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Everything posted by MarcusX

  1. Good, they haven’t been “big” for about 20 years. They’ve got history and a following but that doesn’t mean anything in the current age
  2. Kalas is overrated IMO. He’s decent, but was never worth the price we paid. He has little leadership qualities that I can see - and backed up by the situation with the arm band. We’ll struggle to move him on without taking a huge loss, there must be better out there than we could attract
  3. Yes so presumably to be in healthcare in the first place they’ve had some level of qualification and training unless I’m mistaken? If you’re wanting more staff you’re talking about getting people from outside the industry surely? As moving people around health care doesn’t solve the problem, that’s a Tory way of adding staff like the “new” hospitals. You can’t just take joe blogs of the street, show him a 30 minute video and let him look after a patient
  4. Happening a lot in lower leagues, couple of weeks ago team called it off for “covid” because half of them were at a wedding. They don’t lose the game if it’s covid but they do if they can’t raise a team for other reasons
  5. Already qualified clinicians… I’ll assume you knew that and were just being funny ? The new online tool, developed by Imperial College London, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Fundamental VR, allows these redeployed clinicians to gain the key knowledge they need for ventilating patients in just 30 minutes. The training consists of a short how-to video that teaches the essentials of operating ventilators.
  6. Once again, the “with not of” argument is nonsense unless you are a medical expert and dealt with the patient. it’s not all about deaths or even hospitalisations. If we just let people get ill what happens to essential services? London fire service reported a similar problem this week.
  7. How long do you think it takes to train nurses and medical staff? ”during the height of covid” there was probably social distancing, keeping patients isolated etc so not surprised if it appeared empty. I agree with your sentiment but it’s not as easy as just recruit staff. We’ve got record levels of job vacancies in this country, so there’s as many if not more jobs than people looking for work. A pandemic at the same time as Brexit was a recipe for disaster. I know we didn’t see it coming, but we probably should have postponed some of the settlement changes
  8. I've stayed out of most of it, agreed with some of your points tbh. I even disagree with the vacinne passports as I dont think they do enough to reduce the spread anyway. Just thought the u-turn was amusing ?
  9. What a waste of time all that harping about morals and anti vaccine passport then ? As with most things, people have morals until it's down to them to make a difficult decision
  10. Also, today it's been announced a third of London's fire engines were out of action this week due to Covid If you continue to let this run wild, there are massive knock on effects. Its ok to say "just live with it" but that greatly ignores the fact that letting 100k poeple a day catch covid is potentially millions of people off sick at any one time
  11. None of those things are contagious though And these are people dying on top of that I get your point, but we have to have a level of care towards this new strain until we know for certain it's milder otherwise all those other issues get impacted - because when someone goes into hospital with Covid they are infectious therefore more time is taken up with cleaning protocols etc.
  12. That's a shame that you didnt miss football. Personally would describe myself in that way but the gym and playing football are my two "outlets", so losing them was difficult. There would have to be good reasoning for a lockdown, but personally I don't want to see one again. I think as others said the first one wasnt too bad because of the "novelty" but doing it in the winter, and whilst still going to work was awful
  13. This isn't strictly true either. It was discovered in South Africa but it was since found in cases in Europe before it was found in South Africa.
  14. Again, how many people under 60 are "healthy"? Even still, lets talk underlying health conditions. 8 million people in the UK have asthma 4 million people are diabetic 2.5 million people are living with cancer, 1000 people a day are diagnosed. Something like 14 million adults are obese 15 million people are over 60 It's too easy to dismiss this as "only" affecting the old and unwell, but when you break it down that's millions and millions of people. And are they not worth the same as anyone else? Are they less human because they were born with or developed an illness? Please. Really interested in your comments on this because I think its a disgusting attitude to just dismiss the old, unwell and disabled. How many as a percentage?
  15. Again showing your complete lack of medical knowledge. Peoplr don’t always die OF the thing that caused their downfall. AIDs is a huge example of this, it tears down the body’s immune system making it more susceptible to other infections. That’s why there’s more than one line on a death certificate. Similarly if someone dies because of a blood clot caused by the vaccine, did the vaccine not kill them if technically not was a blood clot? Also looks like the bloke who died was described as fit and healthy albeit over 60 Shifting the goal posts but anyway, how many people under 60 are “healthy”. 2/3 of the population are overweight, 1/3 are obese. Only the unhealthy is such a bollocks statement because it ignores the fact that so many people are not “healthy”. As for your nonsense about fertility. Zero evidence or education to back that up, just a complete conspiracy theory
  16. Also not true. Just under 80% are double jabbed and the concern is that 2 isn’t enough or immunity is waning
  17. No isolation rules have changed so they are the same regardless of the strain (assuming you’re in England). If you’re a contact you must take daily tests for 7 days - it’s not just one PCR and done https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/explainers-54239922
  18. I was still going to work and it absolutely felt like a lockdown. Going to work and then not being able to do anything to unwind was awful, my mental health seriously suffered in Feb/March.
  19. It’s pretty obvious Cheltenham shouldn’t have happened in the context of the situation at the time. In hindsight it’s luck if it wasn’t a “super spreader” event Thatvsaid I’m sure I seen links posted on here about the upturn in covid cases in Ireland being linked to Cheltenham?
  20. not sure that was the bit they wanted evidence of?
  21. It's on topic though, the thread is about the vaccine passport and that is what @spudski was discussing. I know some messages become heated and maybe even abusive but I don't understand the constant urge to close down discussion of Covid. It's a massive issue affecting us all and potentially the sport. The topics are clearly hotly debated so as much as it may go "off-topic" it's obviously popular and people want to discuss it. The posts are accurately named in their subject (well except this one!) so anyone who wants to avoid it can do - just like many people avoid the Rovers thread.
  22. Everything was shut in the first and third lockdowns, definitely massively restricted movement even if some broke the rules a bit. Can't see it happening again, then again I said that ahead of the third one at the start of this year so I should stop making predictions! Or stop being so optimistic. Those saying the crowd may be really low this weekend, what about the thinking that this might be the last chance we get to see a game again in a long time? Many will be attracted to going for that reason too
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