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Barrs Court Red

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Posts posted by Barrs Court Red

  1. Thankfully I can't make the last two games, or rather I have a reason not to go. 

    I certainly won't be rushing back, and will give Friday evening games a wide birth. I'm sick of the constant flow of people to the bar during the game, or the amount of people coming in late because they've been getting drinks.

    Sunday games seem to attract a different crowd to a Friday but both Friday and Sunday games have a terrible lack of atmosphere, not helped by the standard of rugby on show.

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  2. On 14/03/2017 at 03:02, Up The City! said:

    How can it be financially viable to having them playing in a stadium with 20k spare seats? 

    They really need their own smaller stadium (share with BCFC women etc) and then come to AG when they are likely to attract a big crowd.

    Because you scale the staffing levels accordingly.  

  3. 7 minutes ago, Miah Dennehy said:

    I think that's the problem. Lansdown just doesn't 'get' rugby. To him Bristol are just an extension of City, and it really, really annoys me (maybe that's what he wanted) WTF was the point of adding a bit  of red to the kit? I'm all for a local big shot (and realistically Lansdown is the only one who fits the bill) coming along to help our local rugby club do well, but at least try and get a bit of understanding about the game, it's traditions and ethics.  Rant over.

    Sorry chap, but can't agree. While I'll blame SL for the mess the football club finds itself in, I'm not convinced he is to blame for this shocker of a season for the rugby club.

    it was always going to be a struggle, but players have performed to unacceptable levels, and injuries have been unfortunate. The Bristol management from CEO down should of had the club more prepared. The squad is embarrassing in its lack of even average players.


    As for the red in the kit, agreed. 

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  4. On 03/03/2017 at 19:43, Red Right Hand said:

    I`m not a follower of rugby but I`ve just seen PW and if Bristol go down they`ll have to play Hartpury College apparently as they are nailed on to go up. Is that the sort of level in the championship or are they an exception? They look like they just play on a college pitch and surely they wouldn`t be able to do that would they?

    I don't believe they are allowed to come up.

    They are very much an exception, although I suspect they have more funding for conditioning/training than semi-pro/amateur clubs so I suspect this will not be a one off.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    One can only imagine how hard, as shareholders in the Premiership, Bristol have been pushing for this since the start of this season!

    This surely now means that at the very worst Bristol will only be spending one season down in the Championship, if relegated this season, before getting back into the Premiership under Lam.

    After the Bath game and now seeing the line-up for Sunday though gotta be optimistic we can stay up :pray:

    **** all to do with the Prem though ain't it? The play offs came from championship clubs being greedy at the expense of those who took a longer term view and genuinely wanted to make promotion sustainable.  As it is the Championship is financially a grave yard, and I wouldn't be surprised if at the end of this 3 years the prem is expanded and ring fenced.....


    why do do I think this? 3 years is conveniently how long the current TV deal is

  6. 44 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    That is a good point, a fair point- all of it. I would personally reduce prices by say £5 per stand immediately and see how it looks.

    If we had a terrace like some other rugby stadia we could reduce it further. Friday and Sunday doesn't help- Sunday is more convenient as most people are off, should if at all possible get a greater balance split for a Sunday games.

    Agreed. I went to a few games last year and I was shocked at just how small a League the Rugby Championship was. I absolutely was, saw an article on it a few momths back and was surprised- part time players, lots of sides happy with attendances of 1,000- 2nd tier of English rugby, wow.

    As for the growth- 6k last year yup, read we get 13.5k this season so we're on our way. Wasn't aware of the 16k target truth be told but IF we can somehow survive this year, 16k next year with the right tweaks- and maybe a greater balance of games on Sunday from Friday would surely help a fair bit. For Championship well such a tiny League attendances would plummet.

    The standing point is interesting, it was promised as part of the move over yet seems increasingly unlikely. It would certainly encourage some sort of atmosphere, as at the moment it's flat. You don't get as annoyed by the steady procession of people heading the the bar either!

    Personally I thought that they raised prices too soon, and never really gave it time to get people coming more often than not, a habit I guess.  


  7. On 23/02/2017 at 11:10, Mr Popodopolous said:

    The thing is I had a quick browse of other clubs and their ticket prices PL rugby (Bath, Harlequins and the like). Not too different really...

    Leicester Tigers for example- lowest adult price £28!! That is if you book on a terrace in advance. Lowest. £18 in fact another one says but still...that's the lowest category of game with an advance booking.

    Your missing out the fact that Bristol have the unenviable task of raising the average crowd from 6k to seemingly above 16k. 

    Given the fact that matches seem pretty evenly split between Fridays and Sundays, they're not attractive as an option to anyone that can't make fixtures on those days, which leaves forking out for the match day prices. 

    It seems SL has realised this, but seems to think the Championship is attractive enough to launch "aggressive pricing". He's wrong. 



  8. 2 hours ago, CyderInACan said:

    Also we now have the new "training consultant" Solomon on board til the end of the season to mix things up with a fresh pair of eyes. Could possibly be the last roll of the dice but one that had to be made nonetheless. I did see over 13k tickets have been sold so probably about 16k there on the day.  

    Which is dreadful. At a minimum this fixture should attract 20k, but between the abysmal rugby produced by the club and the ticket prices set by BS it just ain't gonna happen.

    I just can't wait for the season to end now,  a complete and utter shambles.

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  9. 1 minute ago, 42nite said:

    So, if the  unthinkable should happen and we do go down........City is above Gas alphabetically, so we will start the season above them,  and the clock can carry on ticking away.   

    How long is it now?

    All we have to do is win our first match by more goals than them (hopefully it will be against them), and normal service will be resumed.

    Small mercies eh?

    It will be 6000 days around Easter.

  10. 29 minutes ago, 42nite said:

    Ths is a serious question to any Gas (or City fan)  who may wish to answer.

    We (the Teds) are often referred to as 'Bristol'. I think I saw on another thread that Derby had us on their scoreboard as Bristol.

    Do the Gas get called Bristol?  If not, what is the general feeling about us being called it?.....if any.

    Is it only us that the media and other fans call Bristol or does it happen to Rovers as well?


    I have heard that some clubs have Gas on their soreboard, is this so, or do they sometimes call you Bristol?

    I think we are generally not happy being called Bristol, even more so than when you lot refer to us as the S♡♡t,  I really don't think that's much of a problem to most of us. I find it rather amusing.

    I've mentioned it on here before, but don't think any of us Teds are aware of the answer. 

    Not a wind up, just interested.


    I believe it is "who?"

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