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Everything posted by GrahamC

  1. I don’t know, in truth. He has been in charge for 3 games, one of which we won. His background includes coaching at other Championship clubs as well as us (Bolton. QPR, Boro) so he certainly possesses a better CV than say Holden. To me though with a fortnight between games it all depends on the prognosis with Pearson because if it is long Covid then we have to look at replacing Pearson, not someone standing in for him.
  2. Absolutely, but to be fair he could hardly say he & NP have been lumbered with a right mess by Ashton, with players like Palmer & Wells on fortunes that don’t offer us any value at all. To me the alarm bells sounded when he admitted Nige had long Covid & from there on I thought it was a damage limitation exercise.
  3. Haven’t listened yet but if he has long Covid then he is going to be absent for a fair while. Employment rights then preclude any sort of statement from Gould beyond the bland stuff quoted on here. If this is the case it is a question of dealing with how he leaves, because realistically he won’t be back this year.
  4. GrahamC


    Guess we’ll find out when Gould speaks to GT.
  5. GrahamC


    You can, but it was Alan Curbishley & it wasn’t even slightly funny the first time around.
  6. GrahamC


    I just looked on the official site, they have a quote from Dan Bentley on November 4th saying “we must show more grit” what is remotely reliable about that? Absolute load of bollocks, Roy the Alien makes as much sense. Fact is at times the official site is like Robins (North Korea) TV, it tells us what it thinks we should hear, not the truth. I have absolutely no idea if Pearson is stepping down either permanently or temporarily through ill health, but if he is, some on here will already know that, so bollocks to the OS.
  7. Plus I think he knew he was someone who would do the complete opposite of what Gould is doing tonight, appear during the good runs & miraculously disappear during the bad ones.
  8. Totally. It is patronising to suggest GT doesn’t give any interviewees a tough time. He played for, captained & was assistant manager of Rovers but Wael still gets the same treatment. Ashton is someone you can understand getting under an interviewers skin, all buzz words and spin, so no wonder GT would sound irritated.
  9. Good for him for appearing on this at a tricky time. Not his predecessors’ style at all.
  10. Boring though, isn’t it? Nothing ever constructive (fairly sure though he has suggested Frank Lampard as Nige’s replacement!). Pretty much every manager gets sacked in the end, so repeatedly saying this virtually from day one & then after every single game (except Barnsley) is ******* tedious.
  11. Interested to see you post this, as it’s not like you haven’t said some variant on it about 60 times in the last couple of months.
  12. Which was (along with finance) a clear factor in NP deciding to release so many. In some respects (though more still to do, Palmer needs to go for instance) we are at year zero now, the squad is far smaller, cheaper, younger & to some extent, Pearson’s. After some promising early signs what it currently isn’t though is well enough organised or mentally robust.
  13. To be pedantic Tanner has played 65 times at L2 level, which certainly isn’t a handful, but you are right, expecting him to make the massive leap in standard & then become first choice RB straight away is a huge ask. The two bigger points are as you rightly say, the balance of experience in the side is skewed (& made far worse on Saturday by the absence of Baker, James, King & Williams), plus if we are to blood youngsters then a gung ho approach that is sometimes suggested by others on here is quite frankly, madness.
  14. I think it’s a really interesting original post. I think my answer is this; My Dad (80 now still goes), he brought me up as a City fan, he’s originally from BS3, I live there now. I’m not religious, politically homeless so what do I actually believe in? My part of Bristol & my football club, that’s what. I used to go home & away for a few years & do a number of away games after that, but managed to kick that habit a while ago. After my family & friends (& work) City are pretty high up on the things that take up my time & think about. I get why people lose interest (often once a relationship becomes serious) or dispirited & stop going, as life is all about choices. What I’ll never understand though is being a plastic Premiership fan.
  15. Watched the highlights this morning, definitely a penalty. Yellow card for me though.
  16. No you didn’t, they were seen walking round the waterfront together, For those of you who don’t think Nige has a sense of humour, he was seen outside The Ostrich..
  17. Surely you can work on this in training? After a physical session then have the defence & a midfield player or two try to defend for short, sharp spells against superior numbers. Analyse where players are out of position? Who looks like they can handle this & who cannot? This might seem like hindsight but again yesterday we didn’t use our 3rd sub, at HT a point looked like a poor outcome but by the 90th minute we would have taken it. Bringing on Simpson for his experience to try to see it out or even Bell for a tiring Martin to break the game up. Agree though the fact that this is happening so often is worrying.
  18. Pretty handy in the transfer market! Have a look at his record at Boro, it is shocking. Chuba Akpom & £1m on Ikpeazu for starters..
  19. We all love a trier but Tanner is becoming a bit untouchable on here. What on earth was he doing for the second goal? Nowhere near quick enough to block the shot that went in. At fault (with Vyner) for Birmingham’s second, too.
  20. A few weeks ago I would have said there was no chance of this but Smith is on very dodgy ground & probably doesn’t have too much goodwill left at Villa. All depends to me on Pearson’s illness, & some management of Fleming’s role, seeing as he has been made assistant manager, not first team coach.
  21. Good to hear, at least it seems like one positive. Not going to lie, he has frustrated the hell out of me at times but if the penny has now dropped, that’s great. I genuinely don’t care who does well, these players aren’t my mates, so whoever does so deserves support, let’s face it, those doing so are few & far between at present.
  22. This is fantasy land. Still it makes a change from Weimann being the problem, I suppose.
  23. The number of points we have is the number we deserve, it is absolute bollocks to say anything different. You continually point out games when we were lucky but never include those when we were not. How many points did we deserve (in your terms) from Blackpool & Forest at home?
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