million every year to write off his debts to keep the club going. 


    • Like 1
  9. Just now, CloudyThatchers said:

    I reckon they have been waiting for a win before announcing season ticket prices - be prepared for an incoming email tomorrow morning...

    Yes I think you are right. This is a bad time to be awful to watch. 

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, ExiledAjax said:

    If I was an ST holder then I'd renew. I think the summer and next season will be interesting.

    I'll certainly be renewing my membership and RTV.

    My RTV subscription renews in December so I’m already paid up. 

    But like others I’ve got both (glutton for punishment I guess well my Mrs thinks so) 

    Watching on RTV today it was extremely obvious as someone said “many like their mums more than city” 

    Ill be at The Leicester game in a couple of weeks and I’m thinking I’ll have plenty of places to put my coat down. 

    • Like 1
    • Robin 1
  11. Is now The Gorilla in the Room. 

    I have seen some cracking posts today! Some funny people on here!

    However the club have to announce season ticket sales and pricing soon. 

    I will renew at least one of the two I have regardless but looking at the attendance today I’m concerned that some won’t if Mr Manning is still here. 

    I was interested (as is the club) to what extent will the continued management of Mr Manning effect your decision to renew or convince you to buy one. 

  12. 1 hour ago, GrahamC said:

    Absolutely dire stuff but I think the result kicks the can down the road for at least a few weeks.

    The only positive was our first two subs improved us & he did today what he should have done in midweek, brought King on to help us see the game out.

    Yes completely agree with this. If I got anything positive other than the result it was that Mr Manning did effect the game from the touch line. 

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