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formerly known as ivan

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Everything posted by formerly known as ivan

  1. Stop trying to play out from the back??? Are you joking??? Are you telling me you don’t enjoy seeing Vyner get the ball from MO’L, only for him to play a pass to the opposition 10 yards ahead of him?
  2. It’s been said before, there was never going to be a new manager bounce as we were not in need of one. We weren’t on a downward spiral like what is usually the case when a club fire a manager.
  3. I got slated when I compared Manning to Lee Johnson… unfortunately it seems they are more similar than even I imagined! However, please remember you are not allowed to criticise the club, players or head coach under any circumstances.
  4. Can do one! If you are getting outclassed on the pitch and you have a chance to lump one into the box with a free kick 20 yards in their half, do it!!! How many times were we in a position like this and three passes later it’s back with Max or we’ve given away possession! FFS!!!
  5. Interesting to see how the fans react to him but seems like the board are taking much of the stick (surprise surprise!)
  6. We as long as we bring someone else in as well today! Someone who actually stays at the club.
  7. Cus you offer him what he wants, much like why he is signing now
  8. Ok, minimal fee then… Do you think we are paying less now than they would get in the summer?
  9. Hence my point, he either wants to come here or he doesn’t. If he does he will be happy to wait until the summer!
  10. Then wait to the summer and pay nothing then given that’s when we will have him anyway?
  11. What is it with signing someone and loaning them back ffs! If he can benefit us now then why isn’t he staying with us. If we are doing this to ensure we get him before he is OOC in the summer, then he isn’t that bothered about signing for us to begin with surely if going elsewhere is a possibility???
  12. Can you back this up? I recall the Sunderland game, two worldie saves. What other games has he won us points?
  13. The sacking of NP, quotes from the board about squad being good enough for promotion, top 10 budget in the league, appointing a young forward thinking head coach… I know I am hanging on the words/actions of our board but this is what they have set themselves up for. After everything that has happened over the last 4 to 6 months, we are entitled to believe we deserve more than what we are getting.
  14. Valid, we will agree on that at least
  15. Oh dear! You say watch the game with your eyes yet can’t see what’s right in front of you.
  16. Each to their own I guess. Some people want more than mediocre…
  17. Not when talking about points per game! If you really want to include cup games then what is the win ratio? I can’t be arsed to work that out as to me the cup games are irrelevant! Was Lee Johnson a good manger cus he beat Man Utd?
  18. Fans would love to be proved wrong. If not I would question why you would even call yourself a fan it. Max has proved no one wrong!
  19. I don’t get this logic… Everyone wants to see the players perform, but especially when they come up through the ranks. Sometimes you have to say they aren’t of the standard needed. Max is a good league one keeper and a decent back up at championship level. That’s the reality! As many as he wants it would seem!
  20. And that reputation is currently a couple of decent cup performances vs not having won in the league since 26th December! What’s you point?
  21. Cup games are one offs, replays aside. You always get the occasional performance and upset. It’s the league form you have to look at for a true reflection.
  22. Couple of decent cup games aside, he has cost us again tonight. Area of improvement needed in the summer if we are to progress over the next couple of seasons. I know fans give him an easy ride as he came through the youth set up but reality is he isn’t good enough for anyone with promotion ambitions.
  23. Its points per game… not sure how you want to include points gained by cup results in that??
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