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Posts posted by screech

  1. I know, and it's reflected in the QT audience. When Labour were in power they came in for more stick from the QT audience,now it's the Tory's turn,

    Screech wouldn't have claimed the audience 5 years ago was pro Tory,but now the boots on the other foot he's using the old bias claim.

    Let's remember, the Tories have no mandate from the people,they weren't popular enough to win a majority in the 2010 election and now are even less popular!


    Let me clear this up for you because I don't wish for you to get the wrong idea about who I support.


    I don't vote for any of them, they are all cut from the same cloth and don't represent me in anyway. Whoever is in charge gets the same two fingers up at them. Last year my local Tory MP Mark Harper had to face a 2 minute onslaught at my front door, previous to that the Labour candidate endured similar.


    Until we have something worth voting for I will continue to spoil my paper. But when I see blatant bias in what is supposed to be an impartial corporation I will call it as I see it. The BBC is very left biased, it's written all over every political programme or interview they do.

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  2. There are party activists from all parties there - as is obvious if you watch the thing rather than read some obscure blog written by a bloke who works for a neo-con think tank. My point was the producers balance the audience. The show's rarely recorded live. Questioners and audience commentators are closely scrutinised before broadcast to ensure balance.


    Did you watch that show?


    It was the show that Labours Stephen Twigg was on the panel, Rutland had met Twigg in advance and tweeted to all that she was going to be on the show. Rutland was a paid activist for the Labour party and knew in advance of the night she was going to get her moment of fame.

    She quickly took down all of her tweets when she got exposed.


    You can pretend all you like mate that these programmes are impartial, but you are not fooling anybody.

  3. Tony Blair and Gordon Brown - like the Tories - are EU loving traitors. The following YouTube video is of Nigel Farage ripping into Gordon Brown when he was Prime Minister 5 years ago - never shown by the EU's BBC propaganda news and views agency.....I wonder why?? :shifty:  .........



    The BBC is the Labour party mouthpiece Gobbers. You watch any episode of the Labour partys midweek broadcast called question time, the audience is loaded with Labour activists and lefty apologists. King Tony and his heir to the throne Prince Gordon must not be shown in a bad light.

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  4. His cousin wasn't nicknamed Chemical Ali for nothing was he. Saddam Hussain is one of the 20th century's most evil men.

    But it's ok,OTIB posters have proof that it was all the Labour Party fault!!


    Are you trying to legitimise in some way our invasion of Iraq?

    Did we not stand by and watch Robert Mugabe kill his own, he didn't have the oil though did he.

  5. Ah right,so Saddam Hussain hadn't already gassed to death thousands of his own innocent woman and children then ??

    Who knows what he was going to do next.

    As Red Robbo says,Its not a defence of Blair, but someone somewhere would have eventually done something about Saddam Hussain.


    Well that's ok then Bill, if he did it, then so can we.

  6. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, kidnap and torture of one's own subjects is pretty extreme and funnily enough it formed part of Blair's evidence against Saddam Hussein, once he decided there were no weapons of mass destruction and he decided upon a policy of mass distraction to cover his tracks claiming regime change was always part of his strategy anyway and now we even know the enquiry he set up was a whitewash, not that it was ever in doubt but its good to have it confirmed from his own mouth but even now the middle east peace envoy keeps telling us Iraq is safer place today, although not on my holiday list or his I suspect.


    Aint that the truth EMB. Blair should have had the same ending as Hussein, a proven liar who sent many British troops and innocent Iraqi women and children to their deaths. He tops the tree as the scummiest politician that has ever took office in this country. A real shit of a man.

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  7. For a party with no hope of doing anything, led by turncoats and 'nationalists', there seems to be an awful lot of people going out of their way to bash them.

    Bashing UKIP for not 'getting the facts straight' whilst voting for ANY OF THE OTHER 3 PARTIES IS FUNNY AS.....!


    Should be fun.


    It's brilliant viewing I must admit.


    The red, blue and yellows are out in force trying to discredit UKIP conveniently forgetting that the lying pieces of shit they continue to vote for are somehow different. Haha, they're even trying to look at their piece of shit and claim it's somehow less smelly than yours, but shit is shit no matter how much red, blue and yellow confetti they sprinkle on it.


    They still vote for their favourite colour believing it's different to the other one, even though it's all based on you working harder and longer for less. Keep waving your flags boys, red or blue will win no matter how much they stiff you.

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