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Everything posted by RedM

  1. Agreed. I'm a great fan of Weimann but the last injury seems to be hard for him to return from. But even putting that aside we are largely predictable in how we play to him. It's a great plan A when it worked, but when it doesn't it's just too easy for the opposition to defend against. Any other attacking player is left feeding off scraps. We are massively missing Wells who seems to be able to link in other players in the way Andi doesn't.
  2. I've never heard anyone else mention the wallet searches either, until I read this thread. I guess it must be a drug thing, but then again unlike some other grounds I didn't see a single drug or pyro dog. It could be that obviously with what was going on in London on Saturday the dogs were deployed elsewhere? I guess they just randomly pick people to search and the OP just got unluckly. Wonder if they actually ever find anything or is it more to prevent? Like someone has mentioned, the coked up idiots spoil it for everyone, and they really aren't that hard to spot.
  3. Yup, I know! It's like a habit I started years ago and it's like a superstition now I don't dare to break * *I do realise what colour pegs are together doesn't in any way affect results on the pitch, but hey people have lucky pants etc don't they
  4. I've always found the QPR stewards quite chilled, but realise this is just my experience. My bag was searched by a female steward, I remember this as she was chatty and friendly, saying she liked my coat. I was not given a pat down and she only glanced at my bag, certainly didn't go though it. Searches do vary very much from ground to ground, Cardiff,Swansea, Leeds and Leicester have been quite through, eg full body pat down and contents taken out of my bag, but I have never had my purse opened and it's certainly bigger than a man's wallet. Just about all grounds they search bags, I just have a small bag, probably only 20% or less I've been patted down or asked what was in my pockets. Before anyone says it, I do realise being female most probably gives me a very different experience. I'm certainly not a youngster either. I find most stewards are ok, and some of them even friendly if you are pleasant enough and interact with them.
  5. He did look lively and confident for a little while. Then I think the pressure to score, maybe, got to him and the confidence drained. The harder he tried the worse he got it seemed. He was so desperate to succeed he naturally got greedy and selfish, ignoring the better pass to a teammate. He then got dropped and was then the scapegoat for a while. I don't know if the step up was too big, if his style fits us or what but it isn't working consistently well for us. Surely there must be a player in there, he must have been scouted numerous times?
  6. So who signed him, and how did they get that so wrong. I'm not disagreeing with you by the way.
  7. Very little to cheer about at the moment. Feels very flat from both sides.
  8. I thought that was a cut off for Season tickets. If you are just buying a one off on the day ticket surely it's your age on the day of purchase.
  9. Under 19 tickets are for 18 year olds and younger. UNDER 19, NOT 19 and younger Yes to the senior who is 65, as its 65+, so any age past a 65th birthday. And yes the Downsy info above is correct.
  10. But that's apparently what we paid. It must be for all the Oxford staff not just Manning himself perhaps?
  11. I would imagine there are a lot of 'what if's' yes. Afterall someone could have poached Pearson and half his team and that money would have been set aside to get replacements and not used for players. All this stuff must be considered when setting yearly budgets as you say.
  12. Not bothered about blue, but I wouldn't have blue and white together. As others have mentioned blue toothbrushes in a pack are binned. I do have coloured clothes pegs and when I hang the washing out blue and white can never be on the same garment
  13. I was trying to work this out too. I mentioned somewhere else about paying off Pearson and was told we would be paying him anyway which of course is true. But then we have paid off Pearson, paid compensation to Oxford and additionally manning has to be paid a salary too so that is considerably more expensive than just keeping Pearson. I've heard some figures which i believe. The cost of paying Oxford plus Mannings wages are roughly what we had to pay Pearson to buy up his contract, he was expensive. Add in the other changes to staff and I would think we are in positive balance, financially anyway.
  14. You are there to work, you are a professional. Personally I'm on my 6th Manager in 4 years, and God knows how many Deputy Managers. For clarity I have stayed in the same place, it's them who have come and gone. Each one of them very different, some good, some bad. You deal with it.
  15. Maybe back in the day, as a child. But I guess it's pretty different for him now. With power comes responsibility as they say.
  16. He is absolutely very into Basketball. I think the new arena (home of The Flyers) will be of much more interest to him. Football seems a sideline that he has just ended up with so to speak.
  17. Also, are there ever any real bargains or players available in the Jan window? You would either pay over the odds as clubs know you are desperate or get someone who isn't necessarily your first choice In reality, there can't be many of us who thought promotion was happening this season, and even more so now. I am happy for Manning and his team to bed in, have a good look and spend wisely in the Summer window on what he decides we need.
  18. I find it easier to listen to him than slow, ponderous Pearson if I'm honest. Sounds intelligent and articulate. Good first impression.
  19. Now i'm a bit confused after reading a few of the above posts on here. I thought our players were set up in a system which goes from 1st team right way down through U18's etc. And any change of Manager would be seamless as players were so drilled in this style of play? Now Manning has arrived and people say he doesn't really play the system that we have? Either we have to rip it all up and almost retrain the players or the Manager has to change? Also i notice a lot of comments about him loaning in players, not a thing we are really used to for a while. Again, will this block pathways of players Tinnion is trying to push to be included? I'm all for a fresh start now, but I hope he is allowed to do his job as after all he has the experience albeit at a lower level.
  20. For me it's not so much losing a popular manager, but more the change to Head Coach and the restructuring above. From what i read about Manning I like the sound of him, but wish he was here under different circumstances is the best way I can explain it.
  21. Don't think we will be able to go back in for any more of their players
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