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Everything posted by MarcusX

  1. I dunno, I think Scott’s entitled to go for that For once we look up for the fight, just have to avoid being rash
  2. Isn’t there a rule about it deflecting off another body part?
  3. Last few minutes have been better to be fair, since that stoppage for the head injury we’ve got a bit of a foot on the ball
  4. Why? It’s because it’s on sky I think
  5. Fair point, if it's done it needs to be done "properly" or not at all. I understand the complaints that it's a "tick box" exercise That's debatable but not necessarily wrong. The "target" might not be total body count but a particular individual e.g. a club official, player or team Second statement also isn't wrong, fair point. Again, as above I agree and it's a fair point. For some just having the risk of being checked could cause someone to back out, especially a lone wolf / opportunist type rather than a thoroughly planned attack.
  6. One of those pictures where you can tell it's the north without knowing it's the north
  7. The problem is, most people have this attitude the 99% of the time when nothing happens. Massive inconvenience, waste of time, nothing achieved by it (in part because of the half arsed enforcement of the checks) However when the worst does happen, many are quick to ask why wasn’t more done to stop it. Eg the Manchester bombing
  8. Well as you’ve just said it’s a reduction/preventative on what they’d hoped to do. The impact would potentially be less eg the Liverpool attack as terrible as it was, was clearly not the damage the attacker intended. Also it may be a deterrent not to try? The attacker may get nervous and change plans?
  9. An absolute horror decision by Kalas to head that ball though. Shouldn’t have even had the chance
  10. If he hadn’t already been there he’d definitely be getting mentioned for it
  11. MarcusX


    What was the firework reference, I don’t remember that?
  12. My dad used to make a spreadsheet with all the teams alphabetical down the left and across the top. Left column was home team, top row was away team and would roll a dice for each score then play out a season and see where each team ended up Used to be obsessed with that as a kid, again as someone else said probably not particularly interesting but a lovely personal memory
  13. I don’t see many people in a suit at football tbf, certainly not in the stands It’s a pair of shorts I believe so this isn’t relevant
  14. It’s a pair of shorts not a skirt
  15. Is it? Is that the purpose? It’s a fashion magazine
  16. This suggests it’s a problem with the charity, it’s not. IF BLM had suggested wearing away shirts at home for some reason they’d have likely been met with the same response.
  17. I really feel for Nige, I hope he takes all the times he needs to get better. I lost my boss this week suddenly after a couple of weeks of this cold/flu that’s going around (negative for covid). Knew he was suffering but he was still working, poor bloke just collapsed at home and help couldn’t get to him quick enough. What ever we think of our current plight, please all remember that Nigel is a human being with a family and believe it or not some things are much bigger than football Same goes to us. I don’t know who needs to hear this right now but There’s more important things than work, even though that might seem difficult to realise at times. Don’t take life for granted, tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. Safe travels to everyone tomorrow
  18. At this moment in time? Yes, it's 100% a relegation season IMO. Very little quality in depth, just look at our bench last night. Flogging our half decent players to the point of injury - Massengo, James, Martin (was once a half decent player!) - King, Williams, Baker already out We now go into Saturday with a scarily weak looking team, not just in experience but in presence and ability. What's most worrying about last night is even the fight appeared to be gone. Heads dropped and people stopped running. I'm not Pearson out, because I don't think anyone else will get anything out of these players. We can only hope for some incoming players in January IMO
  19. No idea how LJ "didn't work out" Some of the best league positions we've achieved in 40 years were under LJ. He didn't quite get us over line but he consistently go us fighting around the playoffs. He just didn't have enough about him to get us over the line And don't forget the cup run. He then had his best players sold from under him
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