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Barrs Court Red

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Posts posted by Barrs Court Red

  1. I thought the corner was turning under SOD.

    Of course, we'll never now know.

    As if nepotism in the boardroom wasn't enough, managers are now appointed on the basis of their friendship with board members. Which seems the whole basis for the sacking.

    • Like 2
  2. Looks like you should take your own advice too. He does not agree with you, yet you feel the need to write back , yet claim to not care what's on a forum. You care about what he wrote, and disagree. Quite funny really.

    Well I guess you could take that view, if you have a low IQ and see everything at its most basic level. Kind of like a young child I guess.

    I find the notion that this forum is somehow a single entity an odd one, especially as its full of discord.

  3. just a different point of view. Your all just a bit precious, no offence intended. Just try being fans first!

    All? I'm confused. I couldn't generally give a flying one about what's on a forum, yet it genuinely seems to bother you.

    My advice is dry your eyes, take a deep breath and don't log in to view something you clearly hate so much.

    • Like 2
  4. I believe if you polled most city fans (and remember most don't even use this excuse of a forum) they would rather close down the waste of space that calls itself the supporters trust and close down this laugh a minute forum, than risk losing the Lansdowns. What we need is less fan power not more for godsake. This forum has never agreed on anything. How on earth it could represent the majority of good honest people is beyond me. Just try supporting and cheering on your team and leave it at that ladies!

    Not sure massive troll or massive bellend. Could you confirm?

  5. Still at least he has his priorities right...tens of millions in debt, hemorrhaging fans at an alarming right, club falling like a stone BUT people on a forum the club has nothing to do with can come down for chat chat.

    Of course there was a facility to ask questions directly on here many moons ago, but even that proved too hard.

  6. He sure does love talking.

    "Judge me on Tinnion"

    "Ashton Vale will be built"

    "The club will live within its means"

    That's my top 3.

    Don't get me wrong I don't want him to go, but his decisions have been terrible and putting his son in such a position has been a disaster.

  7. Glos CC is being redeveloped (horribly in my opinion) so it's not strictly true to say nothing ever gets through the nimby's.

    A scaled down compromise following the club threatening to leave the city, and a ground that unlike the original plans, will never hold test cricket.


  8. Bristol isn't officially best place to live. It was one article taken from one study. The next week Solihull was "best place to live".

    Its all bollocks, I look forward to Bristol disappear up its own arse while the rest of us move on with modern life.

  9. Im just not looking for that smug Radish bint popping her ugly mug back in the media with some sort of "vindicated" story.

    Bitch should focus on her face which is far more damaging to the local environment than a new Sainsburys

    • Like 3
  10. Here's a novel idea. When are you most likely to catch someone at home?

    The fact people are slating the police is pretty embarrassing.

    What? You think people having the opinion that an unnecessary escalation by an organisation known for raiding the wrong houses and killing innocent people is embarrassing?

    No wonder the same mistskes keep happening, and innocent people continue to die, whwn a serving officer can make such a blase statement regarding police raids.

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