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formerly known as ivan

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Posts posted by formerly known as ivan

  1. 25 minutes ago, TomF said:

    Anyone tuning into Eddies first card tonight? 

    Yeah, nothing better to do on a Saturday night.

    Looking forward to seeing Wardley.

    However, judging by the early stages of tonight there is no way I would be paying for the Whyte fight in a few weeks.

  2. 8 hours ago, BRISTOL86 said:

    Feeling pretty accomplished today. I set out at the beginning of October to lose weight and get fitter and more active, and was doing really well, but fell back into the habit of eating and drinking too much, and not moving enough once lockdown kicked in.

    At the beginning of June I resolved to "close my rings" every day (Apple Activity terminology for 30 Mins exercise, 12 hours of standing for at least a minute, and 500 active calories per day) in June, and do at least one workout every single day in June, all while running in a daily calorie deficit.

    27 x Weight Training Workouts
    17 x Runs
    11 x Bike Rides

    In total, 32 hours of workout time, covering 259 miles on foot and bike in June with an elevation gain of just under 18,000ft, or around 60% of the way to the top of Everest. Approx 25,000 calories burned through exercise.

    19lbs down since October, 2 inches off the chest and 3 off the waist. Only just set up the scales to measure body fat, and don't think it's overly accurate, but it reckons I've gone from 18.6% at the beginning of June to 17.1% at the end.


    My knees hurt
    I need some new running shoes
    I'm a sucker for hilly runs/rides
    Music is essential to running motivation for me. Since I got my headphones I've done longer runs and don't mentally flag so soon.

    Bad enough seeing this crap on Facebook, don’t need it rubbing in my face on here as well

    • Haha 1
  3. On 19/06/2020 at 09:36, MarcusX said:

    The trick is learning to control those feelings and emotions, if your run is determined by your feeling then work on that. Put some music on, or watch a quick couple of videos on youtube while you're getting ready? Reframing those thoughts is 90% of the battle.

    I listen and read a lot of people that talk about mindset, David Goggins, Ben Bergeron, Ross Edgley and Jordan Peterson (to an extent) to name a few of the mainstream ones. It's helped me target my feelings and know when to switch off that voice in my head, or at least understand why it's making me feel the way it does. Particularly good for pushing through barriers on longer or more challenging runs/workouts.

    On a personal note for me, havent ran since Sunday, ankle felt good for 2 days. 5k run this morning and it's sore again. Definitely got something going on. New trainers are on their way so hoping that will help, think I'll stick to the bike until they arrive

    Strong advice, thanks for that. So much depends on the day I’ve had as well which is why I’m trying to keep to the morning runs so I have no excuses.

    Hope the ankle improves soon. Done a 1.5 mile run tonight with the Mrs doing her couch to 5k and my ass cheek felt good so hopefully back to running tomorrow morning.

    • Like 1
  4. 11 hours ago, elhombrecito said:

    Did my furthest run in many years today (still only just over 10k :laugh:) and whilst it's good for my fitness, definitely not getting any enjoyment out of it. It's just so boring! Appreciate that this opinion won't go down well in this thread :fear:

    I don’t get how you can make yourself run if you don’t enjoy it. Speaking personally here, but it’s when I don’t enjoy it I don’t do it. When I see improvements and hit milestones the energy is great. I know before I even leave the house if it will be a good run or not purely but the way I am feeling.

    As mentioned above, the Mrs is getting into the couch to 5k and running was the last thing she ever thought she would be. She was hating it as it is obviously a struggle making a start but in less than two weeks, with slight improvements each time, when we finished the most recent run a few days ago she actually said at the end of it... ‘I enjoyed that’. I honestly couldn’t believe it. Never thought I would hear those words coming from her mouth after a run!

    • Like 1
  5. Injury question...

    Been doing so light running with the Mrs as she is getting into the couch to 5k and in between those days I’ve been doing my usual 3 miles. Been like this for just over a week now.

    Done one of the light runs last night and everything was fine but I’ve woken up this morning with a pain on my right hand side where the top of the leg and ass cheeks meet. Believe this is the glute muscle? Can barely walk on that leg.

    Anyone injured this before, know what could have caused it or got any advice on how what to do?


  6. 4 hours ago, mozo said:

    If Fury gets through Wilder unscathed, why not Wilder v Whyte? At least he could get a good payday at MSG or Vegas. If the titles are tied up, Whyte needs a big name in the opposite corner.

    High risks for Whyte. If he lost that fight he may never get a title shot. Thing with Whyte though, he has proven he is willing to take the big fights with high risk attached.

    • Like 1
  7. 10 hours ago, mozo said:

    Worth a mention... Nike has a 30% discount on everything including running kit and shoes. I think it last til end of today. Just use the code NIKE30 on the official Nike site.

    It doesn't look like you can buy Vaporfly, but all the Zoom, Pegasus, Downshifter and the like are on there but sizes selling out fast...

    Order myself a new short sleeved running top as  all mine seem to have shrunk from being locked away over the summer months...

  8. 9 minutes ago, One Team In Keynsham said:

    I used to do my runs 1st thing, and for 20 milers it would be as early as 3am. I didn't really bother with much in the way of stretching, but would take it steady to start with. To be honest, I didn't do much stretching after either: I really am not a good example of a runner.

    I didn't particularly like running 1st thing, and generally would do better running in the evenings, but I could always find a reason to not go after work, so getting up and heading straight out means it got it out of the way.

    Sounds familiar, with the exception of the 20 miles!

    Before lockdown I would run 5 miles home after work as it would save so much on bus fares. And during the summer months I would sweat more on the bus than running 5 miles!

    Since lockdown I’ve tried lunchtime runs to get out the house but it’s too easy to not go if I can’t be bothered.

  9. On 20/05/2020 at 13:24, Harry said:

    I used to do evenings after work, but started doing mornings a few years back. Much prefer it now. Great start to the day. 
    Temperature this morning was supposed to be 11/12 degrees, but there was a lovely mist in the air and it felt more like 5/6, so was refreshing rather than hot. 

    For those that do morning runs, do you mean get up and go, or just at any point in the morning?

    I would like to just get up and go for a run but my body just doesn’t feel ready for it straight away.

    Any tips of warm up/stretches for a get up and go run?

  10. I do get where Rooney is coming from. 

    Yes there is the argument that frontline workers, especially those in the NHS, do not have the environment or possibility to work within the social distancing guidelines and out themselves at risk every day. However, this is because their role is serving a purpose and without them we would be a hell of a lot worse off than what we are. You cannot put into words what these people have done over the last couple of months.

    Then there is football. What real purpose do they serve in going back to ‘work’? They are not key workers, their jobs are not invaluable to the health and safety of the nation. There is no difference between allowing them to go back to work and reopening every office in the country and scrapping social distancing. 

    I’ve said before on this thread, take the money it will cost to play out the rest of the season and out it towards the NHS or another worthwhile cause.

    If the Bundesliga games this weekend is anything to go by and games are going to be played at pre season pace then there really is no point.  

    • Like 1
  11. Anyone know if you can have two apps running at once? 

    Wouldn't mind joining you on Strava as long as I can have my usual running app running at the same time for my interval running. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    **** off Rooney- many are working much less lower paid, greater risk.

    Your moaning is neither helpful nor desirable- if you don't wish to play, fine but you forego pay. Not as bad as his article the other month but still..

    Interestingly, I watched some Bundesliga yesterday- some parts of games anyway, dipping in and out and I didn't see a single tackle- dunno if that's due to this, I'm sure there were tackles but it'd be interesting to see data of tackles in games pre lockdown and post.

    To qualify my comment, stuff he writes about football, insight- that's all an excellent read, and certainly this week (not read much of his other columns) but his moaning about restart or expectation for players to take a bit of a hit- mind you Derby got there in the end- does grate.

    Where did Rooney make his comments?

  13. 10 hours ago, Davefevs said:

    BBC report that premier league players out of contract on 30.06 can mutually agree to extend until “end of season”

    I was listening to something on this the other day and the feeling was that players OOC wouldn’t risk continuing to play after their contract end date as it would risk injury. Say you are 30 years old and hoping for one last big contract but you break your leg playing in a game on the 10th July. That would be your career pretty much over at a decent level.

    The advice to players was walk away (apparently they get a month’s severance pay through to the end of July anyway which I didn’t know was the case) take that months pay and get a new club by August.

    • Like 1
  14. Tried Strava, just didn’t like it. I like my Runtastic app that lets me set my own running plan, although I know someone who has downloaded it and it’s now part of Adidas and doesn’t appear  to have the same feature.

    After struggling on and off over the last few weeks, struggling to make 1.5 miles, my last two runs, being Friday and Sunday I have managed to hit over 3.5 miles. Slow but steady progress!

    • Like 2
  15. 10 minutes ago, daored said:

    I didn’t know Brighton had two players who had tested positive - is this recent ?

    Back in March I believe.

    To me it confirms the season should be scrapped and focus put into making next season work. Hand Liverpool the title, they deserve it. Everything else is irrelevant in terms of promotions and relegations. The players aren’t even going to be match fit for a long time, if at all this season, and the rules about distancing and even spitting will make it impossible for them to play football!

    Invest all the money they are talking about it taking to get the premier league finished this season into where it’s needed most. All those tests that would need to be constantly carried out, give them to the care homes and hospitals.

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