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formerly known as ivan

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Posts posted by formerly known as ivan

  1. What is the point in completing the premier league season of there is no relegation?

    I am getting pretty sick and tired at how important the premier league thinks it is. All these suggestions about completing their season with no thought given to the impacts this lockdown is having further down the footballing ladder.

    I want to watch football again as much as anyone else but if that doesn’t include city then I couldn’t really give a shit about what happens with the premier league.

    • Like 12
  2. Managed to get out Thursday, Saturday and today. Fitness has got so bad I am having to run 2 min intervals with a 1 min walk in between each one. Managed to do 3 miles each time but really just trying to build up some level of fitness again.

    • Like 3
  3. What a bellend! From what I had read I assumed he had made a comment about laying one on your misses as an off the cuff remark. 

    Making an actual video on it is next level stupidity! Deserves everything he gets off the back of this.

    • Like 1
  4. Watched the Whyte/Parker fight a couple of days ago. Never seen it properly first time round as I was away for the evening and had little reception so had to make do with watching snippets the following day.

    What a fight that was. Don’t recall much being said about it at the time other than Whyte nearly throwing it away at the death but was a great watch.

    • Like 2
  5. 19 minutes ago, exAtyeoMax said:

    People have to go to work, there’s many hospitals, police stations, pharmacies, vital industries in London. I don’t expect they’re doing it for a laugh. The frequency of trains has been reduced dramatically, there will be an increase of people on each train even though the actual numbers of people have fallen

    Partly true, but there are other forms of transport available in London. Plus I would guess, and only a guess, that not everyone on there has to be on that tube. It’s a London mentality, no one wants to back down as they believe they are the most important.

    London cabbies are struggling at the moment so use them!

    19 minutes ago, exAtyeoMax said:

    People have to go to work, there’s many hospitals, police stations, pharmacies, vital industries in London. I don’t expect they’re doing it for a laugh. The frequency of trains has been reduced dramatically, there will be an increase of people on each train even though the actual numbers of people have fallen

    Partly true, but there are other forms of transport available in London. Plus I would guess, and only a guess, that not everyone on there has to be on that tube. It’s a London mentality, no one wants to back down as they believe they are the most important.

    London cabbies are struggling at the moment so use them!

    • Hmmm 1
  6. 1 hour ago, TomF said:

    Good work,  I'm just considering hitting the roads again.  Wednesday will be 4 weeks since hospital discharge and generally feeling good.. starting from scratch again! 

    Steady build up as and when you feel comfortable with it. Sometimes it’s easy to go all out.

    Starting from scratch is what put me off getting back going again, especially when I only had myself to blame. Still, got to do it and before long will be back to a decent standard.

  7. Went for my first proper run today after having failed a few times so far this year. Having struggled to 2 miles the last few attempts, managed to hit 4 miles today so a step in the right direction!

    Also just ordered this... https://freetrain.co.uk/ 

    Anyone else use it? I find armbands are uncomfortable, either too tight but if I loosen it at all it just moves around. All the reviews on this look good, just hope it fits!

    • Like 4
  8. The commentator summed up Wilder on the stream I watched...

    ”Wilder is in trouble but he has proven he can come through tough tests having done so against the likes of Ortiz and (long pause).... a few others”

    • Like 1
  9. To think this was nearly a year ago...

    Cardiff planning to mark the occasion which I would understand fully it if wasn’t for all the shithousery that has gone on with them since.

    Aren’t they refusing to pay any fee as he was never their player apparently.

    Vile club.

    Did they ever find the body of the pilot?

  10. 9 hours ago, One Team In Keynsham said:

    Managed to struggle out for the first time in months. Basically all running fitness has evaporated and I am back at square 1. Onwards and upwards.

    Got to start (again) somewhere. Keep going ?

  11. 10 hours ago, CyderInACan said:

    Just returning to this thread! 

    My 2019 ambition was to do 50km/month. It started with a 2km run around Greville Smyth Park with my son having not run for a good few months. Once I got back into the routine (and barring a pesky knee problem in late May/early June) I easily exceeded the target. The year ended too with a run with him around Greville Smyth again - a nice way to bookend it. 

    Best month - 140km

    Longest distance - 21.1km (half marathon distance) in 02:05:12

    New 10km PB @ Bristol 10km Race in May - 00:51:52

    Best location - Troulos Bay to Koukanaries and back (Skiathos, Greece) 

    Total number of runs - 149 (mainly outdoors, but probably about 10/15 in the gym when knee injury or horrific weather dictated) 

    App used - Endomondo (free version) 

    Overall distance ran - 1,021km 

    Great feeling to have done what I set out to do over the course of a year as since starting running 5yrs ago that's the first time I have stuck with it for an entire 12-month. Usually it's "train for 10k and have a break. . . " Gave myself a day off yesterday but back out today later on. 

    Also great to see new & returning runners on what is a great thread! 


    29 minutes ago, Masala said:

    Back on it, Chipping Sodbury parkrun will (re) become my regular Saturday morning routine.

    First run of 2020 done lunchtime today. Three miles, slow but I've always been a plodder!

    Feels great!

    Great work guys. Keep that motivation going!

    Tried a run tonight but gave up after less than a mile due to severe lower back pain (severe might be OTT but very painful nonetheless!). This has happened on my last couple of runs, hence the poor performances.

    Anyone else had this issue before? Didn’t suffer at all throughout last year. Only had a couple of weeks off through Christmas so not sure why it has started to hurt so much.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

  12. I’ve had a reality check! Gone from running 6 miles at around the 9 mins per mile mark a couple of weeks ago, to struggling to 2 miles today!

    Best thing to do is to stick with it and hopefully will not take too long to get back to a decent level.

    • Like 1
  13. Hit 6 miles on Sunday. That was with my interval running. Need to work on endurance now.

    I use Runtastic as my app. Let’s you design your own running plan/interval running. Did download Strava the other day and it cost a bomb in comparison. Put me off straight away given the benefits I get on Runtastic which I think a paid just £5 for. Don’t use the full premium version which is about £40 odd a year.

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