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Barrs Court Red

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Everything posted by Barrs Court Red

  1. Month long break is probably useful- Woodward took a huge hit towards the end so could possibly be out. I think Bris will find it tough v Quinn's, who had a good win against Sale that probably assured safety. A win and not only could they go a couple of points clear of Wuss, it could also really put pressure on Sale. So 4 huge Friday night games in the next 3 months - Bath Friday (Euro) Quinn's early Feb, Bath end of Feb and Glos end of March.
  2. Northampton utterly outclassed Bristol earlier in the season, although that being said, it's almost like watching a different team under Tainten. Losing bonus point today would be good, and just hope Wuss don't win at Glos - it's now very much a shootout between us now
  3. He spent it. Not sure this was the sort of "talent" Wally was expecting him to spend it on though....
  4. Comicle news coming about the UWE stadium coming in the New Year
  5. So after Andy Billingham said over 20k for Boxing Day, the club say "over 10k sold" Slight difference between those two figures....
  6. The training ground is happening, subject to planning approval. No idea if they will own the land or not. There's actually been significant effort put into the training ground, as the owner sees it as vital for the long term future - this guy isn't some dodgy owner, he's genuinely a nice guy who wants the best for his club. This all being said, UWE is a ball around the clubs neck at the moment and if it's not delivered the fickle fewers will soon get restless- exacerbated by Dopey Darrell moaning about the playing budget.
  7. Over 20k for Boxing Day, should be a fantastic game.
  8. Non existent. Paul were utterly awful, and looked like a Championship side. How much of that was down to Bristol playing very well I'm not sure. Varndell easily had his best game in a Bristol shirt, and for the first time this season (Quins aside) Bristol looked dangerous in the 20 meter area. One thing that was noticeable was that despite Pau have some huge forwards, they struggled containing Bristols driving maul (2 try's came from that). Against a premier side I'm not sure Bristol would have had it so easy.
  9. First time I've enjoyed a Bristol game for a long time
  10. Prices are a steep, but fairly comparable if not attractive to other clubs. Checkout Northamptons eye watering prices.
  11. B-b-b-but I thought the new sprinklers and gazebos were to make the minimal "championship ready"
  12. People seem to think Lancaster as well - infact I'm pretty sure the rugby paper predicted this scenario on the weekend
  13. Sounds like the business plan for the new stadium
  14. They've opened the upper tier for it, so should be a big crowd
  15. I was about to post this - Boxing Day is just getting bigger and bigger, and I expect at least a point from the game v Glos next Sat.
  16. Enjoyed last night more than any other home game- and had a dodgy try not been awarded what might have been. Im now generally optimistic that survival is possible, and the Boxing Day clash v Wuss is mouthwatering.
  17. To go 1/3 of season with no head coach is also appalling. Theyv managed to make a right hash of things. What a waster opportunity.
  18. Well you did ask for the average... I would say for games with a fussy ref and easy access to video replays you can end up with around an extra 10 minutes.
  19. I suspect you are not alone in feeling this way. What I would say though, if things improve on the pitch in the next few years and you do have the opportunity to go for free, just give it another try. My introduction to football was during the Osman years - I could of easily not gone again back then.
  20. Is this true??? A real glimmer of hope if they stick with that?
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