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italian dave

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Everything posted by italian dave

  1. Who do you think you are, coming on OTIB with thoughtful and well balanced posts like this?! Great summary. They did.
  2. I understand your exasperation. The over-reaction to a simple question, ‘what’s it about?’, has been unbelievable. ?
  3. I don’t for a minute think that’s likely: I’m just using an extreme example to make the point. I just find it quite bizarre that you’d take part in some public display of support for something without having a clue what it is! The post from @James above confirming no message is really helpful. For the record, I love these sort of displays and I really appreciate the time and effort of those who organise them. I even love ones that carry messages, even controversial ones. I just think it’s about knowing what you’re doing, and I don’t think it’s unreasonable for people to ask that. Hope it goes well today.
  4. And you’d be happy if it turned out that display spelt out “Pearson Out”??
  5. Would you sign a petition if I put one in front of you and asked you to but wouldn’t tell you what it said? In some instances, people do have a right to know! Or at least a right to know before they participate in something. The red and white night (and the Gow one mentioned above) were different simply because in those cases people did know. Is it just a “design”? In which case, why not say so? I don’t think anyone’s demanding to see the detail of the design, just to know that’s all it is. As opposed to something that carries a message.
  6. There are More Questions Than Answers………Johnny Nash
  7. What's pretty evident from the past few pages is that any "cost" is something that City fans are comfortable with and that it's only Sags who perceive there to be a detrimental cost - one which is measured in the size of the gap.
  8. I guess you'd know.....I hear you get a pretty good view across Bristol now from the few remaining stands tents at the Men
  9. I know many posters hate to go there....but on the politics forum this was mentioned in the 'cost of living' thread just a week or two ago, and someone posted a shot of something they'd had from LV explaining why costs are increasing. I noticed in the news yesterday that Admiral have lost a huge % of customers this past year as a result of price hikes. They presumably go somewhere else though.
  10. ?? No, not a family member. No worries: not an issue (except maybe for Mrs ID!) but just intrigued!
  11. well, you would if it was delayed by 45 minutes ??
  12. Not really a digital ticketing issue, but on the subject of creating ‘relationships’. Do you know what determines a relationship becoming a ‘special relationship’. I’ve got relationships set up with about half a dozen people. One of them always appears as a “special relationship”. Mrs ID is a bit concerned ?
  13. Grim Up North Korea......Cabbage
  14. And yet, which is the point I’m making, no such distinction between a legal activity (tax avoidance) and an illegal activity (benefit fraud)?
  15. Interesting that you can draw such fine moral distinctions between investment from Jordan and from the Saudis - both of which are countries defined by Freedom House as "not free". And yet when it comes to legal tax avoidance and illegal benefit fraud you make no such distinction.
  16. Yeah, get that. But I still have a problem with the moral equivalence between something that’s legal and something that’s illegal. Do you class people maximising their expenses in order to avoid paying tax as tax avoidance? As I asked above, do you consider people maximising their benefit income as equivalent to benefit fraud? I just don’t think that equivalence stacks up.
  17. Is that looking at all 92 grounds? Seems surprising that 3 of the top 5, and all 5 of the bottom 5 are Championship clubs.
  18. Tax evasion and benefit fraud, agree. But tax avoidance is legal and benefit fraud is illegal. There has to be a distinction between the two, surely. Unless you’re going to argue that maximising benefit income and benefit fraud are both equally reprehensible.
  19. I’m not on Twitter either, so sympathise. It’s got more and more erratic what you can and can’t see recently. In this instance, I can see a still from the video and just click that and it’s fine. But I know that somethings these links end up as just that - a link, and then it doesn’t work. But quite often the post on here has graphic one day and not the next. So it’s worth checking again - worth persisting: it’s an interesting listen.
  20. Court and Spark…….Joni Mitchell
  21. Yes. A week or two back. Ignored it and everything seemed OK soon after.
  22. Hope things are a bit better this morning RP. You said you were going back in your shell, which is fine, but don’t stay there all the time. Thanks to the wonders of technology whether you’re in Porto or Portishead there’s always a friend to talk to.
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