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Barrs Court Red

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Posts posted by Barrs Court Red

  1. Not in the least. Why on earth would it?

    Because clearly if you aren't that enthusiastic by Cotterill you MUST be a City hating doom merchant that is only content with them losing every week to prove a point you made on an inconsequential internet forum.

    He'on OUR side you winner hater.

    Or something like that.

    • Like 2
  2. The 80's? How far do you intend to go back in your efforts to deflect the spotlight from Labour?

    I believe we invaded a few countries back when the Royals were in charge, should we bring them into it?

    Anyways, this thread isn't about what a wonderful Labour government we had and I'll leave it there.

  3. So your view is that the UK should send task forces everywhere there are conflicts, is it? So Cameron should send forces to Darfur (it's still going on) and the South Sudan? Major should've interfered in East Timor and Rwanda?

    You're on your own with that one. There were international peacekeeping forces in the DRC but not including Britain.

    Still you can't fault your Daily Mail logic: Labour was wrong to lead us into an illegal war in Iraq but then also wrong not to support an illegal intervention in Syria. And we'd of had as much chance of damping down extremism there as we had in Iraq.

    Anyway, back to the OP's topic. I reckon Clegg will founder on a debate entirely based on the EU, but if he goes on the offensive and widens the debate it will be Farrage on the defensive. But I can't see that happening.

    What a stupid post. I was adding context to Blairs war mongering, and how he avoided much worse suffering.

    As it happens, I do think ouselves and France have a duty to Africa. As shown in Mali recently, the timely intervention of Western forces can contain a situation before the conflict spreads. You could also say the same about Libya.

    We'll also never know if intervention would have been illeagal, as the moment we ruled it out it would never have got through the UN. What do we see a few months later? Chemicle weapons used in Hommes.

  4. Really? So you were happy for this country to do exactly what YOU have said was wrong with the Iraq invasion?

    Labour asked for evidence,if it was conclusive they would have backed the government.

    Would they bollocks!!! Missed opportunity in Syria, as we've since not only seen chemicle weapons used, but the rebellion infiltrated by Jihadists.

    The Labour government sat and did nothing while 6 million were slaughtered in Congo. Dafaur? George Clooney did more than our government. I guess Blaire was too busy hugging Gadaffi to care.

  5. On this site or ziderheads, can't remember which, I not only said O'Driscoll would not be a success, but explained my reasons.

    On ziderheads at the beginning of August when most were saying we'd either go up automatically or play offs or mid-table at worse, I said O'Driscoll would take us down again.

    Hmmm but now you have a cry when people are negative about the present manager, who you like "because they stay late".

    Anyways, I also thought SoD would not work out, mainly because he would never get the time to implement the changes needed. That was painfully obvious moreso, when people talked of automatic promotion this season.

    lets just hope you're right about this one, and somehow staying in the office late somehow leads to success on the pitch.

  6. I thought the corner was turning under SOD.

    Of course, we'll never now know.

    As if nepotism in the boardroom wasn't enough, managers are now appointed on the basis of their friendship with board members. Which seems the whole basis for the sacking.

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  7. Looks like you should take your own advice too. He does not agree with you, yet you feel the need to write back , yet claim to not care what's on a forum. You care about what he wrote, and disagree. Quite funny really.

    Well I guess you could take that view, if you have a low IQ and see everything at its most basic level. Kind of like a young child I guess.

    I find the notion that this forum is somehow a single entity an odd one, especially as its full of discord.

  8. just a different point of view. Your all just a bit precious, no offence intended. Just try being fans first!

    All? I'm confused. I couldn't generally give a flying one about what's on a forum, yet it genuinely seems to bother you.

    My advice is dry your eyes, take a deep breath and don't log in to view something you clearly hate so much.

    • Like 2
  9. I believe if you polled most city fans (and remember most don't even use this excuse of a forum) they would rather close down the waste of space that calls itself the supporters trust and close down this laugh a minute forum, than risk losing the Lansdowns. What we need is less fan power not more for godsake. This forum has never agreed on anything. How on earth it could represent the majority of good honest people is beyond me. Just try supporting and cheering on your team and leave it at that ladies!

    Not sure massive troll or massive bellend. Could you confirm?

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