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Everything posted by MarcusX

  1. LFT is pointless for this, you dont even have to do the test just scan it and say it was negative
  2. Thanks for explaining, like I say I just seen the headline and thought that was poor but given what you've just explained it makes sense now I'm glad you've got rid of Power, got a few good mates who are Swindon fans and I'd hate to have seen the club go under. I hate Swindon more than Rovers, mainly because of that rivalry with friends, but no one wants to see that Of course, shirt is still smart. Over the years I always felt you tended to out do us on shirt designs, although we've got better the last few years. The away kit seems a bit marmite from seeing comments but I like that too, reminds me of early 90s Swindon, the Burmah away shirt
  3. Tbf I thought that victimless crime comment was obvious as to the context, though may have been better left unsaid The comments about violence are odd, he’s been convicted at least twice of violent crimes and his career is littered with violence. If that’s their stance and their values why did they employ him in the first place?
  4. I read that you only sold 600 STs so far but that makes sense if they couldn’t get them online. That shirts nice btw, preferred it when it didn’t have a sponsor though. It does look a little bit like 2002 Man Utd though now, one with Vodafone sponsor and the black bits under sleeve
  5. The people at the very top of the flat earth theory are getting very rich from promoting this ideology. There's an interesting documentary on netflix, people paid thousands to go to a convention to hear there flat-earthers talk
  6. Here’s another. How many have died from this “gene therapy” out of interest?
  7. FWIW I don’t wish to impose vaccine passports, my position is that I understand why some venues might want to and personally have no problem flashing a QR code or taking a test to gain entry to somewhere for the next couple of months. It’s nothing compared to another lockdown if we get this horribly wrong
  8. Yea but he probably meant “healthy” people because we know those with health issues or disabilities don’t matter
  9. Well the point was more about backing up random statements with some evidence so it can be discussed, you know, the point of a forum?
  10. Again, do yourself and your case no favours when writing things like this. Who is "sitting in front of the bbc" (probably taken straight from a social media meme)? Please, find someone, anyone, that believes, trusts or otherwise supports this government in this thread? Spouting utter nonsense repeated from your rabbit hole youtube videos, and because you've got no further substance than those intial soundbites you can't actually participate in a reasoned debate. Some things that are questioned by the anti-vax / anti-gov / truth seekers whatever you want to call yourselves, are valid but you dont seem able to debate them. As I said in a previous post, it's all or nothing with you guys. At least some like @Baba Yaga and @LoyalRed who have differing views are able to debate, and at times they might get picked apart (often by several people at once unfortunately) if they post something that's factually questionable but generally their opinions are respected (they may think otherwise ?) and they make some fair points.
  11. Thanks, yes you're probably right. Don't "have" to as such but certainly encouraged to dig deeper
  12. Funny how you leave after being proven wrong though, without response. You'd have gained far more respect if you replied and said actually, yes I was wrong the BBC did report it
  13. I'm fairly sure any report of domestic abuse / violence is now followed through even if the victim tries to retract their statement so i don't think she'd have any comeback on her I had a friend go through this (honestly believe he did no wrong given the nature of events, long story) and the Police continued to investigate despite his Mrs taking back what she'd reported and insisting it was her drunken rage (the situation was all caused by someone else lying to her). Luckily there was no further action as she didn't have any signs of abuse, because he didnt touch her, and there was simply no evidence. Obviously suffice to say he did not stay with her much longer
  14. To be honest I was in central london Saturday and had no idea it was happening so I’m not sure there were “millions” what is your obsession with Stockholm syndrome and why don’t you apply to any of the points made that are actually up for debate?
  15. From what I’ve read on here they were at a friends without the kids, they don’t live in Kew so not sure that matters?
  16. Haha that's a good point actually... right, get those vaccine passports in asap
  17. It's not blind faith, my decisions and views are based on critical and logical thinking using evidence, data and expert opinion. I don't believe everything I'm told by anyone, if it doesn't sound right I'll question it or look up further info What is yours based on? no one is doing that
  18. Last time I went in a supermarket I didn't see thousands of people start jumping and hugging each other at sporadic moments based on events around them...
  19. Apple and Google blocked the original NHSX (nothing to do with NHS) app because they wanted to store information on symptoms and locations on a centralised database. This raised privacy concerns. Again, you can question or disagree with elements of this without going against everything. This was a bad move from the government and rightly was blocked.
  20. Here's a clue, covid passport wasn't required to get into Wembley, a negative test was - which you can self-report a fake test. People went to Wembley sick, I'm almost certain of that (in part because I know at least one person who did). Plus, no one ever said you couldn't catch covid if you've had both jabs, it just reduces the impact to you and your transmission.
  21. Who here is "trusting the government by default" I dont trust them, I detest Boris and I think they are at best completely incompetent and at worst... well I hope some of their evil actions aren't deliberate. What a lot of you conspiracy theorists can't grasp is that it's not all in one side or the other - it's not believe absolutely everything you're told or think it's all a big conspiracy. You can pick apart the facts, the science, the evidence and make decisions on each part of it for yourself. Not trusting the government doesn't mean everything they say or do is a lie, especially as I say the things that can be backed up by science or evidence. Unfortunately, what I see from the anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists is the same crap copy and pasted and you can pull apart half of their argument with facts. For example, I seen someone share a big post on FB at the weekend, some fairly reasonable questions that I dont know the answer too - but within it were things like "millions of people have suffered injury from the vaccine" citing the VAERS data as if it's fact that all those responses are caused BY the vaccine, which they aren't. I agree many things don't add up, but that doesn;t mean Covid doesn't exist or it's all made up to control the population. It means we have an incompetent government who in fairness to them have never had to deal with anything like this before. They've made bad decisions for whatever reason, that doesn't mean the virus is made up or "just a flu". I actually seen someone saying that all the excess deaths were caused by lockdowns and lack of medical attention to other emergencies. These just aren't evidence based views.
  22. It's not "only" been allowed because we are in a pandemic. It was just allowed to be developed while trials took place because of the emergency. had it failed the trials, it would have been a waste of money. That was the gamble to get it produced quicker. What about the fear of those who are scared of taking it because of made up predictions about infertility? I think anyone who is scaremongering and predicting things based on absolutely zero evidence just "their political view of the world" are brainwashed. Copying things from Facebook and other propoganda sites without being able to think for themselves. They all copy and paste the same crap, that's not critical thinking.
  23. Of course they won't, no matter what timescale you put on it they'll say its not been long enough. How long do you need to wait to see if fertility rates drop? By then he'll be on to the next conspiracy. @Riaz says he's "not been scared into taking the vaccine" but can't see that's he's been scared into not taking it. Which is worse?
  24. Why is it wrong? I'll repost this again: https://vaccine.unchealthcare.org/science/vaccine-approval/whats-the-difference-between-fda-emergency-use-authorization-and-fda-approval/ It's gone through the same trial stages and testing, it's just been accelerated and emergency approval allowed it to be developed whilst being trialled. Again, yes they have. Try travelling to some countries without a polio vaccination for example or booster and you may be refused entry ?
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