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Posts posted by REDOXO

  1. 6 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    Wasn’t it Matt Withers?

    The golden rule of draws is ensure to avoid all looks of impropriety! 

    However I’m sure Matt’s win was on the up n up!

    I did start to write and tell them not a chance I’m renewing until I can see a way forward. But thought better of it. 

    Sometimes silence really is golden. 

  2. I don’t need to look at win result stats that are skewed by non availability. 

    I can see what’s in front of me!

    FYI for those that are unclear. You are watching very poor football, with little attacking intent from a team that was lorded as a top half team! 

    My personal opinion is under the right manager with decentish availability they could very well be up there and chasing a playoff place like Mr L junior and Mr Tinnion implied. However under this utterly useless man and his cohorts we are a fringe relegation ‘challenger’ that plays in front of empty stadiums, because season ticket holders can not be arsed to show up!

    Hope that helps someone! 

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  3. 8 hours ago, Red Skin said:

    Parachute payments have completely undermined the championship as a competition.  They seemed to be a knee jerk response to clubs like Barnsley that collapsed after relegation from the top flight because they failed to build relegation terms into players contracts.

    It's been interesting to hear some of the conversations around Forest's points deduction.  One defence I've heard is that as a club promoted they needed to buy a whole new squad of players if they were to have any chance of competing in the Premiership.  

    So why not change the model?

    Scrap parachute payments and instead use the money to give promoted clubs a golden hello so that can have a better chance of competing in the top flight? 

    The golden hello is built in to promotion obviously 

    Parachute payments need to be far less with money distributed among the otherclubs IMO. However as much as webitch about the the money, the same disparity is becoming obvious between championship and league one. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Bcfc willzyak said:

    I wondered to my self if we never had beaten Southampton would manning still be in his job now?


    move this to a thread you find appropriate if don’t want another thread  

    Don’t move it!!

    It is actually a good question! 

    I was bloody furious after Leeds at home. We were awful all over the pitch, but at that point apologists for this shitshow were still making excuses. Parachute payments blah blah as if their parachute payments were an excuse for a pathetic performance by us. 

    City played well enough against Southampton, but it gets forgotten they could comfortably have been two up before we scored. 

    I personally think he would still be here now if they had beaten us back then as the same excuses would have been trotted out back then. 

    But he and possibly Tinman would be a game closer to the tin tack. 

    However I think a largish defeat against Leicester will be enough!

  5. I enjoyed it but I think there was stuff that was plain wrong!

    We all must know we were sold a pup on the basis of Pearson’s sacking. But the inference that his leg issue was an overwhelming reason is just plain propaganda wrapped up in excuses for this idiocy. 

    • Like 4
  6. The club is pretty sophisticated in some ways, like most in the championship. 

    There are lists of players that are updated constantly. This I am informed applies to managers and coaches. 

    For the firing of Pearson his team and hiring of Manning to have taken place that quickly he must have been top of the list and obviously already identified. (I’ll brush over the scumbaggery that went along with it in which JL and BT were front and center)

    I just hope the new bloke is already identified and the laughably called board of directors are tapping him up as we speak!

  7. 9 hours ago, chinapig said:

    We don't have anything that could reasonably be described as a Board. Therefore there is nobody to challenge the club's decisions.

    Not something that most fans care about but the lack of good corporate governance is one of the fundamental reasons for our current state.

    This is true! 

    The decision makers are Junior and Tinman. They get the nod from the old man when required and the other bloke counts the money. 

    Board of Directors not so much!

    • Like 3
  8. 19 hours ago, sh1t_ref_again said:

    I suspect it was due to LM knowing him previously. 

    But I don't see the problem,

    He was a very highly rated lad at Man City, who got a move to Belgium which did not work out (many young players have problems settling away from home in a foreign country.)

    We have him on loan with an option to buy, so cost us a bit in wages which allows us to see if he is a gem or not up to it, and if we decide he is not he goes back.

    Not even close to being our worse signing



    Not sure how many minutes I’ve seen him, however they were really not great ones.  

    To be anywhere near our worse signing at this level (loan or otherwise) he would really need to go some form here. 

    Never the less Mbudes Splinter could be my next screen name!

  9. 6 hours ago, harvey54 said:

    Cotts had a few other 'personality ' issues from what I heard from people at the club at the time. 

    I think it’s a matter of who you listen to! There was plenty of stuff being said by those that knew him before and after his he sacking. But yes I very much believe there was a clash of personalities! 

  10. 24 minutes ago, The Journalist said:

    I always qualify this sort of thing by saying many of you watch way more of us than I do, but this is one thing that's definitely stood out to me too.

    It was pretty obvious when he first came in he wanted us to be more patient/less aggressive both in and out of possession, but we've gone from picking our moments to press to actually just letting the other team have the ball and sitting in a lower block.

    I wasn't really convinced what he was trying to do from the outset really suited us, in all honesty, but what we've been for the past dozen games or so is so far away from the team he inherited. It's been a complete car crash.

    Has the squad surprised him? Is it not what he expected? Has he lost trust in the players? Or is the message just not getting across?

    Whatever it is, it's pretty major alarm bells for me when a manager goes down that sort of road - especially within 4/5 months!

    The ball so often goes backwards in an attempt to maintain possession. However the ball will often end back with Max who will end up being forced to larrrup it. 

    This will result in a battle for the ball or a throw in. In turn conceding the ball. The net result of playing this way is the inevitability of giving the ball away with little sensible service to the forwards. 

    It is agony to watch a team with some very decent players being turned into rubbish, while simultaneously hearing that it’s the players fault or the latest one coming from club sources the players are not good enough ….If that is the case Pearson was a way better manager than given credit for, as he was playing U18 and U21s…Seven in the match day squad for Cardiff because our injuries were so bad  

    The whole thing is just effing nonsense! And I am bloody sick of it!


    • Like 2
  11. 1 minute ago, RedRock said:

    … and therein lies our problem. Our first team recruitment aside from the very occasional gem is, frankly, abysmal. 

    And if Anis and the Belgium chap were on Manning’s radar before he arrived, I’m afraid I’m joining the ‘outers’. The January window, for me, seemed just bizarre.  

    Would I trust Manning/Tinnion with the transfer pot over the Summer? No way.

    I certainly agree with what you say by and large. 

    Pearson clearly wasn’t that struck on Mehmeti and rarely played him. Mr Manning on the other hand likes him!

    Our recruitment in this last window was bizarre. For a team with play off aspirations and a top six squad we added three kids and a bloke with a sick note. 

    Its funny watching a certain podcast we had comments about this group of players not being good enough, however only four months ago some were telling us that Pearson was not getting enough out of them and was rightly fired.

    The point is this here a lot of that rhetoric appears to be emanating from within the club!

    Knight and TGH IMO have suffered under manning ball. Cornick can never find any form, the only outfield player in the squad that has obviously improved under Mr Manning is Dickie.  

    I wouldn’t give Mr Manning anything except a road map out of Bristol tomorrow morning. Hopefully SL is starting conversations to do just that. But probably not likely. 

    • Flames 1
  12. Just now, W-S-M Seagull said:

    Let's be honest, when this guy is sacked and he goes for his next interview or whatever, he'll still be blaming these players rather than taking a look at himself. 

    He won't ever change and that's why he'll never have players running through brick walls for him. He's Teflon. 

    That is the problem there is no change

    Same possession based football, same subs at the same times. He does not seem to have the ability to alter his way of playing before ko and during the game!

    I don’t think it’s a matter of he won’t change it’s more a matter of he can’t!

    If I was SL I’d be fuming at what junior and BT have done. Firing Manning and his team if autometrons is going to cost a bloody fortune and then who are you going to get in. The technical director is the only football man left. If you fire him you have to have a plan in place 

    We are in an utter nonsensical gut wrenching position for no good reason. 

  13. 6 minutes ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

    That's really funny 🤣🤣

    I totally get that after an intense schedule they should have time off but I'm holding Jon to account on this so I'm being petty. They should now have 2 weeks of on the grass training just so we don't risk them becoming deconditioned because Jon doesn't like that. 

    He put himself in the position of being torn into by criticising the time off the players got before. 

    The way I saw it was yes they had time off but I believe that was with the intense upcoming schedule in mind. 

    The issue with the time off was we were relying on players who were semi fit or in the U18/U21 squads and a few stalwarts. OLeary Dickie and Vyner come to mind. They did need the time off!

    The fact JL made those statements was much more of an indictment of Tinnion who was sadly putting shit like that inside his head to say. 

    Now the three mentioned above definitely need the time off. The rest of them as I said above need to get away from this bloke. Far far away for as long as possible and hopefully when they get back he’s gone!

  14. 3 hours ago, And Its Smith said:

    Money is too tight to mention round these parts so when we do spend it, we have to spend it wisely.  With the blessing of hindsight can we really say we are where we need to be recruitment wise?  To spend £10m on the below, is it good enough?

    Knight - £2m

    McCrorie - £2m

    Gardner-Hickman - £1.5m

    Mehmeti.- £1m

    Dickie - £800k

    Cornick - £500k

    Twine, Mebude, Stokes, Murphy - all signed for short or long term - circa £1-1.5m spent I’d guess. 

    Seems a mixed bag at best to me 

    Knight at times has been our best player, I guess that’s why he’s been captain. But at the moment he looks off it!

    McCrorie. Who knows. The bloke has had some horrible disease. I guess we can’t judge until next season. 

    Gardner-Hickman looked great until a few weeks after Manning arrived. The bloke is currently going through the motions

    Mehmeti. He’s had a few flashes and the odd goal but….. Most wouldn’t care if he was in the squad or not. IMO

    Dickie. Brilliant signing

    Cornick has never got going. I’m not sure where he even fits if anywhere 

    Who knows about the others mentioned

  15. 27 minutes ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

    I hope not. I hope we're having 2 weeks of intense on the grass training.

    We really cant be risking the players becoming deconditioned during the international break*








    *Note the sarcasm

    I believe Mr Manning has said they will get extra time off over the coming days! (Yes we all get the irony) 

    Personally I don’t think that’s a bad thing. The more the bloke is around them on the training ground the less competent they become as a team. 

    We can hope that Mr Manning is relieved in the next few days and the senior pros can take the training. However I very much doubt that and so JL and SL will keep doubling down on this guy! But hey their money their choice….My money my choice too!



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  16. 2 hours ago, Street red said:

    Trouble is I don't think we will miss Lansdown I think we as fans don't have that connection it's been broken I feel since the set up of Bristol sport.

    I’m not sure Bristol Sport is that big a deal to me. After all they brought the Rugby to AG and I don’t have a problem with that. 

    However the nuttiness that surrounded the firing of Steve Cotterill was when I first thought there is something seriously wrong. UnLike Ipswich this season who really kicked on, we didn’t. The acrimony between Cotterill and Lansdown was pretty obvious at the time and has been commented on many times!

    The odd employment of LJ and the my money my choice statement further fueled the increasing sense of division. The appointment of Holden, and the constant ramblings of Swiss Tony deepened the divide until the board of directors/ ownership had dug us a deep hole. 

    Enter one of the few men Steve Lansdown has employed that knew what he was doing to try and dig us out. Who he would inevitably fire!

    Just when we were showing huge progress and the supporters were behind it we find ourselves without a competent CEO and the promotion of certain individuals to make shit decisions again! Culminating in this bullshit. 

    It’s little wonder the natives are restless! We are now without competent leaders at every level of the club!

    • Like 11
  17. 6 hours ago, Aipearcey said:

    Was about to start a thread but seen this and think it’s kind of linked so. 

    At what point do the players take some responsibility for some of this? When Pearson was here they looked like they wound run through brick walls. Now I get they are trying to follow what they’re being told by the management but for when things aren’t going their way, why doesn’t someone on the pitch take ownership and try something different rather than playing like robots?

    Because the manager will not support it. The manager wants robots. So who is going to go it alone?

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