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Posts posted by RedM

  1. 8 minutes ago, Doozerchris said:

    This is there first win of the season right.?

    In the Premiership, yes. They have won a couple of cup games against a French (?) side. Yes it's their first win, but they have been mirroring the football, ie largely playing ok but ultimately being beaten. 

  2. I'm not saying our footballers haven't got fight in them but if I was Lee Johnson I would be sitting them down on Monday to watch the video of this game. Whether they understand rugby or not is irrelevant, they can see how to grind out a win when everything, and I mean everything, is against you. The true meaning of teamwork. 

    For those who don't know Bristol had a player sent off, red carded not just sin binned after only 13 (?)minutes, that decision alone was harsh. Rugby is almost impossible to play a man down for that length of time. The Ref seemed to be awarding everything he could against us as often as he could. 

    Unlike City Bristol were never behind in the game, but Worcester clawed back points and were only one point behind and we had to go again. If we had let them overtake us we would have collapsed, physically and mentally we had to hold on and play for each other, each man doing his work and more. They gave their all. 

    The fooball team need to get some of this mental belief and sharpen up physically too. We need to be a yard infront on both counts. Whether that's different preparation, training or whatever. Are they having motivational speaker sessions with people who are able to reach them? Maybe they should see if they can take anything from the rugby guys?

    • Like 10
  3. 9 minutes ago, robin_unreliant said:

    Sorry but from tonight and his Hull appearance I think it is pretty clear Engvall is nowhere near Kodjia level. I can see why LJ is reluctant to play him.

    Harsh on Engvall, at least he looked positive and tried to move the ball forward.

    So LJ should continue to let a 19 year old be responsible for the bulk of the goals in a team should he, how many other successful teams rely on this tactic? I personally think we are running Tammy into the ground, if we are going to persist with the one up top then play Tammy for 60 minutes and replace him with Engvall. That way Tammy gets a rest and Gus gets game time. I've no idea if this would work but apart from Wilbs it's all we've got until January at least.

    I'm sure the Brentford goal was scored whilst we were still dwelling on Tammy's miss. And misses they were, open goals when it was easier to score than not, and he still couldn't, making him increasingly frustrated. They weren't great saves, but misses on the whole by all our players. Our keepers SAVED Brentford chances, our players MISSED our chances, that was the difference tonight.

    Brentford looked no better than us, but they took all 3 points which is hard to swallow. I can take home defeats to Newcastle, Brighton, and away defeats to Birmingham, Reading. Away to Huddersfield we should have got more, but beaten at home by Brentford and that performance is my low point so far this season.


  4. 4 minutes ago, yardy said:

    Never really got hold of the game today, we needed more possession and composure on the ball.

    We need to be playing 5-3-2 / 3-5-2 i think this formation suits our squad.

    Gotta be said that Hudders Mooy was class today, never put a foot wrong and looked like he had more time on the ball than anyone else.....premiership class!

    I've watched him playing for Melbourne City 2 years, (on Tv), class player as you say, Not going to get a game at Man City though, Huddersfield are very privileged to have him, would have loved him to be our player. 

    We didn't have much if the ball, and did even less with it. We played well at Birmingham and came away with nothing, today we got what we deserved. We must pick up points st home now, any cushion has disappeared.

    • Like 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, cynic said:

    Maybe he has to show that he derserves a chance - has he done that in the time he's been on the pitch or shown it in training ?


    I was impressed with him against Hull, but as you say perhaps it's not happening in training. Makes me wonder how much we knew about him before we bought him. Yes one for the future but with Kodjia going we needed 'one for now' at the time.

  6. 1 hour ago, phantom said:

    I know I said it before, but see anyone coming up this season - Bristol at worst will escape that way

    That's a good point, heck of a gamble though. 

    The game against Worcester is going to be huge, shame we got Wolves away on the same day. I've been asked to go to Wolves but been there a few times before and it's not a ground I like, best result was a draw I think...at the moment rugby is calling!

  7. 14 minutes ago, MichaelRobartes said:

    It's a fair point, but the only coaches available now are those who've been sacked by other clubs or haven't had a job in a while. It's not ideal, but Bristol have secured a brilliant coach who had lots of offers before signing his contract extension with Connacht in the summer. I think it's a good thing that the club are planning long-term and Lam said as much in his interview. Even if Bristol go down this season, I'll be amazed if he doesn't have them stabilised and playing good rugby in the Premiership within two years. They'll also have more power to get deals done with players for next season because potential signings know he'll be coming in. Several of Connacht's stars have just signed contract extensions after Lam signed his. I imagine they're pretty livid now.

    I have faith in your judgement, if we can stay up we will be a side to be reckoned with with this coach if he is as good as people say. The thought of dropping down and having to do it all again with no guarantee is sickening though.

    i was just putting on here the mood of a few rugby fans I know about. Although the signing @Superhas just highlighted might lift the mood if they are as fickle as football fans!

  8. My husband has been talking to a few workmates who are really into Bristol rugby. They aren't happy, not with the appointment but with the fact that in their opinion this season has already been written off, we will either stay up or we won't, by not appointing until the summer we haven't helped ourselves soon enough. They are pretty angry about it, some even saying Robinson might just as well have stayed as we are just floundering along with no power to bring in players etc. 

  9. 20 minutes ago, Sir Colby-Tit said:

    How about not reading/posting on threads that don't interest you? I've tried not driving minibuses to destinations that don't interest me, and trust me, it works!

    @Robbored, he's got a point. Most threads I can easily deduce what they might contain by the title, although in NTTDS case they can be more challenging to guess!

    • Like 6
  10. 17 minutes ago, Monkeh said:

    gotta defend robbo on this one, oldrosie started a new topic about the goings on and it wasn't even funny, redm just merged it thats all

    I did merge it yes, once it started to go off at a tangent (funny photos) it may as well be lumped in together with the rest.

  11. 9 hours ago, Calculus said:

    Much as I don't like him or them I would have thought 2 consecutive promotions was a decent achievement. Don't think he could be blamed too much for the basket case he inherited.

    That said, he's now callling for investment in the squad in January so that, with UWE, is going to be interesting. Am sure that Wally has wealth on paper - whether he's got enough liquid cash is the question. Methinks not and the truth will out fairly soon. More fun to come for us, IMO.

    In the scheme of things he has certainly done wonders with what he's got. I think they said on tv that 6, maybe more, of the team which got beaten in the cup were from their non league days. He is now as many managers do calling for strengthening in January. He's saying, as again they all do, if you don't invest I won't be able to get promotion/maintain our status/avoid relegation, it's a sort of blackmail/ pass the buck time of year.

    I guess he has asked many times before for players, but the thing is once you have achieved something out of nothing the owners expect it to continue. He may be a good manager at this level, he maybe though bloody awful when you give him a few quid to spend, some are aren't they? I guess by going public with his request he appeases the fans, they can see no wrong in him, but they also feel like that towards Wally from what I understand. My Gas mates truly believe the pair of they walk on water, one or the other if not both are going to sink soon I think. 

    I can see Clarke leaving at the end of the season after a mid table finish, which won't be good enough for many including Wally. He will walk out on them to another club, there will be plenty hoping he can turn their clubs around on a shoestring budget too who might take a punt. The Gas? They will probably end up with Warnock! 

    • Like 1
  12. Got to keep in mind we played a weakened Bath and Leicester team, but the signs were a lot more positive since Robinson left. The crowd were pretty supportive and generally a feeling of the worst is over, we can pull ourselves away from this.

    I think it was announced Bristol have released one player due to injury, Henson can't be far behind. There is talk of more players arriving in January, don't know what is happening to the managers job, (or director if rugby is it called), maybe an announcement will be made soon. Tainton  has done a better job than Robinson did this season, but I think we are looking at a bigger name.


  13. I'm usually a fan of Pack but today u was calling for him to be subbed..but not before Little and Joe. Bobby did ok today, at least he was trying to move the ball forward.

    Too often though players were sloppy in passing,  not finding eachother, and this wasn't down to Reading being quick to intercept. We too often gifted them the ball rather than them working hard and winning it back.


  14. I'd say we have about half the team playing and the rest looking she'll shocked. little constantly out of position, Joe yards behind, lots of headless chickens. can't see where a goal is coming from at the mo. We played well at Brum and got nothing, we not playing well at all here. Tammy looking increasingly isolated.our fans getting a bit restless, a few boos at HT and the team can't argue with that.

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