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Everything posted by Andy082005

  1. Granted they don’t tell the whole story, but they paint a pretty good picture As someone else just posted, Millwall were very organised. Most teams are compared to us. These teams do not have better players then us….at the very least they are on an equal footing. The difference is they have a coach who can actually coach a defence to defend Pearson cannot get us organised in a way where we are difficult to play against. We are so powder puff and have been since he has been here I’ll look forward to his usual bluster in the post match interview though and everyone will lap up the comments from ‘Nige’
  2. ‘Very organised’ That’s the key words here. Something Pearson is unable to do and failed to do for almost 2 years now
  3. Behave yourself . People acting like Pearson has been some sort of saviour . This squad of players should be performing a lot better then they are The defence certainly should
  4. Mate - look at his stats. Tell me why he deserves to keep his job?
  5. We will not be beating West Brom - not now Bruce has left
  6. I know I get slaughtered for it but I genuinely cannot remember a manager who has got away with as much as this one. 2 years almost - and our defending is just as bad now as it was when he arrived. Embarrassing The bloke talks a great game, and everyone laps it up, “he’s such an intelligent coach blah blah “ - but the reality is very little has improved in his time here. Get a coach in who can actually improve us please
  7. Preferably leave if I’m honest 2 years on and we still can’t defend for toffee
  8. He shouldn’t have been dropped in the first place
  9. We’ve been like it the last 6 games. We just arnt very good sadly
  10. Andy082005


    I said on the way to the ground it was going to be a low crowd. I cannot recall a time where there was so little traffic. I drove from Hengrove all the way through to the Ground (came out by the Miners Arms) and did not hit any traffic at all. I’ve not seen the Gate as empty as that for a long time. Reminded me of a FA Cup game against someone like Shrewsbury I commented in previous games how many empty seats in the South Stand to. I thought that stand had pretty much sold out!?
  11. I’ll say it now before he gives them a 91st minute penalty and it looks like sour grapes ….but Keith Stroud really is a ******* dreadful referee
  12. We need to freshen things up here. We are allowing them far to much of the ball
  13. For as good as Alex Scott is….he is terrible from a dead ball situation
  14. It’s crazy to think we were scoring plenty of goals only a month ago or so . I cannot get over how shit we are in the final third The final ball, the shooting….it’s absolutely terrible You can see exactly how this game is gonna play out
  15. Where is everyone? More gaps in the ground then there is in our defence on a normal Saturday
  16. I can understand the rationale behind Martin starting but I hope he doesn’t. I just find the guy so slow and pedestrian, and we get even sloppier and just end up pumping long balls forward. That will play right into Preston’s hand if we do that
  17. Just noticed Wilson has had an op to. Anyone got any ideas what that’s about?
  18. Thoughts on tomorrow night Dave? I think Klose will start but if not, you think he will persist with King at CB?
  19. I couldn’t believe it when I seen he has made over 100 appearances I can remember about 5 of them
  20. I stopped reading at Massengo One of the most over rated players I’ve ever seen in a City shirt. He brings very little or anything to the team
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